Chapter 6

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When I got home I ran straight up stairs and cried into my pillows, I just wanted to be alone and in my own little world. With my fears slowly getting to me I could feel my breathes becoming more shallow as I gasped for air. I coughed and struggled for air as I cried I felt like I was drowning in my own sadness. I dragged myself off the bed and walked myself to my dresser and looked at myself in the mirror, I looked like a mess or a disaster.

Those negative thoughts came back to my head and I struggled to get them out, I screamed and yelled as I collapsed on my bed. I soon heard very loud knocking on my door but I ignored it and continued to cry. The door soon opened and I heard footsteps run towards me "Elizabeth" they said holding me to their chest in a hug. I lifted my head a little bit and wiped my tears to see who was holding me, I was surprised when I saw who it was. "James?" I asked with a hiccup at the end. He looked down at me and nodded "it's okay" he told me and I buried my head in his chest and cried.

He soon pulled away and placed his hands on my shoulders as he looked into my eyes "everything is going to change" he said trying to reassure me. I looked away and closed my eyes a let out little sobs. "shh it's okay" he said trying to soothe me and make me feel calm, after a few minutes I slowly calmed down and just laid my head down on James's chest as I returned to my normal breathing.

"Why are you here?" I asked with my breathes slightly broken, I looked up and he looked at me like he was worried and confused. "You weren't in music and Mr. Lawrence gave us homework so I came to give it to you" he said looking down to the ground. I was at a loss for words and I only managed to say one thing "Thank you" I said as I exhaled and closed my eyes.

I soon heard my bedroom door open and I looked over to see Melody looking towards us as she sighed in relief. "Want a snack?" she asked kindly, I nodded and hopped off my bed. I walked into the kitchen with James following behind me. I walked towards the table and Melody handed me a bowl of caramel popcorn.

I grabbed the bowl and walked over to the couch, I placed the bowl on the coffee table and sat on the couch hugging my knees to my chest. "Are you okay?" I heard Melody ask, I looked over to see both Melody and James looking at me with concern. I could feel myself feeling dizzy and sleepy at the same time while my vision was blurring, "I'm fine" I said as I shifted into a new position but failed miserably because the next thing I felt was my body go limp and then hit the couch cushions before I passed out.

A few minutes later I woke up to the sight of my Mum, Melody and James hovering over me, I blinked a few times and looked around which then caused me to go into panic mode. I sat up hurriedly before Mum pushed me down "calm down" I heard Mum whisper, I tried to steady my breathes before asking "what time is it?, what happened?" I asked in a panic.

"Calm down, you've been asleep for two hours" Mum said calmly as she sat beside me and held me in a hug. "I don't know what to do anymore" I cried into my mum's chest, I looked over at James while I rest my head on my mother's chest. He kneeled down in front of me and showed me a kind smile "relax look as long as you have your friends and not let others get to you, you'll be the most care free person you'll ever know" said James looking at me with a kind smile that made me slightly relax.

Mum soon let me go and got up to go into the kitchen to prepare dinner for when Dad got home, I sat on the couch feeling startled and shaky. "Elizabeth, you alright?" I heard James ask, I stared at him feeling feverish and tired "Elizabeth?" he called once more but I just looked at him with sleepy eyes. "I just-" and before I could finish all I could see was black before I completely collapsed and felt my body weight give up on me, and in the background I could hear James screaming out my name "Elizabeth!".

What was hours felt like minutes as I blinked at the sight of a white bright light and a box of lovely white flowers set on the bedside table. I moved my hand that laid on the side of the bed and reached out to try and touch them, I then turned my head to the side and saw my Mum and Dad sound asleep on the couch. The room remained silent as I looked down at my arm and saw a tube that ran to an IV machine.

I attempted to get out of the bed with the help of the IV machine for support as I hopped to my feet and tried to walk around the hall. I made my way out of the room and walked towards the café when I was stopped by someone calling my name "Elizabeth no please go back to your room" they begged, I looked up to see James standing above me. I blinked a few times before nodding and it wasn't long before he swept me off my feet and carried me back to my room while he dragged my IV machine along.

We soon got back to my room and James laid me back down on the bed and pulled the covers over me before putting my mask back on. He brushed his fingertips over my fringe before hopping on the bed and laying down beside me, the sensation felt strange but then I felt the drugs start to kick in and I started to feel woozy as I closed my eyes and drifted off into a quiet sleep.

A few hours later I woke up to the cold air hitting my face and the sight of my mum standing over me, "how are you feeling?" she asked placing the back of her hand on my forehead. "Where's James?" I asked still slightly tired because of the drugs, Mum leaned down to kiss my forehead, "he left for school but he'll be coming back this afternoon" stated Mum as she set a glass of water aside on the table.

The nurse soon came in to check my vitals and well-being "well seems as if you eating too little cause you to faint and your body was weak and couldn't fight it" the doctor stated. I nodded at his words "so how long will I be here?" I asked in a slight panic, "not long maybe a week or two your unstable as of now" said the nurse as she took down notes.

After the nurse left I looked at the clock on the wall and saw that it was now 11:40am and yet I was stuck in a hospital bed feeling miserable. I soon felt tears come down my eyes as I thought about those negative thoughts again, "no darling please don't cry it'll be alright" Mum tried to re assure me but it didn't work.

"I just want to give up and not go back to school" I said to mum as I cried my eyes out, "shh please hon you can't think like that" Mum said placing her hands on the sides of my cheeks. She then pulled back and smiled "I'm not meant to say this but I think James might just have a crush on you" said mum and I smiled with a giggle. "You can't be serious" I said back at her, "oh but I can he cares about you more than you think" she said in a serious tone. 

I felt my cheeks turn hot as Mum spoke of James because the truth was that I really did like him but I felt that it would be wired if I told my parents. So I just nodded at her every word instead, "want me to get you something to eat?" asked Mum kindly. "Yes please" I answered, Mum just nodded before grabbing her purse and heading out the door to buy something to eat.

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