Chapter 17

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After getting some stuff from the Tuck-shop which we ended up getting Milo ice cream cups and they were nice, it was almost the end of the day with two more periods left and the two lucky subjects to win was ICT with Mr. Wicked and that was for a double period, lucky me I got to sleep for that lesson because we didn't do much honestly.

The whole class hated the fact that all we heard was flirting the whole time from either Ava or Chloe and it was really annoying. We might've as well just not turned up really, I was already finished with my ICT assignment and had already handed it in really like a good kid. I had free time so I worked on other assignments, I had no media because it was handed in and now no ICT because it wasn't in my hands. I couldn't wait for class to be over because that would be great so I could go home, 1 hour and a half I had in this lesson before I could go home.

The class was quiet because so far I was the only one done and it was kind of boring so I ended up asking Mr. Wicked if I could go to the library just because I was bored. I knew that Brooklynn had a spare so I would just hang out with her to pass the time.

I got to the library and signed myself in before heading to the back couches where I saw Brooklynn and also to my really big surprise Rosita. I walked over and tapped Brooklynn on the shoulder and she turned around instantly, "Hey Elizabeth what's up?" asked Brooklynn patting a spot next to her. I made my way over and sat down next to her "I was bored and had finished my assignment so I asked to come here" I simply said and she nodded, "what were you guys talking about?" I asked and Rosita was first to answer. "We were talking about how much of a pain Ava is" she said with a scoff, "what happened?" I asked giggling at her reaction.

"Well the little bitch wouldn't stop talking on and on about James and how good of a boyfriend he is" she said doing quotation marks with her hands. I looked in disgust "she is such a slut" said Brooklynn snickering. "Yea well she'll learn to change when he leaves her" I said and we all laughed, "You know Elizabeth you and James wouldn't be that bad of a couple" she said instantly making me blush. "Naw do you like James?" she asked and I just coughed and laughed it off, "don't be silly" I said and she gave me a serious look. "Well do you?" she asked again and I tried so hard to back myself out but I only dug a hole, "Come on guys it's nearly the end of the day so what's in it for this afternoon?" asked Brooklynn changing the subject and it worked.

"I'm going to Maggie's party tonight and it's gonna be awesome" said Rosita with a lot of enthusiasm, "That's tonight hmm I thought it was next week" said Brooklynn frowning her brows. "Well yea it's gonna be a blast" Rosita said with a hidden smile, "What are you both doing?" asked Rosita in return. "Well I'm going to the beach this weekend and oddly enough Joel asked me to go with him" she said and we all awed. "What?" she asked in confusion, "he's into you" I finally said and she laughed. "No he's not don't be silly" said Brooklynn wavering off her embarrassment, "You have a crush" I teased and she shot me a glare. I knew that she really liked Joel and this was the perfect chance for the two of them yet everyone in our group thought they were perfect for one another too.

The final bell of the day soon rang and that was it time to go, I packed up my stuff and the three of us walked out the door. Tomorrow was Friday and we all had Sport or were travelling out to represent the school, wasn't really my specialty. Besides I signed up for Badminton and so did Penelope and Brooklynn while the boys signed up for rugby and then Vanessa, Joyce and Taylor all signed up for Basketball. Meanwhile Chloe and the rest of her friends decided to do Netball to thank goodness we didn't choose that sport. I was walking to the buses when I saw James and Ava pass by and believe me when I saw that Ava had a complete snob look on her face like she had everyone in the lower class following her orders. I was walking to the bus when I sensed something fishy and unnatural, I looked around the corner and saw Cyrus standing around with Quinn and they looked awfully friendly like he was flirting with her.

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