Chapter 74

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Felicity pov
I had been at the rehab center for three months now, I was slowly getting better but my demons were still tormenting me.

I locked Milo in the bathroom, I didn't want to hurt him. I then started punching the wall with my left fist. I kept punching till a few nurses ran in and pinned me to the wall. I screamed as one injected me with a tranquilizer. It started working immediately and the world was spinning.

I woke up with my fists strapped to the bed. It reminded me of Trystan so I started screaming. More nurses came in and Tracy released me from the straps. I crawled across the room. She came and sat with me till I calmed down. I held my hand close to my chest, due to the pain and not wanting anyone to touch it. After it was examined, I learned it was broken. Luckily they got my wedding rings off without needing to cut them. They put a black cast on my hand and then I was sent back to my room. I let Milo out and he came over and licked me. I sat on the floor and held him.

A few days later I was allowed to go back to support groups. I was happy to go back. Melody, was sitting on the floor with a few bottles of nail polish next to her. She was painting Rachel's toenails.
"Felicity, come here." Melody waved. I went over and sat down.
"Can I pain your nails?" She asked.
"I'm not supposed to," I Said.
"Why not?" Rachel Asked.
"Because it's not in Royal protocol. I'm not to have my nails painted except for a clear coat." I Said.
"Not even a nude coat?" Heather asked.
"No, not even nude." I Said.
"Well you're not going home anytime soon so I'm gonna paint them." Melody  Said.

Melody finished Rachel's nails and then she put a navy blue coat of nail polishes on my toes. She even did my the outlines of toenails on my prosthetic foot. We tried painting Milo's nails but he was not having it and we gave up. I sat on the floor with Melody. Tracy let us mess around and chat. It was good for us to have days where we didn't talk about our mental illness.

"Do you ever wish you'd met Princess Diana?" Heather Asked.
"I do, I'd probably turn to her a lot about my mental illness. I know Harry and Will both wish she could have met our children. They claim she would have spoiled them rotten." I said.
"She was so pretty." Tracy Said. "She was, these earrings were actually here's." I Said as I motioned to the diamond studs I was wearing.
"She left most of her jewelry to Kate and I and a couple of her godchildren. Harry and Will still technically have all of it but they like to give us piece by piece. These earrings were a Christmas present from Harry." I Said.
"Their beautiful, are they real?" Rachel Asked.
"Of course they are." I Smiled.

The door to our room opened and Cheryl, the lady in charge of the rehab stood they're.
"Ms. Cheryl, how can we help you?" Tracy Asked.
"There's a phone call for Felicity." She Said.
"Oh no, that can't be good." I got up and I followed her to her office.

She handed me the phone receiver.
"Hello?" I Said.
"Felicity, London bridge has fallen." Martha Said. (A/n: i Heard in a video talking about what would happen when the queen dies, that the procedure was called London bridge has fallen)
"What?" I asked.
"London bridge fell last night in her sleep. She was found this morning." Martha Said.
"Oh my gosh," I Said as I sat down.
"You need to come back for the funeral. It's at the end of the week." She Said.
"Of course I'll come back." I Said.
"We send a jet and car for you. It'll pick you up tomorrow." Martha Said.
"Alright," I Said.
"You can't say anything about it till they announce it. But that won't be till, after you leave." Martha Said.
"I understand." I Said.

We finished the call, and then I hung up.
"I need to go back to London." I Said to Cheryl.
"Martha explained." She Said. I nodded.

I went back to my Support Group.
"What was the phone call about?" Rachel Asked.
"I can't say exactly, but I have to go to London." I Said.
"Really?" Tracy Said.
"Yes, something happened in the family that requires me to return. But I will come back." I Said.
"So I have to take your nail polish off?" Melody asked.
"Sadly yes," I Said. Melody took my polish off and we went on with the session.

The next morning I got up. And did my hair and makeup. I put the black dress on and then my flats. Then realized I needed some concealer on my tattoo. A knock came at my door as I stood in front of my mirror.
"Come in," I Said as I blended the concealer into my skin tone. I was glad the sheer sleeves would help with hiding it.
"Felicity?" Tracy poked her head in the door.
"Hey," I said As I fed my cast through the sleeve, careful not to catch the fabric on the cast. I pulled the sleeve up.
"Your car is here." She Said.
"Oh thank you, could you zip me up?" I asked.

Tracy zipped the dress up. Then I put Milo's best on. He was patiently waiting for me to finish getting ready so I could put his vest on.

I walked out to the car and the driver opened the door for me. I got in and Milo got in next to me. He laid on my feet. The driver took me to a private airport where I boarded a private jet and headed for London.

A/n: Wooh two chapters in a week.

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