Chapter 77

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Felicity pov
I sat on my bed with Tracy's laptop. She was sitting at the little table in my room.

The video call started and Will, Kate and Harry popped up on my screen.
"Hi," I Smiled.
"Hello, love how are you?" Harry asked.
"I'm alright," I said.
"Are you doing better?" Harry asked.
"I'm about the same as I was when I left. How are you all doing?" I asked.
"We're alright, we found out some alarming news today at Granny's will reading." Will said.
"What kind?" I asked.
"Well besides the usual who gets what jewelry and who gets what roles bestowed upon them. Granny declared that she did not want father to be king and instead the crown go to Will and Kate." Harry said.
"What? She can do that?" I asked.
"Of course she can, she was the queen. She decided who would take the crown after her. In her will it said that she thought the people of the Commonwealth wouldn't except father as king and especially not with Camilla as his queen. Apparently his and mum's divorce is still a burning hatered towards him. So he's not going to be king." Will Said.
"Well I guess you're right then Will, my tattoo is wrong now. It should now be for my in-laws and Country." I laughed.

Making them laugh too. Harry was the first to stop and his expression turned serous. When Will and Kate stopped laughing, Harry's expression spread to Will and Kate.
"There was one more thing, Felicity." Harry Said.
"What was it?" I asked.
"Granny said that if your mental health continues to decline and you get to the point you are unable to fulfill your duties as a princess and a mother then we are to get a divorce." Harry Said.
"No!" I said firmly.

Tracy stood up and Milo got on the bed with me.
"She can't do that to us!" I exclaimed.
"She can't take you away from me!" I yelled as tears started streaming down my face.
"Felicity," Tracy came over to me.

She moved the laptop and I started feeling like I couldn't breath.
"Felicity love, just breath. Deep breaths. You're not going to loose Harry." Tracy Said.

Harry pov
I watched as The woman who I presumed to be Tracy tried to calm down Felicity as she hyperventilated. She was also storming Milo methodically.
"Felicity just breath."

Kate muted the call so Felicity couldn't hear us.
"I told you not to tell her." Kate said.
"I know, but she ought to know." I Said.
"Harry she's hyperventilating, she wasn't ready for that kind of news." Will Said.
"Ava told you not to tell her that. Not while she's unstable." Will Said.
"I thought she could take it, she seemed stable last week." I Said.
"But we both heard her say she wasn't."
"Lads, Tracy's trying to get our attention." Kate said then Unmuted the conversation.

Felicity was on the floor behind Tracy, with Milo in her lap. She looked like she wasn't there. Like she was just staring off into space.

"Next time let me know before you drop a bomb on her like that." Tracy scolded.
"Tracy." Felicity said in a shaky voice.
"What is it love?"

Milo was now on alert. He started barking at Tracy which I knew wasn't good because the next thing I knew Felicity was slumped over unconscious.
"Felicity!" I exclaimed As Tracy went to her side.

Tracy brought Felicity back from unconsciousness, then got more nurses. Tracy then came over and ended the call.

"Is she going to be alright?" Kate Asked.
"She will," I said having faith in the staff that they could take care of Felicity.

Felicity pov
I laid in bed, not wanting to do anything. I didn't have the motivation.

A light knock came at the door. I covered my head as Milo sat up.
"Felicity," Tracy Said sweetly. She sat down on the bed and put her hand on me.
"Please leave me." I Said.
"Felicity, talk to me." Tracy Said.

I uncovered my face and looked at her then covered my head again.

"Felicity you Remember what Harry told you last night." Tracy Said.
I sprung up. "He won't leave me!" I yelled. "He Loves me too much to leave me. And he definitely does not want me and our children to through what he and Will went through after their parents got divorced. Even if we do get divorced, which we won't, he knows the press will hound me and he can't protect me. Harry will not do that to me!" I yelled.

Tracy stood as Milo showered me in kissed.
"Stop it." I Said to Milo as I shoved his head away from my face.

Tracy took my hands and sat on the bed again.
"How do you know that?" She asked.
"Harry's always been my rock. He married me to protect me from Tristan and the media. They were hounding me and Tristan had also gotten to me and kidnapped me. Harry wanted to make sure that neither would happen again." I Said as I reached for my wedding rings on the gold chain.
"Why would you think Harry told you what he did last night?" Tracy Asked.
"I don't know." I Said as I brushed my hair back.
"Maybe he told it to you as a goal?" Tracy Asked.
"I don't know." I shrugged.
"Do you want to come to group?" Tracy Asked. I shook my head.
"Alright," She Said. She got up and left me.

I stayed in my room for three weeks with Tracy and Tasha my only human contact besides Harry's letters. I hadn't responded to any of his letters. I didn't have the motivation.

A/n: happy late Halloween. Hope y'all had a safe night last night and enjoyed this chapter.

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