Chapter 16

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Felicity pov

Kate woke me up.

"What is it?" I moaned as I put my covers back over my head.

"It's your wedding day sweetie get up." She smiled.

"Is that today?" I moaned, my head was still a bit buzzing from last night.

"Yes, now get up or I'll get your mum." She said.

I sat up.
"I'm up," I said.

Mum was standing at the end of my bed with Camilla.

"What's going on?" I yawned as I stretched.

"Someone's here to see you." Mum smiled.

I put my prosthetic leg on and got up. Kate gave me my robe.

"Who's willing to see me at six in the morning?" I asked as I left my room.

I went down the hall and into the parlor Kate told me to in. I opened the door and a man in a military uniform stood looking out the window with his back to me. He had a buzz cut yet I could tell he was a ginger.

"Hello?" I said as I pulled my robe tighter together.

The man turned around. It was Clayton.

"Clay!" I screamed as I ran across the room.

My prosthetic foot got caught on a table and I fell. Clay ran over and helped me up.

"Hey sis." He said.

I hugged him tight and started crying.

"I missed you so much." I said.

Trystan pov
My little flower was getting married. She couldn't escape me that easily. I'd been planning ever since I found out. She would rue the day she got back together with that bastard. I bet he was sleeping with other women behind her back.

Felicity pov
"I missed you so much." I said.

"I did too, let me see your ring." Clayton said.

"Wow that's some ring." He smiled.

"I'm so happy for you." Clayton said as he hugged me again.

"I'm happy your home." I said.

"I am too, but it seems like my position as your protector has been taken. Did they catch Trystan?" He asked.
My blood froze in the veins.

"No." I said softly.

"What!" Clayton exclaimed.

"He was deployed, he had a friend come and 'take care' of me." I said.

Clayton hugged me again.

"That's behind me now." I said.

"Are you sure? You have PTSD. How's that?" He asked.

"It's better." I lied.

Mum came over and hugged the two of us.

"My two brave soldiers." She said with a smile.

"I may not be able to serve on the battle field but at least I can in another way." I said.

Mum kissed my forehead.

"Now you have to go, because we can't have anyone being a spy for Harry." Mum said to Clayton.

"Really? I haven't seen you or Felicity in eight months and you throw me out right after I see my sister." He said.

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