Chapter 7

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2 weeks had passed since I was realised from the hospital and they assigned me to come for check-ups twice a month and I would continue to see my phycologist. And like Broklynn had texted me saying Chloe and the gang were back which made me feel terribly scared. I put on my skinny jeans, my metro station shirt with my converse sneakers before I went to my mirror to do my makeup so I could cover up my scars.

I looked down at my wrists in agony and disgrace I honestly was about to enter hell that would drive me mad to my existence. However I had amazing friends that would stand by me. I packed my bag and walked towards the door to meet up with Melody "ready?" she asked turning back to look at me. I nodded in response "yep" I said trying to hide how scared I was.

The bus soon arrived and we boarded, I walked down the bus and I looked over to see James patting a seat next to him. I took the seat and sat next to him, "hey how are you?" he asked putting an arm around my shoulder. I looked at his hand and felt my body tense up a little bit but I didn't do anything about it because it was nothing to worry or care about. I wasn't one of those girls who got so riled up when a guy did something to her and they would freak out when the found out the guy they liked felt the same.

"I'm good and feeling a little better" I said with a smile, "are you sure?" he asked. I looked at him and nodded "definitely" I said as I rested my head on his shoulder. We soon arrived at school and exited off the bus and walked the crossing to get into the school grounds, I walked past the tables with James walking next to me. It wasn't long before Penelope noticed us standing together "wait are you two going out?" she asked with surprise. I looked up at James in confusion and he returned the same expression before we both looked back at Penelope "no" we both answered at the same time.

"Really but you guys would be a cute couple" said Vanessa leaning up against the wall with a cheeky smile imprinted on her face. I gave her the eye because she knew I liked James and was kind of trying to make me crack under pressure. And somehow James managed to keep playing it cool and not freaking out. The bell soon rang and I was so relieved because I needed to see Mrs. Lin the councillor instead of going to PC.

I waited for everyone to leave which they sure did before I could walk to Mrs. Lin's office, I walked down the hall to the very end and knocked on the door. I waited for a little bit before she answered the door "good morning Elizabeth please do come in" she said sounding almost elegant in her greeting. I walked inside and took a seat inside her office "so is today you're first day back, right?" she said as she dug throw he filing cabinet.

"Yep and I'm kind of nervous" I said almost stuttering, I could feel myself shaking as I sat in chair looking at Mrs. Lin, "are you okay my dear?" she asked as she noticed me shaking. I nodded almost too soon okay this wasn't knew for me.

"Yea I'm okay" I said wavering off her question, I continued to stare at the ground as my body began to tremble and I didn't know what was happening to me. I saw Mrs. Lin lean down in front of me and looked up at me. "You're shaking" she said and I could feel myself slowly begin to panic. "Elizabeth dear calm down, take a few deep breathes" she instructed, I nodded and did as she said and before long everything disappeared but I knew it wouldn't last this long.

I soon calm down and forced a smile "I'm okay" I said taking in a deep breath before biting my bottom lip. "That wasn't just anything dear you were shaking and you froze up" she said sounding concerned. "I just-" I began before Mrs. Lin cut me off, "don't worry about it just come see me if you need guidance" she said in a kind and sweet manner. I smiled at her before getting of the chair and making my way to the door, I was about to walk out when turned around to face her "thank you Mrs. Lin" I said and she just smiled and waved as I walked out.

After exiting Mrs. Lin's office I made my way to Home Economics and I wasn't looking forward to dealing with Ms. Crete because she would probably pull out the detention card because I didn't do the work in the emails but who could blame me I was in hospital. I walked over to class and entered in late because of my meeting with Mrs. Lin, "You're late" she said without a second glance almost like she hated me.

I sat at the back of the class with my head buried behind my laptop and plugged in my earphones so I could listen to some songs of Peirce the Veil. A few minutes later I got a notification on skype. I opened up the notification to see a message from the group chat I had with Taylor, Joyce, Matt, Penelope and the other seven people involved. I read through the conversation and giggled at the mini feud that was happening.

'Geez calm down ya humans' I typed as I laughed at their pointless argument 'break it up like come on what is this about?'. I waited for someone to reply when I looked up and saw Ms. Crete heading my way and I freaked out, I closed down skype and I was lucky that I was nearly finished so I just went on a website and did research. "Elizabeth can you show me what you've done?" she asked looking over at my screen. "Sure Ms. Crete" I said trying not to lose my cool at her.

"Okay seems like you're on track" she said as she examined my work, I just nodded as she made corrections that were mainly spelling and grammar. She soon left and I felt like I could breathe again and I wasn't being joked and slowly sinking under her gaze. "Okay can I get you all to look up the qualities of a Japanese diet" Ms. Crete requested as she write down instructions on the board.

The second half of the lesson soon came by and I looked over at the clock and sighed "45 minutes left I guess" I said to myself. I opened up the internet browser on my laptop and looked up what Ms. Crete asked us to do and it turns out that there was almost no meats in the diet. I looked further and referenced my sources and I ended up writing a whole report of summery points surprisingly. At the end of the lesson I emailed my work to her and packed up my books and laptop before Ms. Crete dismissed us from class. Two hours later I finished Math class and I walked to my locker to get my lunch and put my stuff away, I was so relieved that I could catch a break and like I was starving too. I sat at our groups usual spot and then sure enough everyone else came to join me for lunch too.

A few minutes later it was crazy like Joyce and Matt were arguing over weather in the next class the assignment for the term would be handed out or not. Honestly I think not all assignments are always handed out in the 2nd or 3rd week of term. I was in the middle of a mouth full of my sandwich when someone tapped my shoulder, I turned around with my cheeks stuffed and crumbs around my mouth and saw James showing me a smile. I swallowed and wiped the crumbs away "hey" I said smiling, "hey, so how've you been?" he asked politely.

Honestly not so good but he probably already knew that and was asking out of concern, "I'm okay I guess" I said forcing a wider smile. I was in the middle of talking to James when Broklynn started bursting out songs on her phone by sleeping with sirens and almost singing out loud with the others. I laughed at her trying to be a rock star and seeing the boys join her was just too funny to watch. We all laughed and sang along in enjoyment when I saw Ms. Lin walking towards us, "Broklynn turn off the music, Mrs. Lin is coming" I said sounding almost worried and in a panic. Broklynn turned around because it seemed like she didn't believe me but the I saw her body stiffen and she shoved her phone n her pocket "oh shit" I heard her say in a hurry.

Mrs. Lin soon came and she seemed cheery and not bothered "so what are you students up to?" she asked. I was hoping no one would be stupid to mention the phone along with us blasting out music in the courtyard. "We were just talking and listening to music" replied Kody, I straight away we all looked away in frustration and shook our heads "what?" he asked looking around.

I tapped him on the shoulder and he looked my way "you were meant to shut up and not say a word" I said back to him. He realised what he had done and we all braced ourselves to get yelled at, but Mrs. Lin didn't yell or say a word. "Okay well you kids have fun, what music is it?" she asked and we all looked at her surprised, "Sleeping with Sirens" I heard Broklynn mumble.

"What?" said Mrs. Lin acting curious, "Sleeping with Sirens" I repeated. "Oh them I love there songs" she said in excitement. We all looked at each other and then back at her "what is it?" she asked looking at us all staring at her. "Are you serious?" asked Greg in shock, "all the teachers hate our music" said Penelope in amazement. "Well I think it's really good and personally my favourite song by them is 'Roger Rabbit' and I absolutely love that song" she said giggling. We all smiled at her "Mrs. Lin you're pretty cool" said Vanessa smiling happily, "Aww thank you dear" she said smiling, "anyway you can continue blasting out your music just not too loud" she said with a wink before walking off. We all looked at each other in amazement, "can you believe it she loves Sleeping with Sirens" squealed Joyce and I smiled back at her happily before pressing play on her iPhone so we could listen to 'King for a day' a song that Kellin Quinn did with Pierce the Veil. 

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