Chapter 28

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The bell had rang and I was in a rush to get to my first exam which was math which was where I could salute my soul goodbye. I got to class early and everyone else showed up after, and we had a mr. Piccadilly supervising our exam, I got out the books I would need and revised once we got into the classroom. We had 30 minutes and that was more than enough time for me. I felt around my sides and realised I had my phone in my pocket and I forgot to put it back in my bag, I fiddled around my pocket some more trying to turn it off and once I thought I succeeded.

I pulled it out discretely and saw a black screen, I pressed the home button and nothing came on. Fantastic a sigh of relief, "books away please" stated Mr. Piccadilly as he came around with our test paper and placing it on my desks. "You may commence with your exam" he said sitting at his desk and the exam soon began, I opened the first page and all I saw was Algebra questions.

2 hours later the exam was finally over to say the least. I packed up my books and left, next stop was to hand in my history assignment and then go do my English speech and then I was done. I had a 15 minute break and then headed off to hand in my history and do my English exam.

I made my way over to the classroom and I found James and Ava waiting outside the classroom. Oh someone help me now, I kept my distance and hid behind the lockers out of their sight. I then felt myself jump when someone tapped my shoulder, I spun around on my heels to see Matt, Penelope, Owen and Vanessa.

"Oh what's with the jump and worry?" Asked Vanessa and I averted my eyes toward Ava and James. "Oh sometimes she makes me sick" said Vanessa crinkling her nose up in disgust. "Aren't I lucky I'm going home at 11:20am" I said with a sigh of relief. "You're what!" exclaimed Penelope, "shh your too loud" I whispered harshly to her.

"Why?" Asked Matt as he folded his arms, "well I have no exams after this one and Melody's picking me up so.." I trailed off. "Come on guys it isn't that bad being in study block" said Vanessa in slightly relaxing tone. "Oh well I suppose but we'll see you on Skype this afternoon,right?" Asked Owen and I nodded "definitely" I said.

Mr Jetson soon arrived and that's when I wished I was able to run for the hills. "Alright come in take a seat and then we shall start the speeches" He said before allowing us to enter.

A few speeches layer I was up and I hated it. Sir knew about my anxiety so he sent everyone out for drinks and only Owen and Vanessa stayed to listen which was nice. "Good morning my fellow my fellow members of the book club today I would be giving a  presentation on the book Harry Potter and the philosopher Stone" I began and then continued my speech.

At last it was over that was it goodbye speeches and hello silent treatment on bad marks. I texted Melody as I his my phone under my desk telling her I was done for the day and she replied saying to meet her at the office during lunch. Home sweet home yes and it was a Friday so hello Saturday and next week was the last week of school oh lovely and I mean that in a good way.

Apparently the talent show was the Wednesday and I was going to practice when I got home. As well as eat Cheetos,  drink coke and play video games. Lunch soon swung around and I went to my locker got my stuff together and said goodbye see you next week to Penelope and the others before meeting Melody at the office.

I got there and signed myself out and so did Melody. "See you next week Mrs. Brunel" I said smiling at her as she sat behind her desk, "see you lovely"she said waving before we left and went to Melody's car so we could go home. 

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