Chapter 69

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Felicity pov
In three months, I had dug myself into a pit. I laid on the floor of the bathroom, with a few of Trystan's letters in my hand.

"I can't take it." I whispered.

I went to the door and locked the door. I went to the tub and filled it with water. As it filled, I got out my razor blade.
"I'm sorry, Harry. But I can't continue." I said softly.

I got into the tub with my tank top and underwear still on. I took my prosthetic off and took all my jewelry off and put it in my prosthetic. I turned the water off and I started slicing horizontal lines across my wrist. I went up to the bed of my arm and stopped letting the water wash the blood away. Tears were streaming down my face.

"I hate him so," I said softly as I looked at Trystan's letters.

I thought about what he said in them as I made each cut. I got to the bend in my arm and stopped. I put the blade on the edge of the tub and I sunk into the water. I close my eyes and wanted to drift away.

"Felicity!" Harry pounded on the door.
I woke up from my loss of blood sleep.
"Yes!" I called as my world was spinning and I had a splintering head ache.
"Are you alright?" He called.
"I'm fine," I lied.
"You've been in there, for three hours." He Said.
"Sorry I fell Asleep in the bath." I Said.

I drained the tub and cleaned the mess up. I threw the razor blade away along with the letters. I took the first aid kit out and I bandages my arms and then wrapped myself  up in a towel. I dried off and put my robe on.
I snuck into the closet and put a long sleeve shirt on. I put pajama pants on and then I went back into the bathroom. Harry was in there.
"Are you alright?" He asked.
"I'm fine," I lied as I brushed my teeth.
"I'm going to grab a quick snack before bed." I Said.
"Alright," Harry said.

Someone knocked on the door. I opened the door and Ava was there.
"Hey are you alright?" She asked as she put her hand on my cheek.
"I'm fine." I Said as I pushed her hand away.
"Are you sure? You look pale." She asked.
"I'm fine." I Said.
"Well I have your meds here." She Said.
"Thank you," I took them and swallowed them without water.

I proved I had taken them and then I walked with her downstairs.

I went to the kitchen and I got a glass of orange juice and cookies. I had given blood before and this always helped me feel better afterwards. I sat in the kitchen for a while.

The next thing I knew Milo was licking me awake as I laid on the floor.
"Hey Buddy." I Said. I hugged him and he whimpered.
"I shouldn't be stopping you from doing your job." I Said as I held onto him.
"But I can't let Harry know." I whispered.

I held onto his collar and we went back upstairs. I got into bed with Harry and Milo slept at the foot of the bed.

In the morning, I got up and decided to do something stupid.  I got dressed and put Milo's service dog vest on. I put his leash on and I grabbed my wallet.

I snuck downstairs and Marcus and Martha were just coming in. They were making small talk as the brewed a pot of coffee. I saw Martha's keys on the counter. I went back upstairs and I went the long way to the kitchen. I peered into the kitchen from the dining room.
"Is this blood on the floor?" Marcus asked.
"Let me see," Martha walked over to where he was leaving her keys available to me.

I ordered Milo to stay. I snuck in and grabbed Martha's keys. I escaped the cottage without being noticed. I got Into Martha's car and backed out.


I drove all the way to London. I went to the big prison outside of town. I parked and went I side with Milo.
"Hi I'm here to visit Trystan King." I said softly.
"Um name?" The guard asked.
"Kelly King, I'm his sister." I Said.

No one had seen Kelly in ten years, no one knew what happened to her.

The guard studied my face. "Do I know you?" He squinted at me.
"Probably not, Ive been in Moscow for the last ten years. I just got back and I wanted to visit my brother." I lied I was glad the hoodie was keeping my identity mostly hidden.
"Alright, just sign in right here." He motioned to a clip board.
I wrote Kelly King and put the date and my sign in time.

They took me back and I sat in front of a glass window. Milo kept whimpering.
"Be quiet," I commanded.

I looked up and I saw the devil sitting in front of me. My hand shook as I reached for the phone.
"Felicity?" Trystan said. 
"Trystan." I glared at him.
I had a thousand different emotions going through my head all at once and all wanting to take their amount of flesh from Trystan.
"It's been a while." He said.
"It has." I said.
"How did you get in here?" He asked.
"I told them I was your sister." I said.
"Why are you Here?" He Asked.
"I've been reading your letters." I said as gripped my fist.
"So you do get them." He smiled.
"I've been stealing them. I don't know why, but Its become an addiction. To know what you write to me." I said. Trystan smirked.
"What does the husband think of you being here?" He asked.
"Harry doesn't know where I am. They're probably freaking out and have the entire MI8 on the case of finding me." I said.
"I don't like it that they keep you locked up in a tower." Trystan said.
"I tried to kill myself last night." I said.
Trystan laughed. "You should have done a better job, and done the deed." Trystan smiled like the sick monster he was.
"This was a mistake," I put the phone up and stood up.
I grabbed Milo's leash and we left. I signed out and drove back to the countryside.

As soon as I got to the property I had security surrounding me.
"Princess Felicity where have you been?" Kenton asked.
"I had someone I needed to see." I said.
"We've been searching for you for hours." He said.
"You should have checked London because that's where I was." I said.

They let me in and I drove to the cottage. As soon as I parked the car, Harry ran out and hugged me.
"Where the hell where you? I was worried sick." He said as he held my shoulders.
"I was in London. I had to go do something." I said.
"What was so important that you disappeared without telling anyone?" Harry asked.
"It was something stupid." I said. "Felicity, talk to me. I know you're not alright." Harry asked as he grabbed my wrist.
"I'm fine, Harry!" I screamed at him. I pulled away and went inside.
"Mummy!" Dane exclaimed.
"Hey buddy." I kissed his and Sofia's foreheads and then went upstairs.

I found a windowsill and sat there all day. Everyone tried to coax a word out of me but I kept to my silence.

A/n: Hope you enjoyed the chapter.

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