Chapter 19

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The next day I woke up to a knock on the door downstairs, I was the only one home because Melody had to go to school early so Mum drove her on the way to work. And Dad went to work as normal, I got out of bed and put on my hoodie on top of my pajama top and so my shorts were showing. I walked downstairs and jumped off the last step and stumbled over to the door, I looked at the clock on the wall and saw that it was 7:40am and the bus always came at 8am.

I opened the door and rubbed my eyes to see James standing at the door, "morning" I said with a yawn. "Morning" he said looking at me funny, "what?" I asked blinking a few times. "Nothing just go get ready for school" he said and I walked back inside. I was so lucky that it was Friday so I could take my sweet as time in getting ready. I went back in my room and put on some skinny jeans, a shirt that had a pattern of a dark blue background and black ripped patterns. I put on my black leather boots and I shoved my hair up into a messy ponytail before grabbing my bag and rushing downstairs. By .
the time I got to the door I saw James waiting at the door. "Ahem" I said getting his attention as he stood at the door looking obvious.

"Ready?" he asked and I just nodded as he stepped aside so I could get out and lock up the house before we walked onto the bus. We took our seats and I went towards the back of the bus to take a seat. But I grew curious when James was following we because he didn't go and sit where he normally would which was five seats in front and normally next to where Ava would sit, "James why are you following me?" I asked not making eye contact with my back still turned away.
"I guess I just want to sit near you for a change" he said and I shrugged my shoulders, "what about Ava?" I asked turning around to make eye contact. "That doesn't matter" he said and I looked at him confused, I took my seat and James was still standing above me. "Can I sit next to you?" I asked looking down at the floor, I gave up and just looked out the window "do as you wish" I said and he sat down. A few stops later we got to school and I hopped off with James walking behind me, I got into the quad area and met up with Taylor, Newt, Penelope, Blake, Greg and Joyce who were sitting over by the bag racks.

"Morning Elizabeth" said Taylor smiling, I looked around and saw that the others weren't here yet, "Where's the others?" I asked and Joyce gave me a cheeky look. "What?" I asked as she walked over to me, "come we have something interesting to show you" she said taking my hand and guiding me over to I had no idea where. We soon got to around the corner and Joyce stopped me from walking "stay quiet and just take a peek" she said and I just nodded in response, I rolled my eyes and looked around the corner to see Brooklynn and Joel sitting together just talking but looked like flirting and lots of giggling.

I moved away and looked back at Joyce who had a big grin on her face, "what?" I asked her and she laughed. "They look good for each other no" she said and I looked again and nodded before turning to look back at her.  "They really like each other" I said looking over at Joyce and we both giggled before backing away, we walked back to the others and they looked at us curiously.

"What's the commotion?" asked Taylor as she leaned onto Newt's shoulder, "Brooklynn and Joel" replied Joyce pointing round the corner. "Yea what's the big deal?" said Taylor shrugging her shoulders, "Do you think they'll end up dating?" asked Joyce.

"Maybe I don't know" replied Newt as he pulled Taylor in closer to him, "okay geez get a room you two" said Owen jokingly as he walked towards us. We were all laughing at Owen's grand entrance until we realized that Brooklynn and Joel were walking our way. "Shit" I heard Joyce mumble to herself and I punched her on the shoulder but after she mouthed the words "Oww that hurt" and I nodded.

"What's happened?" asked Broklynn as she looked over at Joyce rubbing her shoulder and the rest of us giggling our butts off. "Nothing don't worry about it" said Owen still laughing, I t was silent up until Newt yelled out "THEY HAVE A THING FOR EACH OTHER!" he yelled out laughing and we all giggled. "Aww come on just admit it" said Joyce and I could see Broklynn was clearly embarrassed, "big deal" she answered and we all looked at her surprised.

I signaled Broklynn to the side and she followed me, we were away from the others than I asked her "what's up with you and Joel?" I asked and she blushed, I knew it they liked each other and something was up. "Did he ask you?" I asked her and she nodded like a five year old, "yep he did" she said excitedly and I smiled at her. "So you two are together" I said smiling at her, "yes but I don't really want to tell everyone because I think it's too soon" she said shyly. "Aww come on your making it sound like you got engaged" I joked and she cracked up laughing at my remark. "Stop that" she pouted and I laughed, "okay well come on let's join the others" I said and she nodded before we headed back.

When we got back I was taken by surprise to see Cyrus and I froze on the spot, "what's wrong?" asked Broklynn as she looked over at me. "It's Cyrus" I said feeling terrified and Broklynn looked at me in shock. "What happened?" she asked standing in front of me, "I think he cheated on me" I mumbled and the silence swept between us.

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