Chapter 5

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The next day I woke up did my regular routine and got dressed shoved my hair in a ponytail and pack my lunch and bag before going out to complete the chores. I fed the horses and chicken as well as collecting the eggs before I heard Melody call out for me "Elizabeth?!" she called out. I finished up quickly before heading back inside to see what was going on, I walked into the kitchen and put the eggs in the kitchen "Oh Elizabeth" Melody said in surprise. "Yes, Melody" I replied curiously, "nothing I forgot now it's okay" she said smiling and I slowly walked away.

A short time later we were out the door and by chance the bus came too at the same time, we hopped on and found out seats before the drive took off. We stopped at other houses which was like the usual and picked up some new kids and by the time we did that it was 8:14am which was almost the new record. 5 minutes later we arrived at school and I rushed to my locker, I unlocked it got my books for first period and then scattered off.

I turned into the quad where I saw all my friends being stupid and completely normal when I was stopped once I heard my name. "James do you like have a crush on Elizabeth?" I heard Matt ask. I waited for his answer, I was scared to know because I really did have a crush on him and like what if he didn't feel the same way. I waited for his answer and what he said shocked me "yea I do and I really like her" he said and I felt my heart skip a beat but somehow one half of me was jumping for joy while the other was confused and unsure.

I stayed hidden until I saw Joyce, Matt, Vanessa and Greg walked off and then that's when I made my move to escape and get to class. We had an assembly and seriously it felt like hell sitting there listening to our principle Mr. Fontini talk about making a change which would never happen. We soon went through the morning notices and Ms. Valentine read them out.

Soon after I headed off to maths class and like we were going to be learning about graphs and such but like it wasn't going to be terrible. I got to class before everyone else like usual and waited until Mr. Bernie got to our classroom. "Good morning Elizabeth" he greeted, "morning sir" I replied, "did you catch up on the work I emailed you?" he asked trying to unlock the classroom door. "Yes sir I did" I replied before heading inside, by then the rest of the class showed up and they were so loud.

I sat in the middle row at the end of the row on my own mainly because I didn't want to deal with others. Halfway through the class I had a terrible headache and I wasn't allowed to sleep because sir would catch me and it would be so obvious.

I put my earphones in my ears to block out the noise and just did my work but really I just wanted to sleep and sleep until lunch. After class I walked off to Home Economics a subject I hated because the teacher was a pain and always complained about me failing but the truth was that she never put the effort in to help me properly either.

"I hated Ms. Crete like honestly she was probably one of the most annoying and easily distracted teacher of them all. I honestly wanted to wag but then my parents would find out by a text message and then I would be in trouble. So instead I counted down the minutes until the bell would ring and class was done, by now we were in class and learning about food and nutrition 'boring' I thought to myself but I still did the work.

I wanted to scream and throw my book at the wall because we had now wasted 5 minutes because she got distracted and lost her train of thought. I took in some deep breathes to calm myself and save my rage and temper that felt like it would explode right out of me.

I swear I was going to fall asleep because she was so boring and we didn't learn what we were supposed to be learning but the class didn't care because they all hated school work and wanted nothing to do with it.

I counted down the last remaining second on the clock "3..2..1" ring, yes finally I can get out of here and go to lunch and get out of the stupid classroom. I put my earphones in my ears and played a whole playlist of Peirce the Veil on repeat while I walked to my locker.

I put my stuff away and grabbed my lunch, I hadn't really spoken to anyone for the rest of today but I didn't care because I wasn't in the mood. I closed my locker and turned around to walk when I bumped into someone, "excuse me" I said hoping they'd move. "Are you okay?" they asked me, I didn't even realise that I had tears running down my cheeks and yet it was because my arms were stinging in pain from carrying my books.

I looked up and saw James standing in front of me and he looked concerned "what is it?" I asked trying to avoid his gaze. "Look are you okay, I'm worried" he stated moving closer to me. I took a step back and sighed "just fine" I said attempting to walk away but it didn't work instead he twirled me around and gently pushed me against the lockers.

I could feel my face getting hot and my arms stinging like hell almost like my mind was in ruins and shards of glass. I wanted to run away and just be alone "let me go" I said looking down at the ground. I could sense James still looking at me and it kind of bothered me a little "no please tell me what's on your mind" he pleaded but I refused to tell him.

"Okay then I'll see you later then" he said taking a step back and walking away from me, I watched him as he walked away before I ran off to the courtyard.

I ran until I came to a big tree that sat in the corner of the yard, I was really good at climbing trees to I adjusted my bag on my shoulder and climbed to the top. I got to the top and sat on a branch and just sat there for a moment before I broke down crying. Sadness, fear and doubt washed over me and I cried until my eyes were red. I laid down on a flat branch and closed my eyes as I continued to sniffle and cry quietly so no one heard me.

30 minutes later I opened my eyes slightly and quenched my teeth together in pain as I head a headache form crying. I sat up ate my ham and cheese sandwich and drank some water as I felt the nice air breeze hit my face. I soon heard the sound of leaves crunching and voices "James wait up" I recognised the voice to be Rosita's. "Yes?" I heard James talk, I listened into their conversation and just watched on because I had nothing else to do.

"James who do you like in our grade?" I heard her ask and immediately I began to panic, I wanted to know his answer but at the same time I didn't. "I um well" he stuttered before he was cut off by Rosita "well you know Elizabeth right?" I heard her mention my name and that made me panic even more. "Yes I do, why?" I heard him ask, "Well she-" I suddenly moved and she stopped talking.

"Damn it" I said to myself, I waited for them to both leave so I could leave without them seeing me. It took the 4 minutes to leave and then I made a run for it, I ran as fast as I could to try and escape from everyone and I ended up at the corner of the library. I walked inside and found a bookshelf slot to sit down, the bell soon rang for the end of lunch and next up I had Music but I wasn't in the mood to show up. The librarian soon came towards me and she looked annoyed "what are you doing here?" she asked rudely. "I have a spare" I lied but she believed it. She just nodded and walked away leaving me alone. I stayed there for the double because it was double music and I just wanted to go home.

One hour later the last bell of the day finally rang and I rushed out of the library to head to the bus, I walked down the empty halls and kept my gaze at the floor. I finally got out of school and boarded the bus to go home. In a few minutes everyone else showed up. I was looking out the window when Melody came to sit next to me, "hey how was your day?" she asked, I looked over at her and straight away she could see that I was not okay. She pulled me into a hug and I closed my eyes as I felt a tear run down my cheek. 

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