Chapter 21

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The rest of the trip was noisy and filled with wired conversations, Heather was sitting behind me "hey Elizabeth" I heard heather call out and I looked behind me, "yea" I said turning to face her. "Do they ever stop" Heather yelled in a whisper and I knew who she meant, "no sadly" I said and she chuckled. "You like him don't you" she said and I felt myself blush slightly as I looked down.

"It's okay if you do and to be honest I think you two would be a better couple than them now" she said and I looked up in surprise. "Keep dreaming" I told her and she shook her head, "yea kay fine by me man his such a bogan" she said and I laughed.

1 hour later I came to my stop and I got off the bus with Melody and Thomas, "Elizabeth we're gonna be watching movies downstairs if you need us" she said and I nodded as they walked inside. I sat on the porch and took of my school shoes before putting on my gumboots so I could go do the animal chores. I started with the chickens until got up to the horses, most of the chores were to do with feeding but the one chore I loved was spending time with the horse because I could just talk and it would just listen to me.

After completing the chores I took off my boots and put them by the porch seat before going inside that was until I heard a familiar voice call my name and to be exact an irritable voice. I turned around to see Ava and I snickered at the sight of her, she came walking towards me and I stood their slouching against the pole with my arms crossed, my foot tapping against the pole, with a grin plastered on my face.

"Yes" I said and she took a step back before I asked the next question, "Why are you near my house?" I asked and she smirked which ticked me off. I then saw James walk up behind her and I rolled my eyes at the sight of the two of them, "you've turned into waste of my time" I said turning away from them about to head inside. "We were coming to ask if you wanted to hang out with us" said Ava and I snicker. "no thanks" I said and I looked over to see them walking away and I made my way inside, I went upstairs to have a shower so I could practice guitar after homework.

"Elizabeth!" I heard Melody call out and I dropped my stuff on the bed and went downstairs, "Yes" I answered to her. "If you want there's some olive bread to make a sandwich and there's some stuff in the fridge" she said and I nodded before going back upstairs to have a shower. After freshening up I put on some clean clothes and put my dirty clothes in the wash before going back into my room.

I got back to my room and went on my iPad to see if I could find some songs to play and I came across 'The Strays' by Sleeping with Sirens and it was one of my favourite songs. I was about to play when there was knock at the door, "come in" I called out and the door opened to me seeing Dad. "hey sweetie what are you doing?" he asked and I smiled, "playing guitar" I said he smiled. Can I listen to you play a song?" he asked and I nodded as he sat on the edge of my bed. I began the opening of 'The Strays' before singing the first verse, "Hubcaps and ashtrays. I was born but I wasn't raised, The big wheel the black space. Tried my best but wasn't praised. Hell is so close to Heaven, Hell is so close to Heaven" I sang before looking up to see Dad enjoying himself before I sang again, Hold on, don't look back. You know we're better we're better than that, Lost and thrown away. You know we're better we're better than that. We are the strays (woah oh oh), We are the strays." I sang before singing a few more lines before I finished the song.

Dad was clapping when I finished singing and Melody, Thomas and Mum were standing at the door, I laughed a little nervously "hi" I said and they laughed. "Snack" Mum offered and I nodded setting my guitar down. Before they exited from my and I followed after them, we went downstairs and Mum had a bowel of caramel popcorn ready to eat. I grabbed a bowl and sat on the couch in the games room.

I looked through the movie pile and picked out the wizard of Oz, and put it in the DVD player before grabbing the remote and sitting on the couch with the bowl of caramel popcorn in my lap too. I had completed my homework for History which was just to research some stuff about the French Revolution but that was a topic I found to be interesting.

I researched some information on Marie Antoinette and King Louis XVI of France, and I must say it was very interesting. Yet I had to also reference and that was the worst part, I sat on the couch with my legs crossed and a bowl of popcorn next to me.

Some time passed and I was now half way through the movie and I was enjoying it up until there was a knock on the door and I had to pause it. "Come in" I growled and the door opened up to me seeing Melody, "sorry, but hey can I borrow you secret stash of chocolate?" she asked and I glared at her. "No" I said and she sighed, "okay not really but can I borrow your art book?" she asked and I looked at her with no expression what so ever. "Yea sure it's on the top shelf of my wardrobe" I said and she nodded before exiting the room and I continued the move.

2 hours later I had now watched the movie twice on repeat and now I was bored, I had finished up my bowl of popcorn too. I got up and made the dreaded walk to the kitchen so I could clean up, I walked into the kitchen to see Melody and Thomas cuddling in the Livingroom and it didn't look like it would stay like that either.

"Hey get a room!" I called out being a smart remark person I am, they pulled away quickly and looked up at me. "Sorry Elizabeth" apologized Thomas and I looked at him raising one eyebrow. "Continue on but seriously get a room" I said putting my bowl in the sink and they laughed, I ended up getting a glass of orange Fanta before going back upstairs to my room to get my stuff so I could go freshen up.

I plugged my phone into the speaker in the bathroom and played 'Because we can' by Jon Bon Jovi because he was just life. After showering I dried off and got changed before drying my hair with the towel and giving it a quick blow dry.

And then me being lazy after drying it I shoved it up into a messy bun and went to put my dirty clothes in the laundry. Before going back into the games room and switching the channel to the PlayStation 3 and went over to the games section pile, I decided to finally play Slender man because I wasn't a coward and like I was so up for all the jump scares too.

Jump skip to a few Jump scares later and by the 10th I was screaming my head off like a crazy person and my hair was a freaking mess. It was Friday luckily meaning I could raid the fridge that held soft drinks and so I did. I went to the kitchen and grabbed and 2 litres bottle of sprite and took it up to my room and I knew this would end horribly.

I went upstairs and sat on my bed with my laptop and watched YouTube and to be specific Pewdiepie, Dan and Phil and Smosh 2nd channel because I'm a nerd. I was in the middle of watching 'Put it in my mouth' one of Noah Grossman's shows and I was cracking myself up laughing and that with the sugar high I was having on top. They were trying Australian foods and I just found both Noah and Olga Kay's reactions so funny like wow. And yet it made me hungry for a vegemite sandwich too yet I just ate.

I totally ignored my hungry stomach no not really because I went to make myself a sandwich stupid me, but I was going on a date with food again. I walked into the kitchen to make myself a sandwich when I saw Mum "no more food" she said and I sighed. "But vegemite sandwich" I said and she looked at me funny, "well I said no" she said returning her attention back to cooking bacon and eggs for dinner with mash potatoes which was absolute yum. And I was so looking forward to dinner when I heard her mention something I didn't want to hear, "James and his family are coming for dinner and there brining a guest with them" she said and immediately my stomach flipped. 'Please don't that guest be Ava' was all I could think because then that would just be awkward but maybe I could sneak in a guest. "Mum can I invite Cyrus too?" I asked and she looked at me with a relaxed expression before answering "sure thing" she said and in my head I was screaming 'yes I won now to not look like an over the top iced pink cake' I thought yet mainly I wouldn't be blushing of embarrassment so that was awesome the fact that she said yes. I raced upstairs and got ready into dark blue flowy long neck dress with my hair out in it's natural curls before texting Cyrus to come over. I waited 5 minutes from after I sent the text and he replied 'Sure thing' it said and I smiled, 'be there soon' he replied again and I dropped my phone on my bed and did a mini happy dance with my music up loud playing 'King for a day' by pierce the Veil featuring Kellin Quinn and they were both awesome. I was still dancing around my room when suddenly there was a knock at my door and my attention immediately gave the door a death stare 'they better not be here already' was all I could think before the door opened. 

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