Chapter 62

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I pushed the carriage, Sofia laid in. Harry walked next to me carrying Dane. Milo was walking next to me. Today was Sofia's christening and it was the first time the public had seen me walking since my last surgery. Harry looked at me and smiled.

"If I could I would kiss you." Harry said making me smile.

"I'm sure Martha would be appalled if you did that." I said.


After the ceremony and reception we went to Buckingham palace to have a small gathering with friends and family. Of course our army friends would be there to celebrate Sofia's christening. Todrick And Rory loved Harry and I's kids as their own.

Since Todrick moved to the UK for his girlfriend, he's also used it as an advantage to help watch our children. He was constantly calling and asking if he could watch our kids while we were at engagements. He had always had a love for children and that lead him to teaching them. He'd studied in the US to be a teacher and completed his studies before moving to London. He'd passed the education qualification tests and earned his teaching degree for the UK. He was teaching at a school in London and he was always asking Harry and I if we could come talk to his class about service dogs, telling them about the protocols that should be known when you see one and helping them understand what it meant to be a wounded veteran. Harry and I had put it on our calendar and contacted the school and not told Todrick. We wanted it to be a surprise.


I finished getting ready in Harry and I's apartment at Kensington. I rolled my stockings over the stump before putting my sock on and and then adding my prosthetic. I crossed my prosthetic leg across my knee to change out my foot so I could add the right foot for my forest green heals that I was known for wearing. I got up and smoothed my dress of the same color and touched up my hair. Milo followed me to the main sitting area and Dane and my mum were there with Harry, Martha and Marcus. Mum had Sofia in her arms.

"You know if you need anything call Nanny Silvia if you can't contact her ask Kate." I said.

"Oh I'm not going to bother Kate. She's got morning sickness and is as sick as a dog." Mum said letting a hint of her Irish accent slip in.

"Alright Mum, Dane be good while we're gone and mine Nana." I said.

"I will," he said. I kissed him and my mum and we left.

We pulled up to the school and the head master were waiting for us. I held onto Milo's leash as Harry helped me out of the car. The head master bowed and shook our hands.

"Please come on in, the students are waiting in the auditorium." He said.

We followed him to the auditorium and Todric was on the stage with his service dog Charlie, Charlie was also a German Shepard.

"Let me introduce you two before you go in," he said.

The head master went in, "I hate to interrupt you Mr. Davies, but we have two people here today that could help you talk about service dogs. May I introduce their Royal Highnesses, the Duke And Duchess of Reading." He said.

The students clapped as Harry and I walked onto the stage. Todrick gave us hugs. The head master gave Harry and I microphones.

"Hello Everyone." I said.

They said assorted greetings to us. "I bet you all are wondering what we are doing here today," Harry said.

"Well, it all has to do with Mr. Davies. You see, Harry and I served at the same base that Mr. Davies served at." I Said.

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