Chapter 21

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Felicity pov
Kate, Will and I walked into the Sandringham Estates. We were greeted then shown to our rooms.

"Princess Felicity your family and plus one have already arrive and are in the blue room." I was told.

"Thank you." I said.

My things were already in my room. I changed into something more casual. I touched up my hair and makeup up and then went to the Blue Room.

"Hello Felicity." Harry's cousin, Beatrice said.

"Hello." I said as I sat down with my brother.

"Hello you must be Jamie Rose." I said as I shook hands with The girl sitting next to Clayton.

"That I am, and you must be Felicity." She said.

"Felicity how did you know her name?" Clayton asked.

"Mum told me when she came down to London last week." I said.

"Of course she did." Clayton said.

"So Jamie, my mum told me
you are in the military?" I asked.

"Yes I'm a field medic. I was deployed in 2009 and again in 2010." She said.

I nodded.

"Well I look forward to getting to know you." I said.

"You too." She said.

"Come on Felicity play." Peter begged me to join in on the traditional football game.

I usually played, but I played dirty. Let's just say I side tackled Will last year. That same game I went to kick the ball and I lost my prosthetic leg since the sock slipped.

"I've told you already, no I can't." I said.

"Go ahead and play," Camilla told me.

"I can't." I said.

"why?" She asked.

"Because I'm pregnant." I said.

Camilla gasped. "Your joking?" She asked as she took my hand.

"No, I'm nine weeks." I said as I put a hand on my stomach.

"Please tell me Harry knows." She said.

"He does, I found out I was pregnant the same day he was told he was being deployed." I said.

"Well congratulations." She said.

"Thank you," I said.


I sat in the window sill of one of the giant windows. Staring out at the front yard. I heard a throats cleared. I looked and saw a butler.

"This just came for you your highness." He said.

"But it's Christmas." I said as I took it from him.

"It was sent down from Kensington Palace." He bowed to my and then walked away.

I leaned against the wall as I recognized Harry's handwriting.

"Dear Felicity,
Merry Christmas. For me it's still a few days away but I don't know when you'll get this. So if it's a day early or late I hope you understand. I'm proud to say I had my first mission the other day and I have another one later today. As you and I both know very well I can't tell you the details of the mission or any of my missions. But I have a feeling you won't care as long as I'm safe. I'm doing well, I'm wearing lots of sun block. Sadly there's not another ginger for me stick with out here in the desert. I miss you a lot, in your next letter tell me how the baby's doing. I hope both are well.
Ps send sunblock."

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