War torn love: chapter 1

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Felicity pov
My grandfather served in the army. My father served in the army. My older brother had served and now I was getting to serve my country.

"You be safe," Mum said as she hugged me.

"I will, take care of Grandfather," I said.

"I cannot believe my baby girl is going off to war," Dad said as he hugged me.

"Dad I've got to go," I said as I wiped tears away.

"Don't be late soldier," Dad said sternly, he saluted me waiting for me to salute back.

When I did, he nodded and I walked into the airport.

I was being deployed to Helmand, Afghanistan.


When the plane landed on the landing strip in the middle of the desert. We were then forced to carry our packs to our bunk house.

I went in there were one others cot in my room. I set mine up, and then taped up a photo of my family. Dad, Grandad, my brother Clayton and I were all in uniform, Mum was also standing with us. I took my book out of my bag.

My dad was sending me off with a book he read while deployed. The first one was The Great Gatsby.
I sat down and started reading.

"Hello," a voice said.

I looked up.

"I'm H," he said as he held his hand out.

I put my book down.

"Felicity Jones of York," I said as I shook his hand.

"H of Wales," he smiled.

"What does H stand for?" I asked as he started setting his stuff up.

"Harry," He said. His ginger hair reminded me of the Prince.

"You know we gingers have to stick together out here in the desert. If we don't well fry," He smiled as he held a can of sunscreen.

Yep, he looked a lot like Prince Harry.

I smiled and brushed a ginger strand out of my face.

"Hey, this my seem weird but has anyone told you you look like Prince Harry?" I asked.

"Since the day I was born people have told me that," He laughed.

"Bloody hell, your Prince Harry," I hit the cover of my book with my hand.

"Correct," H said as he sat down on his cot after taping up a few photos of his family.

"What are you doing out here? I mean that's a stupid question. Your here to serve Queen and Country," I rambled nervously and followed it with a laugh.

He laughed at me.

"I'm sorry," I said as I messed with the pages of my book.

"You can call me H, just treat me like another soldier out here. Well come on, we should get associated with the base," He said as he got up.

H offered me his hand, I took it and got up.

We walked around the base, getting associate with the location We would call home for the next six months.

One of our commanding officers came up to us.

"Lieutenants, Lieutenant Jones, I was instructed to give you this," he said, I saw the edge of his mouth turn up as I excepted the box.

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