Chapter 4

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I took a week off school because Mum and Dad thought that was the best thing to do after the incident and I was also going to see a Phycologist to help me. The teachers would send me the work that we did and Joyce would walk me through how to do it, I suppose having your friends there to help me in the time you need them the most. 

"Elizabeth sweetheart you have you appointment with the doctor at 11am today so be prepared to head out" said Mum as she was making lunch in the kitchen. I looked over at her and nodded before looking back at my phone to see a message from Penelope.

'Hey Chloe and friends got a suspension for up to 6 weeks isn't that great', I looked at the text and felt a little relieved so much that it caught mum's attention. "Happy I see" she said looking over at me. I turned around and nodded "yes well Chloe and the guys are suspended up to 6 weeks" I said with a tiny smile. Mum nodded and gave me a caring smile "that's great honey" she said putting the dished in the washing machine and turning it on.

I was playing on my phone in the Livingroom when Mum called out saying it was time to go, I felt nervous because like what would I say because I had been clean of self-harm for a month and then it started again. We drove to the doctors and walked inside to wait for 5 minutes before we were called. I walked into Dr. Ratio's office and took a seat near his desk, "so how are you going?" he asked making eye contact with me and my mum. "Well recently she began self-harm again and we were hoping if there was anything we could do about it?" Mum said in concern.

I looked at Mum and then back at the doctor awaiting for his response "well I think that you should best see the psychologist and just see how the treatment goes then come back to see me and they'll mail me the report on her progress" he said sounding very professional. I nodded at the doctor's words and he soon began to examine my cuts and scares. After the appointment Mum drove me to the Phycologist and dropped me off, "Okay I'll see you in 1 hour okay" she said waving as she drove off. I waved back and went inside to my appointment.

30 minutes later I was sitting in a chair in the room talking to the Phycologist about my emotions and thoughts as well as my worries. "I'm just scared to go to school now after what happened last week" I managed to stutter out. The phycologist looked at me worriedly before patting my shoulder. "I heard that you gave back into self-harm and that isn't healthy and from your blood tests you did a while back you've been diagnosed with chemical depression am I right?" she asked, and it was true so I didn't deny it. "Yes" I answered back to her, "okay well how has that been?" she asked squeezing my hand gently. "Okay I guess and better than before" I said truthfully, she nodded and gave me a reassuring smile. "Everything is going to change and be alright" she said to me giving me a hug.

After my appointment I sat in the waiting room because mum came by and was talking to the phycologist about what I told her. I watched the clock to see each second and minute tick by as they spoke inside the other room. 2 minutes later Mum came out and gave me a smile "okay sweetie ready to go?" she asked me. I hopped off the chair and onto my feet and followed behind my mum as we let, we were soon in the car and Mum said she had to do some grocery shopping and I asked if she could drop me off home first. She nodded in approval as she came to a stop at a red light.

5 minutes later Mum dropped me home and I headed inside and went upstairs to my room, I looked at the clock on the wall and saw that it was 2:45pm and school would be finishing now. I sat on my bed with my legs crossed and opened up my laptop to check my emails and sure enough I found 3 emails form my teachers sending me work. Next week I would be back at school and I was scared after last week, I was soon disturbed when my phone buzzed on my bed. I grabbed my phone and unlocked it to see a text from an unknown number. +61 349 284 129, 'hey are you okay?' the message read, it had me curious as to who this person was and how he or she got my number. 'Who is this?' I texted back. I waited a little bit before I got a reply, 'It's James and I was wondering if you were okay'. I felt a lump in my throat grow when I saw that the text was from James, 'I guess I'm okay and how did you get my number?' I typed back. 'Sorry I asked Penelope and I'm relieved that you're okay' he replied. My heart sunk when it hit me that he cared but it also confused me without a doubt. 'When are you coming back?' he typed to me.

'Next week and I'm sort of scared' I replied back to his message, 'don't be you have all the support of people who care, your friends and we wish you the best and want you back' after reading that message I began to cry but not sadness instead it was happiness 'Thank you' I typed back. 'No worries because every little thing is gonna be alright' he replied and it got me laughing that he used a sharktale reference. After talking to James Mum got home just in time, "I'm home" she called out and I ran straight downstairs. "hey Mum" I said walking into the kitchen. "Hey sweetheart what'd you get up to?" she asked, "I was just in my room talking to James" I stated and she just smiled. "I have to say he is gentleman and very kind" Mum said as she put away the shopping and I agreed.

A few minutes later Melody got home and she had bought home two of her friends Kayla and June, they were really nice and I honestly didn't mind them. A few minutes later I was walking past Melody's room when I heard someone call out to me "Elizabeth come here" I looked over to see June signalling for me to come over. I sat on the bed and she pulled me into a hug. "How've you been?" she asked squeezing me gently, I looked up and smiled "okay I guess" I said hugging her back. I looked up at Melody and she could tell what I was thinking "it's okay I told them" she said almost too calm, I just looked up at June and nodded.

2 hours later June and Kayla went home and Mum was making Pumpkin soup for dinner and Melody was outside doing horse riding while I decided to just watch some TV. Dad soon got home at his usual time 7:20pm and by then was when we sat at the table for dinner. A few minutes later we all had dinner and sat at the table to eat. "So how did it go at the doctors and Phycologist?" asked Dad taking a sip of his coke. "It went well" I said having another spoon of soup. I looked at Mum and she nodded in agreement, "aright then but the treatment's working?" Dad asked setting down his cutlery.

After dinner Mum and Dad were clearing the table, Melody was in her room and I was in the Livingroom playing on my phone. All was normal until there was a knock at the door, "I'll get it" I said as I hopped off the couch and headed over to the door. I opened the door and was taken by surprise when I felt a pair of arms wrap around me and I didn't even see their face. They soon separated a little and looked down at me and I gasped when I saw James standing in front of me. "It's so good to see you" he said giving me another hug, I looked over as I rested my head on James's chest and saw Mum and Dad standing next to each other watching us.

We pulled away from each other and James greeted my parents "good evening Mr. Evans and Mrs. Evans" said James politely smiling. "Good Evening James, please come in" offered my moving aside.

"Thank you" said James walking inside next to me, we walked inside and sat on the couch next to James which kind of made me a little nervous but what could I do it was part of how I acted. Mum bought out some hot chocolates and marshmallows and we just watched TV and talked, "excuse me Mum can I just go get changed?" I asked getting ready to move out of my seat. Mum just nodded and I got up and went up to my room to get changed into some sweats, ankled socks and a loose plain light pink shirt.

I then made my way back downstairs and sat back next to James, "Elizabeth dear you'll be alright to go to school on Monday?" asked Dad putting his arm around Mum's shoulder. I nodded and stupidly looked back at James, 'wrong choice' I thought to myself, "yes, of course" I said trying to make the awkwardness fade.

Tomorrow would be Monday meaning back to school hooray definitely not more like why am I going back where hell started but at least I had my friends. Sometime later James left and I was in my room listening to Pierce the Veil and playing my acoustic guitar. I was practicing a cover of circles when there was a knock, I looked up and saw Dad standing in front of me smiling. "That sounded so good" he said sitting on the edge of my bed, "really?" I asked sounding uncertain.

"You sounded great, can you sing to it?" he asked encouraging me, I looked up at him and nodded before I began the first verse. "Listen, Do you hear my heartbeat thump over the monitors?. You pretend to close your eyes, don't breathe in pieces of candy and leaks of light. Paint the floor 'round me' then without hesitating. You took my hand and then we both started running there's no place to go. Another bullet and we both stated running. Both started running too, save yourself don't ever look back. Nowhere to go and so we both spin around in circles" I sang as I strummed the chords on my guitar. "That was amazing" said Dad clapping, I always doubted myself for many reasons and this was due to lack of self-confidence. I looked up and smiled before putting my guitar away "I'm a little tired" I said rubbing my eyes with a yawn.

"Okay lovely well goodnight and sweet dreams" said Dad as I crawled under my cover and he closed the door a tiny bit before walking off, I soon drifted off to sleep and fell out like a light yet tomorrow would be a rollercoaster of events.

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