Chapter 2

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The bus ride was so noisy and like I was tired from today, I walked up my drive way and saw my mum's car meaning Melody was also home with my Mum. I walked inside and went upstairs to my room and throw my bag onto my bed before getting changed into some shorts and an ocean blue shirt. I opened my bag to get my science homework to make a head start when I heard Melody call out to me from downstairs, "Elizabeth can you come downstairs please" she called out.

I lifted myself off my bed and made my way downstairs, I trotted down each step before getting to the last three steps and jumping down. I walked into the kitchen to see Melody helping herself to some fruit salad "Oh hey" she said hopping onto the bench top, "What did you need me for?" I asked leaning against the wall behind me.

"Yea Mum wanted me to tell you that we had guests coming over" she said eating another bite of her fruit salad. Mum then came passing through the Livingroom and she looked like she was busy. She then stopped and turned towards the kitchen "you two go get ready there gonna be here in an hour" she exclaimed.

I nodded and made my way back upstairs and into the bathroom so I could get ready before Melody. I washed my hair in the shower and then blow dried it before straightening it. After fixing my appearance I went into my room wearing my dressing gown and picked out my clothes. I chose to wear a knee height light blue strapless dress with a nice bow that hung loose on the side. I put on my cream flats and fixed up my hair and brushed it out before putting a silver headband on my head. 

"Elizabeth?" I heard Mum say from downstairs, I walked out of my room and closed the door behind me before walking downstairs. I walked into the Livingroom and saw Melody setting the table and Mum making dinner, "I'm home" said Dad as he walked through the door. "Honey we've got guests coming over for dinner, so dress nice okay" I heard Mum say giving Dad a kiss before he headed off. I looked around and saw Melody dressed into a knee height cream shoulder strap dress with black flats with bows on top.

"Oh hey, you look pretty" said Melody looking up from the plates, I smiled and walked over to help her out "thanks, you look nice too" I said acting kind of shy. Melody smiled before walking over to the couch to sit down.

I looked over at the clock on the wall and saw that it was already 7:30pm and the doorbell soon rang. "Oh there here" said mum rushing towards the door, Dad came out wearing a green and black checked short sleeve shirt with blue denim jeans. "Welcome please come in" I heard Mum say as she opened the door, Melody and I looked over at the door and listened to Mum talking.

"I heard they have a cute looking soon and that he's really sweet" whispered Melody in my ear. I just nodded absently without a clue of what was going on, I peeked around the corner with Melody looking behind me but I was caught by surprise off guard.

I couldn't believe who it was and it seemed unusual, I rubbed my eyes and blinked "James" I said in shock that he was here. "Oh Elizabeth dear I see you already know James" said mum smiling towards me, I felt a little uncomfortable but I got over it and just smiled back. "Yes Mum we go to school together" I said biting my lip and holding my right arm.

I was kind of nervous now that I saw James and like even though we hang out together at school it felt a little awkward but I didn't mind. "Well come on in" said Mum gesturing for everyone to come inside.

We walked into the Livingroom and sat on the couches while Mum bought out some snacks for us to eat. I was sitting on the couch in the corners next to James while his parents and my parents sat across from us. "So where did you folks move from?" Dad asked passing a drink over to James's Dad. "We moved up from Canberra to the Gold Coast" said James Mum sounding enthusiastic, "well that sounds exciting" said Mum with a small smile.

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