Chapter 17

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Felicity pov
I woke up with Harry. I sat up and realized we were both naked. I used the covers to cover myself. I looked back at my beautiful husband sleeping. I laid back down on Harry's chest. He put his arm around me and looked at me.

"Hey," he said in a husky voice.

Harry opened his eyes and smiled. He gave me a kiss.

"How did you sleep? You were screaming about Trystan." He said.

My blood ran cold.

"I...i don't wanna talk about it." I said.

"Felicity, I know your history is dark, I know Trystan raped and abused you. But you are mine now. You are a princess now and he can't touch now." He said.

I dug my face into his chest. "I'm scared."

"Why?" Harry asked me.

"He always comes back. He always gets want he wants. He doesn't care who he threatens or who's blood he has to spill. He will get what he wants." I said.

"Well that's going to stop. I'm having a few detectives one from Scotland Yard and the other two from MI5. To track him down and bring him to justice. You've said he's in the military. So he should be easy to find." Harry said.

"I'm not sure if Trystan's even his real name." I said as I sat up.

"Well then we'll be able to find that out." Harry said.

I got up and put my prosthetic on with the comforter still wrapped around my body.

"Can we stop talking about this." I said as I walked across the bamboo floor of our bungalow.

I dropped the blanket when I got to the bathroom.

I turned the shower on and took a shower.

When I came out Harry had already ordered Breakfast for us. It had just been delivered for us.

The island we were on was completely solitary. The only way to get here was an hour by boat from the resort. And if the paps wanted to make the journey out here they would have to bypass the patrol boats that were guarding the island.

After we ate. Harry suggested we go swimming.

"Alright did you bring the spf 100?" I joked.

"Yes I did." Harry smiled.

"We gingers have to work together out here." I said quoting Harry.

He laughed. He leaned across the table and kissed me.

We changed into swimsuits and lathered up with sun screen.

I sat on the edge of the dock taking my prosthetic off. Harry was already in the water waiting. I laid my leg on the dock then took the dock off also.

I pushed myself off the dock and into Harry's arms. He gave me a peck on my nose. I pulled away and grabbed the goggled off the dock. I handed a pair to Harry and we swam in the three foot deep water looking at what would swim past us. There was a good number of fish all around us.

I lifted my head to get another gulp of air. Harry also came up. He smiled at me. He leaned over and kissed me. Harry pulled me into his embrace. He fell back in the water. The kiss didn't last long, since we had to come up for air.

"I love you so much." I said.

Harry stood up and picked me up. He carried me back to the dock and set me on it. He climbed up on it and picked me up again.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"You'll see. Now rinse off." Harry said as he put me down in the outdoor shower.

I rinsed off and then grabbed the towel Harry left me. Harry came back out with a tray of fruit. Harry took it out to the platform and set it on the table between the two chairs. He then came back picked me up as took me to the seat.

"Did you move my prosthetic and sock back inside?" I asked.

"I did." Harry said as he tossed a grape into his mouth.

"Thank you." I said.

Harry lifted the bunch of grapes and fed me them as if I were a Greek goddess.

"No more," I said as I covered my mouth so I could swallow.

"Felicity." Harry said as he took my hands.

"Yes Harry?" I asked as I leaned in closer to him.

"I love you and I want to be your protector. But I can't do that. Unless you tell me what I'm protecting you from." He said.

"Tell me what he did to you so I won't do the same. I don't want to hurt you anymore than you already have been." Harry said.

"It all started off with an innocent crush I had on him. My girlfriends warned me that he was sketchy and rumors floated around that he hurt women. But I didn't listen. I tried everything for him to become attracted to me. But once he became hooked on me. It wasn't too our first time till I knew what I had actually gotten myself into. He went hard, I begged him to stop but he kept going. He didn't stop, I passed out. The next morning he was still on top of me." I stoped couldn't continued.

Harry scooped me up and took me inside. I started crying.

"I'm sorry Felicity I didn't mean to make you cry." Harry said.

"He tied me up, and didn't let me leave. I was missing for three days. He would never keep me long. A few days a week at most." I said as my bottom lip quivered.


I laid in the bathtub relaxing, bubbles filled to the rim. Harry walked in, he leaned over and kissed me.

"I'm so proud of you." Harry said as he knelt down next to the tub.

He leaned over and kissed my forehead. I sat up and and unbuttoned his shirt.

"What are you doing?" Harry asked.

"Making and interesting story for our future children." I said.

Harry smiled and took his shirt, pants and shoes Off. He climbed into the bathtub on top of me. Water poured out of the tub. Harry wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close to him. We started kissing. His tongue rubbed my lips wanting access to my mouth. I granted it, but I had to pull away.

"What is it?" Harry asked.

"Please, love me."

Harry smiled.


The next day it rained so Harry and I laid in bed all day watching the rain. "I love you." Harry said as he kissed my cheek.

A/n: that's a bit too steamy for my writing. Anyways I'll try to update soon again.

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