Chapter 13

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It was only 7:30pm when I got the surprise and shock of my life because Melody thought it would be funny to scare me the way she did. "Hey calm down sis jeez it's just me" she said giggling a little. "So not funny you flipping scared me" I said still trying to control my breathing. "Sorry about that but I thought it would be fun" she said looking down at the floor. I sighed "okay it was a little funny but freaking scary at the same time" I said and she snuck in a smile. "Oh by the way the climbed into the window" she said and I looked over at the window wide eyed, I laughed before giving her a hug. "Well goodnight" said Melody before she went off to bed and I went back to sleep.

The next morning I woke up feeling refreshed and awake, I got out of bed and hopped into the shower and got cleaned up. When I got out I went and got dressed into some skinny jeans and my Star wars shirt with my with sandals. I the curled my hair and tossed it into a messy ponytail.

I was ready in 5 minutes and so was Melody who was just waiting by the door because she had already had breakfast and packed both our bags. I just grabbed my lunch and grabbed a red apple to eat on the way out the door. It was 7:20am when the bus came to pick us up, I said good morning to our bus driver Mr. Pond and he was really nice and made and effort to remember everyone's names. James was on the bus sitting towards the back near the window and I sat in the seat in front of him while Melody sat next to Thomas.

As usual the bus ride was a pain and loud that I plugged my earphones in and just listened to Pierce the Veil the whole trip. We soon arrived to school and I was relieved that we were to, I hopped off the bus and rushed off to the school gates. I soon met up with Penelope and she didn't look too happy, "what's wrong?" I asked looking at her expression. I than looked behind me and saw James walking up to us before Penelope ran off.

I looked back at James and then walked away to go after Penelope, I dropped my bag off at my locker and then went after Penelope. I soon caught up with her and she was sitting up in a tree just reading a book, I climbed the tree and sat up next to her. "Penelope?" I said getting her attention, "oh hey" she said smiling at me. "Why'd you bolt off?" I asked moving closer to her, "because I'm scared of what he'll do" she said with her voice trembling.

"What James?" I said and she nodded at me, then it got me wondering "is there more to this story that I don't know about?" I asked and she stared at me wide eyed. "He did yell at me and it was freaking scary" she said looking at her shaking hands. "Are you kidding me?" I asked and she shook her head, I leaned my head on her shoulder and hugged her in close.

"Come on let's go" I said getting off her shoulder and sitting upright in a comfortable positon. We hop down from the tree and went to assembly which was so annoying because we were just going to here rubbish that didn't involve our grade and like it would just be so stupid.

I sat in my seat with Penelope beside me and she was tugging at me for dear life she was so scared, I looked over to the end of the row and saw James and Ava sitting together. 'Just great' I thought to myself, while I was lost in my thoughts I didn't notice that Cyrus was sitting next to me. I looked at him surprised "hey" he said smiling at me, "hey" I said back to him smiling. It wasn't long before Penelope freaked out too "what, why, Cyrus!" she yelled, "hi Penelope" he said being kind. "Um hi, what and why are you here?" she asked and I giggled "I just wanted to see Elizabeth" he stuttered and it was kind of cute.

A few minutes later assembly finished and Cyrus said he had to go somewhere and he didn't say where, while Penelope hurried off to her locker because she was going to be out of school today because of Drama class. I was getting my books out of my locker when I heard shouting and grunting from down the hall, I got my books for history and closed my locker. I then turned around and heard the sound of someone being slammed up against a locker, I ran towards the sound and I almost shed a tear when I saw James and Cyrus fighting and yelling. It scared me as I stood there and watched them fight, "you're terrible to her and why would you say she's a spaz and wired!" Cyrus yelled at him. "Well I didn't say that someone else said it and it sure as he wasn't me" James yelled back at Cyrus. "Yea right whatever you hurt her and now she's not doing to well because of it" Cyrus yelled pushing James away. I walked in closer and stood there watching everything unfold in front of me, and then after a few shoves Cyrus was about to push James again until I yelled at them both. "STOP!" I said in tears as I looked at the two of them, they both looked at me in shock. "Stop fighting please and like for crying out loud I'm not someone worth fighting for in the first place so please stop" I finally said before running off.

I ran to class as fast as I could and still wiping my tears away as I got to class, I made it to history and the teacher was late while everyone else was on time. Great turns out we wagged a whole class because the teacher didn't show up and I was the only one who stayed in case the teacher did show up 'well done goody two shoes' I thought to myself as I walked to the library for my spare lesson.

I signed myself into the library and made my way towards the sofa's to get a seat, I sat down with my legs against my chest as I opened my drawing book and started drawing characters like Sonic, Mario, Yoshi, Toshiro and Phineas. After drawing a few characters I opened to a fresh page and began to sketch a broken flower of a dying flower either way they were the same and I coloured them red and black. I was in the middle of drawing when I heard someone call my name, I looked in front of me and saw James kneeling down in front of me. But I just ignored him and kept colouring the brokenness that I reflected in my drawing, "Elizabeth please look at me" he pleaded. But I didn't look at him "Elizabeth just-" he said before I cut him off "what is it do you want?" I cried to him and he leaned back in surprise. "Look I'm sorry about what you heard okay" he said looking down, "wow real mature you calling me a spaz and wired" I said rather quite mad. "I didn't mean it" he muttered again, "what Ava made you say it is that it?" I said pushing him away from me as I stood up to walk away. But he grabbed my wrist to stop me from doing so "look I didn't mean for you to get hurt and neither did I mean for you to be caught up in this" he said pulling me into a hug.

I sighed and sniffled into his chest, "I never meant anything that was said" he said resting his chin on top of my head and I slowly nodded in response. After that whole scene we ended up going to Media together but this time James would be sitting next to Ava and not me, and it didn't bother me because I had Cyrus to keep me company.

After class it was lunch and everything was normal and James ended up apologising to Penelope for being a douche to her. We decided for lunch to borrow and rugby ball from the sports room so we could be idiots and just interpret how to pass a ball much like the way Ben thinks he's so good at it but we could be just a good.

We went down to the oval and saw Ben and his gang playing an actual game of touch while we found our own spot and started being idiots and pretending to know the rules and how to play yet half the time we couldn't even catch the ball. They were probably all thinking 'why are these wiredos here' well that was there problem in the end.

Halfway through the madness I went to go get a drink form my locker when I ran into Ava who looked pissed as hell. "Hey Elizabeth can you do me a favour?" she asked rudely, "what?" I said sounding irritated. "Stay away from James bitch and like seriously stop trying to steal him away from me!" she yelled before giving me a good push to the ground. She stood there feeling proud but that ended when I stood to my feet and turned my other cheek and ignored her. "Bitch find your own guy oh wait you never will" she said but I tried to hold back the tears and blocked out her negativity. I thought that she would get the message but the she shoved past me and went running towards the oval. When I got up I blinked a few times and rubbed my bruised cheek. I walked back to the oval and from the distance I saw Ava sweet talking James 'gosh does she know how to deal with boys' thought but of course she didn't so it didn't matter.

She thought as long as she was loved was all that was needed and never did the return and I bet anything she would cheat on James too. I then saw Matt telling James something so that Ava couldn't hear. Yet they'd only been going out for a week from what I heard and that she hadn't cheated but still she could if she wanted to. I soon decided to head down to find out what happen and when I got there everyone turned to look at me with wide eyes, "what?" I said back to all of them. "Your cheek it's cut and bruised" said Owen walking over to me to take a closer look at me, I sighed and glared at Ava who was smirking at me. "What happened" whispered Owen in my ear, then I pointed at Ava and straight away I think he got the message. "Why would you do this to her!" Owen shouted with Toney backing him up. Meanwhile Brooklynn and Taylor were trying to calm me down and wiping the blood that drew form the graze. I watched as James dragged Ava into the corner and he looked mad. Then we all heard Ava yell "WHAT! YOUR BREAKING UP WITH ME ARE YOU KIDDING, SERIOUSLY!" she yelled and he stood his ground, "yes we're over I never even liked you anyway" he said with a hint of anger in his voice. We watched as Ava ran off with a surge of anger and tears as James just broke up with her.

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