Chapter 45

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- 9 months later-

We were back in Orlando for the Invictus Games.

My schedule was insane. I literally would have to go from a race, to the next event with Harry. And somehow squeeze a shower in between the events.

I had a race this morning and the opening ceremony started tonight. This race was just a qualifying race for the next round.

"Get ready," the official called.

I held onto my wheels as far back as I could.

"Get set," I leaned forward as I could. I took deep breaths as the official said the magic words, "go."

I threw my wheels forwards as the race started.

I rounded the last bend. The finish line was in sight. I threw my wheels forward and came in first. I was out of breath. I shook hands with the other women in the race.

As soon as I was able to leave, I went back to the house Harry and I were Renting while we were in Orlando.

"Hey how was the race?" Harry asked as he came over and kissed my cheek.

"I won," I smiled.

"Great job," Harry said.

"How was your interview." I asked.

"It went well," He said.

"Let's go see if Mummy's back." I heard Sylvia say as she came in with Dane.

"Mummy!" Dane exclaimed. Sylvia gave me Dane.

"Hey buddy," I said.

"How has your day been?" I asked. He smiled at me.

"Have you been having fun?" I asked. Dane nodded.

"Now tonight you've got to behave, because it's an important night for both Mummy and Daddy." I said to him.

"Ya," Dane said.

After I had showered and got A chance to relax in the pool with Dane till I had to get ready for the opening ceremony. 

I grabbed my prosthetic leg and put it on before putting my dress on.

"Harry can you hand me my shoes?" I asked pointing to the heels.

"Here you go," he said as he handed me my shoes.

I put my shoes on and got the Invictus Pin off the dresser. I pinned it to my dress, then went to the living room.

Nanny Sylvia was playing with Dane.

"Hey buddy," I said As he climbed into my lap.

"Daddy," he said as he pointed over my shoulder at Harry.

"Ya It's Daddy." I said.

"Now Dane, you have to behave tonight," Harry said to Dane.

"Otay," he said as he played with my dog tags. Harry Kissed Dane's head.

"We've got to go," Marcus said as he looked at his watch.

We left and met up with Michele, the former president and supporter George Bush, and actor Morgan Freeman.

"This is Harry and Felicity and their son Dane," Michele said as she introduced us to Morgan Freeman.

"Nice to meet you," he said as he shook our hands.

"We're big fans of your movies," I said.

"Thank you," he said.

Shortly after it started Michelle went up and gave her speech. Then Harry went up,

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