Chapter 39

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One week later Alicia, Percy and Taylor all came and also aunt Emma and uncle Bob which they were looking after. I was in the kitchen helping mum in the kitchen and Taylor was sitting on top of the counter, and she was helping with peeling the carrots and meanwhile Thomas was showing Percy some new video games and Alicia was watching Tv in the livingroom. "Mum I'm done with the spinach leaves" i said handing a bowl over, "thank you Elizabeth" said Mum taking the bowl from my hands. "We're going to be busy these holidays" said mum and Taylor nodded eagerly, "Santa's coming this Christmas" she beamed and i just nodded. All the Christmas shopping was done and most of the presents were under the tree too.

It was only 4 weeks until Christmas and also Alicia's birthday was the week before on the 16th of December and she Was turning 15 this year. I finished up my chores and Taylor went to see what the boys were up to, well one thing i knew about Christmas was that there was loads of presents, lots of food, Christmas carols, sneaky pranks and long school holidays.

Later after doing the chores I was sitting on my bed talking on a Skype call to Cyrus. "So you have family over?" Cyrus asked, "yea there all over for Christmas" I said. "And you?" I asked and he sighed, "I guess Mum and dad are working so I'm not spending so much time with them" he stated.

"Wanna hang out?" I asked and it went silent for a little bit until Cyrus answered. "Are you sure?, I mean it feels wired you being nice to me after what I pulled" he muttered and I gave him a wired look. "Cyrus if I had a thing against you, then I wouldn't ask" I said and he sighed.

"Alright then" he said and I turned my camera on and smiled. "I'll meet you at the the park" he said and I nodded before ending the call. I put on my sneakers and rushed down stairs and ran past the kitchen where I saw Mum and Melody.  "I'm going to the park to meet up with Cyrus, Mum" I said and she nodded. "Sure thing sweetie just make sure your back before 5pm" she said and I nodded before going out the door.

I walked down to the park where I found Cyrus standing by a tree. I walked closer until I was in distance close range. "Cyrus?" I said touching his shoulder, he continued to look out to the big Gathering of trees. He stayed silent not a word said. "Cyrus please tell me what's wrong" I begged now beginning to have that feeling of worry.

"I don't know what's wrong with me" he finally said and I placed my hand on his cheek. "Nothings wrong with you but is something troubling you?" I asked feeling concerned for him. "I just-" he started and I cut him off once I gently hugged him from the side.

"Look do you want to spend Christmas with me. I think it would be good for you" I said and his tension loosened a little. "Elizabeth" he said with a sigh, "I don't deserve it" he said and I hugged him tighter. "Cyrus don't say that because of your mistakes" I said and I could feel him trembling, "you'll be okay" I said and he nodded. "Would you still like to come over for Christmas?" I asked and he turned to me and smiled, " it would be a pleasure" he said with a small smile playing on his lips and I smiled back at him. But this still didn't ease my worries about him because I could Cyrus was struggling with something but he wouldn't let me in to help him so all I could do is be patient.

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