Chapter 40

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Finally it's Christmas Eve the day before one of my favourite holiday seasons. And today Cyrus was coming over too, my cousins were sure excited about opening presents and I kind of bought Cyrus a present, nothing big but acceptable. I got into the bathroom first and fixed myself up before getting changed into my three quarter shorts and a shirt that had minions on it and it said 'Ho ho ho' on it. I did my hair into a messy bun and ran down stairs to the kitchen where i found Percy, Alicia and Taylor all sitting around the Christmas tree and Mum and dad were both in the kitchen setting up for Christmas lunch. While uncle Bob and aunt Emma were sorting out the salads.

Our family always had a tradition that at midnight after santa came we would open the presents and Cyrus was staying over tonight for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. I was busy getting the last of the salad dressings when Taylor came running up to me all excited. "Elizabeth someone's at the door for you" she said jumping on the spot and my take is that she ate too much lollies. I went to see who was at the door and when i answered the door i saw Cyrus standing at the door nervously.

"Hey" I said and he looked up smiling, "um merry Christmas" he said handing me a little bag. "Thank you, I'll have to you yours too" I said waving my hand for him to come in. We wondered into the livingroom and sat around the Tv to watch the carols, Melody came around with a plate of snacks to pass around and Mum was still in the kitchen preparing dinner. Taylor came up to me and she looked over at Cyrus curiously before asking a question that i thought would never be asked, "Eli is that your boyfriend?" She asked and i was at a loss for words i mean what was I supposed to say and Cyrus was right next to me. All I managed to do was shake my head in a no and hope she'd lay off, Taylor looked at me tilting her head to the side before shrugging her shoulders and walking off, I looked over at Cyrus and he looked expressionless.

"You okay?" I asked and he nodded without a word, i got up off the couch and signalled for Cyrus to follow me and we went up to my room. We got to my room and went inside before sitting on the bed, I looked at Cyrus and he looked sort of gloomy like something was wrong and he hardly smiled. "Hey what's on your mind?" I asked and he sighed, i looked down to see him fiddling with his fingers like he was nervous or anxious. "Nothing" Cyrus mumbled, i looked at him knowing I was not convinced by his answer. "Want some popcorn or chips?" I offered and he shook his head, "no thanks I'm not all that hungry" he said and i looked at him like something seemed odd. "Have you eaten anything before you came here?" I asked wondering why he seemed so down and quiet "had a piece of slice bread with butter on it 3 hours ago" he said and I looked at him feeling unamused and concerned. "Cyrus?" I said looking at him and i noticed he seemed a little worn out and his eyes were a little red, "guys dinner!" I heard mum call out and i looked at Cyrus sympathetically. He showed a slightly confused look before i crossed my arms and hopped off my bed, "come on your not escaping this meal" i said sounding determined and pulling him up off the bed.

"M'kay" he said and i showed him a small smile, we made our way down to have dinner and i looked at the clock to see the time was 8:30pm. I grabbed two plates passing one to Cyrus and he showed a small smile, we served up our food and sat at the table and i noticed that this was probably something was most certainly wrong. "Hey i can't wait to give you your Christmas present" i said and the corners or his mouth lifted into a small smile, shortly after dinner we had desert which mum made a fruitcake out of her own recipe. Dad also made his rocky road and melody made some sort of chocolate moose which had chocolate and chocolate means sugar high. And sugar high mean more stupidity, stupidity means something else or fun. I didn't even notice that Cyrus and Melody were trying to get my attention and i also didn't realise that i was just staring at the dessert.
"Oh sorry" i said looking at the floor as i felt my face grow hot and it wasn't just the hot temperature heat. I got my plate filled with desserts and went to sit at the table. "Um Elizabeth have you got the duvet set up in your room" mum stated and my eyes wondered away to the floor because i hadn't gotten that down from the garage yet. "No please there's no need i can just sleep on the plain floor or the couch" he said my eyes widened in surprise, "no it's fine, Elizabeth go set up the duvet" Mum ordered and i nodded.

Before Cyrus grabbed my arm stopping me and i shook my head, "no your not staying on the floor because I'm getting that duvet" i said and he gave in and nodded. Later that night it was 12 midnight and i was lying on my bed while Cyrus laid on the duvet but he kept looking up at the ceiling and I didn't get why. We only had to stay in the room for 15 minutes and Mum would text me when time was up all because of the kids and Santa but hey I never minded. I soon got that text when 15 minutes was up. "Come on let's go time to see the presents" i said enthusiastically shaking him to get up. "Come on please i really want to give your your present" i nearly whined, "alright" he said with a tiny hardly see able smile, we made our way into the livingroom. We all sat around the tree and passed around our presents to open and just as i went to open one of my presents i felt a pair of arms decide to hug me. "Thank you for the present" i heard Cyrus said s i looked over at him. "Your welcome i hope you like the video game" i said he nodded, "i love it" he said and i laughed. I then grabbed the present he had given me, i ripped open the wrapping paper thoroughly and once it was gone i saw five things all wrapped in crate paper.

I looked over at Cyrus and he smiled before i went turning my attention back to the wrapped presents. I opened up the first one and i was surprised to see a video game but not just any video game it was Harry Potter and the order of the Phoenix and it was on PS3. I opened the other 4 and two of them were the first two books of Harry Potter while the other 1 was a CD and not just any but Bon Jovi's album of this house is not for sale. Aunt Emma would kill me because she absolutely loved Bon Jovi, i smiled at Cyrus and ave him a hug thanking him. Honestly this would've had to be the best Christmas and it was soon nearing to the new year of 2017 so goodbye 2016.

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