Chapter 27

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Felicity pov
I held Amanda close to my chest. This was the first time I got to hold her in my arms. She was so small she could fit into Harry's hands. Harry took a photo of me on his phone.

"Can I hold her now?" He asked. 

"Sure," Harry walked over to me and took he from me.

"Careful." I said. Harry held her in the crook of his arm.

"Hey sweetie. It's daddy." He said.

She started screaming. Harry rocked her to calm her down.

"Don't worry mummy right here." He said to her.

I reached up and took her hand. She gripped my finger.

"It's okay baby." I said. She stopped screaming and she let go of my finger.

Two nurses ran in and took Amanda from Harry.

"Is something wrong?" He asked.

"She's gone into cardiac arrest." One of the nurses said as she put Amanda on a table and started CPR.

"I'm sorry but you two will need to leave so we can work on her." She said.

Harry pushed me out of the room. "Please Lord, let Amanda be alright." I whispered.

Harry stood next to me as we waited for the door to open and the nurses to tell us Amanda was alright.

The door opened and the nurses came out with a sad look on their faces. "Is she alright?" I asked. "I'm sorry Your Highnesses but your daughter is dead." She said.  I bit my lip as I started to cry. Harry hugged me. He let me cry into his shoulder as he held me.

Once I stopped crying. We got to see Amanda one final time before we went to Kensington. We both agreed on a small private funeral of just family.

Harry lifted me out of my wheelchair and laid me on the bed. He stayed with me for a while, till he had to go to an engagement. He told me he'd check on me later.

When he was gone I got out of bed and rolled over to the desk. I opened the draw and took out a pair of scissors. I then rolled myself to the closet since that's where there a mirror I could actually see. I pulled my braid back and started cutting at it with the dull scissors as tears rolled down my cheek.

When my braid was completely detached. I looked at my new reflection. I need to get away. The only place that sounded promising was High Grove. I pulled a beanie out of a basket of hats Harry and I had. I grabbed a jacket, and then left.

I drove myself to the estate. "Name please?" The gatekeeper asked.

"Princess Felicity Duchess of Reading." I said.

"I don't see your name on the list of visitors, your Highness. I can call His Highness and let him know your here." He said.

"No don't bother Charles I'm just going to the garden." I said.

"Alright your Highness." He raised the gate and I drove in.

I parked my car and climbed into my wheelchair, I left my phone in the cup holder. I lowered the ramp and rolled down. I forcefully rolled myself over the grass. I got to the cement and rolled on it till I got to the gravel that led to the spot where Harry had purposed to me. Yet my arm strength gave up before I got there. So I sat and I cried.

"Felicity?" I heard.

I lifted my head from my palms. I was hearing things. I had to walk again. I rest my feet on the ground then pushed myself up yet I fell.

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