Chapter 38

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Finally 2 weeks later and its week 8, yes! Honestly I couldn't wait to get all my exams over and done with. First assignment to hand in was history before the exam block began and my first exam was maths, but it was open book meaning we could look up the answers. Now it was only 3 weeks until Christmas and I was sitting with Cyrus in the quad helping him revise. "So the square root of 16 is 4 so basically all I'm doing is dividing the numbers" said Cyrus as he flicked through the pages of his textbook. "Exactly" I said and he smiled, " and with algebra it's the coefficient number is the one that stands alone, right?" Cyrus asked and I looked at my math book. "No it's the number next to x" I explained and he nodded.

"Okay I think I got it" he said closing his book, even though I was in the lowest maths class I still wanted to know things off by heart and not rely too much on the book. The bell soon rang and we headed off to maths which all the classes were in the same block doing the same exam so it didn't matter wether you were in the highest or lowest math class. 15 minutes later we were in exam conditions which was no talking and looking at the front of the classroom, I took one look at the test and write my name and date.

I looked at the clock and we had 2 hours for this exam which honestly felt like forever and 15 minutes to look through the test. I took a glance and freaked out quietly and on the outside I look fine no worries but on the inside I'm panicking just looking at this exam. Even with the books I still panicked 'like what the heck is wrong with you Elizabeth' I thought to myself. The timer soon began and teacher said we could start and I breezed past the first page of sums also we were allowed to use calculators, thank goodness I ain't dead yet.
We were soon half way through and an hour to go and I was up to the Algebra part of the test and like some were a breeze and others were like what is this. I looked out the window and saw nothing but leaves blowing across the floor, I just wanted this exam to be over please that would be great.

1 hour later it was over and I was out of hell which yes exam rooms felt like hell because it was quiet and teachers constantly walking around. I got out of the block and we had late break and it would last for 30 minutes instead of 45 minutes which was stupid. Well I only had to wait until Thursday for exams and school to be over because Friday was a public holiday, I went and dropped my history assignment off and then I was free of assignments because media was already done. I got out my phone and texted Melody to see if she could pick me up early and she said she'd ask mum. Five minutes later she replied back saying that I could and I almost squealed, well even more motivation to get my next exam done which was my English speech on books and I found that so annoying because we had already done 3 speeches this year and we were meant to do two.

Sometime later 5th period swung around and I was walking to class with Vanessa and we were listening to 'Swing life away' by MGK featuring Kellin Quinn. We had English which I was literally going to die of stuttering and like even though sir got everyone to leave the class and Matt, Penelope, Vanessa and Owen wanted to watch me which was fine but the speaking I hated with a passion. "We live on front porches and swing life away. We get by just fine on minimum wage, if love is a labour I'll slave till the end. And I'll run these streets if you give me a chance" Vanessa sang with one of my earphones in her ears.

We got to English and I saw James and Ava standing my the door and honestly I looked at Ava and she was twirling her hair and leaning against the wall. I heard Owen and Matt snicker before looking at the smirk that played on Penelope's face. I shrugged my shoulders and we just all stood by the lockers and in the middle of the hall waiting for mr. Jetson to show up. I was making a stupid fool of myself with Owen when I saw Ava and James heading towards us and i now felt a tiny bit awkward. Okay who am I kidding  was really awkward because now we couldn't talk about stupid idiotic stuff, "hey guys" James said breaking the idiotic and funny story that i was just getting to the wired part that Owen was about to make up.

"Um hi" said Matt averting his eyes and looking over at me. I shrugged my shoulders and acted casual but then I noticed something awkward and I saw James looking at at me up and down. Head to toe and I kind of felt uncomfortable i mean isn't he in a relationship. I snapped out of my trance and turned my attention back to Matt and Penelope and just ignored the two especially James. Soon Mr. Jetson arrived and now i was nervous, i felt my body start shaking and i hated Public speaking and okay i have my friends as an audience but i don't think it would be enough.
Sometime later I was getting ready to do my speech and only Penelope, Owen, Vanessa and Matt stayed behind to watch me while Chloe, Ben, Cyrus, Quinn, Brendon, Ava and James went outside for breaks. "Okay um Elizabeth, when your ready" Mr. Jetson said i nodded before owing my speech.

Sometime later i was done and going home because mum gave the all clear to let me go home and melody was coming to pick me up, i saw her car parked up front and i looked closely to see Thomas in the car. I ran up to the car and knocked on the window catching Thomas's attention and he rolled down the window, "hey Elizabeth um Melody's in the office signing you out" he said leaning closer to the window edge. I walked into the office and saw Melody talking to Ms. Beatrice who was minding the front desk, "okay well see you next year" she greeted and i nodded before walking out the door with melody behind me.

Later on we were in the car driving home, mum and dad were both still at work and Melody finished work early so did Thomas. Melody was studying to be a librarian while Thomas was studying to be an animation designer, they sort of both went to university and did some courses online. These holidays we had my cousins from Melbourne coming up Alicia and she was 15, Percy and he was 14 and then the youngest was Taylor and she was only 7. So these holidays i could tell i was in for one hell of a ride.

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