Chapter 32

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Felicity pov

The next morning Harry and I got up. And got ready for the swimming event. We were going to watch it.

I did the buttons of the black polo that said Invictus Games In yellow thread. Harry helped me with my sling.

"I think your going to need maternity cloths soon." Harry said.

"I still have cloths from my last pregnancy." I said as I poked him as he put his matching shirt on.

"That's true." He smiled.

"Now come on lets go have breakfast." I said as Harry rolled out of the room.

We went to have breakfast with Will and George.

"Are you ready for today?" Will asked.

"I think we are today's going to be fun. We're going to the swimming event in the morning. Then the driving event in the afternoon, and tonight the rowing." Harry said.

"That sounds like fun." Will said.

"It definitely will be. I'm glad Felicity's coming along." Harry said with a smile.

We finished and left. Today was going to be interesting. Luckily we had no wardrobe changes.

We arrived at the pool, news teams and reporters were there. The van stopped and the door opened. Harry rolled me down the ramp. I had my hair pulled back in a pony tail. Harry and I both had our dog tags on.

We went onto the pool deck. The swimmers were warming up.

"Hey Phoenix!" I heard.

Harry also turned in the direction of the voice that yelled my service nickname. It came from where the USA team was. Harry pushed me over to the group.

"Hey guys." Todrick was among them.

"Hey Todrick," I said as we hugged.

Todrick introduced us to the team.

"Do you know them?" A woman asked Todrick.

"Yes I served with them during their first tour in Helmand." Todrick said.

"Felicity, our friend Rory and I were in a jeep headed to a distress call. I was driving since the two Brits wanted the American to drive the American made vehicle."

"Hey Todrick why did the Siamese twins move to Britain." I asked.

"So the other one could drive. You remember that?" Todrick asked.

"I do."

"I had a good number of different British jokes I found to tell to the Brits at the station."

"His nickname was Jokester at the base." Harry said.

"But we were headed to the distress call, and we were going down a road that was supposed to be mine free but it wasn't and well we were blown away." Todrick said with a smile.

"Prince Harry helped pull the three of us out. So I owe my life to him and the rest of the squad." Todrick said.

We spoke with the team for a while before going around to the other teams. We stayed all morning and it was fun.

We then left in a sports car that had been specially made for Me. Of course I couldn't drive but I could be the passengers

As Harry drove I touched up my hair and makeup.

We arrived at the driving event with wind thrown hair since Harry put the roof down after I'd finished my makeup.

We watched the event and Harry gave the metals out.

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