Chapter 36

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Two weeks passed and I was in my room curling my hair and I had my dress laid out on my chair, my silver flats were by the chair. I put my hair to the side and went over to put on my dress and shoes, by the time I finished perfecting myself I heard a knock at the door. I rushed downstairs too excited to see Cyrus, wow classic me and when I opened the door I saw Thomas wearing a tuxedo and he looked handsome honestly. I went to look behind me and I saw Melody looking beautiful as ever as she made her way down the stairs. Classic Mum took photos because she loved to treasure the moment. I walked outside and stepped onto the balcony porch looking over at the horses when I saw another car roll up, I looked closely and then the door opened and out stepped Cyrus. He wore a tuxedo with a tie instead of a bow tie but he looked cute and he had a small bunch of blue flowers in his hand. "You look beautiful" he said once he got closer, I took the flowers from him and I hadn't even noticed that Thomas and Melody were right behind us.

"Aww you two look adorable" Melody squealed, I looked up at Cyrus and he smiled. We soon took the photos before we were in the car and off to formal, when we arrived the set for the formal looked enchanted and the theme was was fantasy looking. Most people were already dancing and taking photos, "care to dance?" Cyrus asked smiling at me. "I would love to" I said and we made our way over to dance, midway through dancing I bumped into someone. "Oh sorry" I said turning slightly not realising I had bumped into Justin, "oh hey Justin" I said as he turned around placing an arm around his date. "Oh hey Elizabeth" he said, I looked at the girl standing next to him and she looked beautiful. "This is Natalie" said Justin and the girl just smiled, "hi there" she said and he accent was something well she sounded American like she was from New York.

"Are you from America and I also mean New York?" I asked and she smiled again, "why yes I am" she said and I was jaw dropped. "Anyway where's Melody and Thomas?" Justin asked, "there over by the drinks and snacks table" I pointed out and they both nodded. "Okay we'll see you around" said Justin waving before he and Natalie walked off, the song soon changed and for one I knew the slow dance was over so now the regular students choice music was on. And surprisingly he had Metro Station's 'seventeen forever' everyone looked to be having a great time and I was enjoying myself too. That was until, "is that Ava?" I heard Cyrus say and I peeked out from behind his shoulder because for one Cyrus was slightly taller than me.

And sure enough I saw Ava wearing a dark blue short knee length strapless dress with a pair of black ballerina flats. And her hair was draped over her shoulder, and for one she was with her ex Jack and that was because Jack's sister Bethany was graduating and she ended up coming to the formal with Mason. I looked around some more until I caught sight of Vanessa dancing with her half brother Corey and it looked adorable, I tapped Cyrus on the shoulder and he turned around to look at what I was seeing.
"Wait a what is Jack and Ava doing here together" Cyrus exclaimed as he looked at the pair who were happily talking by the chocolate fountain.

I smirked at Cyrus and he shook his head and I folded my arms frown, "why not?" I playfully pouted. "Well because I want to dance with you" he said putting his arms around my waist, I put my arms lightly around his neck and we danced slowly on the spot. They had 'pure imagination' on in the background, I always loved the movie Willy Wonka and especially the original one with Gene Wilder. And on stage was Lilly Jones and she was in year 11, she had sang a few songs which were. 'We are young' originally by Fun, 'Still into you' originally by Paramore and lastly she was going to sing 'somewhere in Neverland' originally by All time low.

An hour later Lily was off stage and had finished her songs and the students choice music was back on. And was now playing 'Painting Flowers' by All time low which the song was featured on Alice in wonderland soundtrack the one that was directed by Tim Burton. By this time now it was 9pm and it was getting late so I ended up finding Melody and Thomas saying we were going home and anyway the teachers were clearing out students that the event was over for the night. Meaning Friday was the official graduation ceremony, later that night we got home and both Thomas and Cyrus went home so I went to get cleaned up and then get changed into my pyjamas.

After doing all that stuff I jumped onto my bed and opened up my laptop deciding to watch some walking dead because it was the call of zombies that bought me to the new episode. But then the next thing I never thought the episode would do was make me cry, and it was because Negan was going to have Rick chop Carl's arm off and that did not sit well by me. Oh well tomorrow was Friday meaning it was the graduation ceremony tomorrow and that always went through all of the first two lessons and then we had morning tea. And last lesson of the day was English yes and there was no way mr. Jetson would make us do a bucket load of work. But by tomorrow afternoon I also needed to hand in my history essay and then I was done before doing my exams in week 8 then school was over.

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