Chapter 9

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I rubbed my head and answered the door "hey James" I said almost in pain but trying my best to hide it, "what happened" he asked. "I ran down the stairs, tripped and fell on my butt but I might've hit my head on the side when I landed" I said biting my lip. "Well okay" he said walking in through the door as I stepped aside to let him in.

"So what do ya want to do?" I asked not knowing what to do, "um wanna hang out in the games room?" he asked pointing at the door. I nodded and followed behind him as we entered the room. We sat on the couch just talking about random things at first when James suggested we play truth or dare for fun. I nodded in agreement and asked first because he insisted ladies first.

"Okay truth or dare?" I asked James, "I say truth" he said sounding confidant in his words. "Okay do you have a crush on anyone in school?" I asked hopping to find out the answer from him, "um well first off it's a girl" he said trying to sound cheeky. "Yea so obvious answer the question" I pouted. He laughed "yea okay well it's a secret" was all he said to me.

"Okay sure" I replied before he asked me "truth or dare" he asked. "I say truth" I said sounding cheeky, "okay well do you have a crush on anyone in school?" he repeated the question I asked him back to me. "Yes and I am not telling you" I said, I saw James roll his eyes and sigh "what's wrong?" I asked him. "Nothing" he said putting on a smile.

1 hour later Mum and Dad got home and James's parents came over for dinner which was completely okay. Mum was cooking chicken curry tonight and dad who was like awesome with desserts made his special chocolate mousse. James and I were setting the table while James's step mum was putting the dishes on the bench for us to collect while James's dad was sorting out the cutlery.

After working together we had finished cooking and setting the table and decided to sit outside, dad set up the fire pit and James step dad Bill was collecting sticks from around the yard. We were sitting on the couches and I could tell James had his arm around me so I just rested my head his shoulder. Mum said that after dinner we could roast marshmallows and make marshmallow sandwiches too which I liked the sound of because they were delicious.

So how's school been for the two of you?" James step mum Emilia asked, "It's been okay" I said feeling depressed because it really wasn't okay. "What's wrong honey?" Emilia asked giving me a soft smile, I nodded and I felt scared because I hadn't told my parents about everything that had been happening at school.

"What's with that dark bruise near your cheek bone?" asked Mum leaning in closer to look and immediately I felt terrified of her knowing the truth. "Elizabeth?" she asked again and I felt a tear run down my cheek. "it was an incident at school and Chloe decided it was entertaining to push me around" I stuttered out. "Does the school know?" asked Emilia and I nodded "yea they had a 6 week suspension and it stated when I took the week off school" I said looking down at the floor. Mum nodded approvingly before speaking "I'm gonna go speak you your teacher because is not on" she said sounding stern and Emilia nodded in agreement. I looked over at James and he had a shocked expression on his face "are you serious?" he asked me and I nodded.

We soon went back inside to have dinner and the conversations went back to jokes and laughter which was fun. We all served ourselves and sat at the table to eat and served ourselves drinks as we all joked around to lighten the mood. After dinner Emilia and Mum cleaned up and Dad and Bill were fixing the fire while I bought out the marshmallows and sat down next to James.

We roasted our marshmallows and one of mine caught on fire which freaked me out a little before I blew it out. Soon after Mum and Emilia came out to join us and we ended up playing charades just to have some fun, Melody was in her room talking to her boyfriend and it didn't bother mum too much. "Mad hatter!" I called out "yes" said Mum signalling for me to go next. I got up and looked at everyone and decided to pretend to be Mickey Mouse, it took them a while to guess but then someone got it "Mickey mouse" said James jumping off his seat to go next.

Two hours later James and his parents left to go back home, and I was going back up to my room and got changed into my pyjamas. I went into the games room and chose a movie to watch form the cabinet, I browsed through the DVD's until I came to one I wanted to watch. I grabbed out 'Me before you' and put it in the disc player for me to watch, I sat on the couch and covered myself with a blanket and pressed play on the menu screen.

The movie began and I sat on the couch silently and covered myself with my blanket and lay down in a comfy position on the couch so I could watch the movie. It was finally Friday and like I couldn't ask for anything more. Tomorrow I was thinking about having my friends over for the day so maybe we could watch a few movies. The weather didn't look to good they said it was expected to rain and then clear blue skies on Sunday.

I went on skype and went on the group chat "you guys busy tomorrow? And if not wanna hang out?" I typed in. It wasn't even 2 minutes and I got a reply form everyone in the chat, Taylor: Yes! , Matt: mm sure and cheers for the invite, Vanessa: Absolutely, Brooklynn: Yes, Penelope: ya , Toney: I can't Mum and Dad have plans sorry, Newt: okay, Joyce: Yep, Owen: sure, Blake: Okay.

'Okay then let me just as my parents' I typed back before going to the Livingroom to ask, I walked downstairs and walked down the hall to see Mum and Dad some tea and watching Tv in the lounge. "Mum?" I said waiting for her to turn around, "yes sweetie" Mum said putting down her cup and turning around to look at me. "Can I have my friends over tomorrow?" I asked fumbling with my hands, "Sure darling, you guys can look after yourselves because your father and I will be at work but Melody will be here anyway" stated Mum, "thank you" I said racing back upstairs. I went back to my laptop and replied back "all goods see you guys tomorrow" I typed back. After talking about my friends coming over I ended up just watching a few Dan and Phil videos on my laptop. I watched some videos for almost 2 hours before I packed it away and went to sleep.

The next morning Mum and Dad left for work at 7:30am and Joyce and the others were all coming at 8am and Mum apparently organised that James and his family were coming over for dinner. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a yogurt for breakfast before taking a seat at the kitchen bench. I was eating my Yogurt when Melody came down for breakfast "morning" she said with a yawn. "Morning" I said back to her, "Mum said you were having friends over?" she asked and I nodded.

8am soon came around and Joyce and friends all came over while Melody was in her room doing homework, she said to call out if we needed anything but I said it should be okay. First thing we did was sit in the Livingroom so we could watch a movie and the lucky winner was 'Ghostbusters' the original film which to us was a classic and like awesome. We are such nerds I say but like common who could resist us.

We all sang the theme song as the opening began and we sounded insane but who would really care, if we could burst out music in the school courtyard we could sing to the ghostbusters theme song. We were soon half way through the movie 1 hour later and we now had popcorn that Melody bought out for us and some drinks. We promised not to spill anything or else Mum and Dad would be seriously annoyed.

After the movie we ended up just being stupid and listening to our music out loud and I know Melody didn't care because she would have her earphones in. Joyce and Taylor were dancing around and being stupid and the rest of us were jumping on the couch with our shoes off. The guys were doing there guitar solos and they made it look so real but then again Newt and Owen both actually own electric guitars and knew how to play.

2 hours past and by then Mum and Dad were back and my friends had all left, we had fun and laughs. Now I had to get ready and cleaned up because we were going out to dinner at some Thai restraint with James and his parents. It was always fun when James and his parents came over because for once I was being social at home and Mum and Dad weren't pestering me to.

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