Chapter 29

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Princess Felicity Hand's
Two days ago, The Duke and Duchess of Reading had an engagement at the children's Hospital in London. Princess Felicity arrived with her husband, Prince Harry, and the first thing that stood out as they shook hands with head of the Children's hospital were the bandages on her hands and the ruined manicure on her nails. Where as they were freshly painted yesterday, her nails are now badly chipped. Is this due to another mental breakdown of the Princess?

Days before the announcement of the death of the Duke and Duchess's premature daughter, Princess Amanda, the Duchess pulled a Britney Spears, and cut off majority of her hair. She is now sporting a pixie cut. Kensington has not said anything on her unorthadoxed haircut for a princess. So all we can do is guess while the Duchess continues to amaze us.

Felicity pov
The pads were snug on my hands.

"Now the key with the pad is that you use them on the inner part of the wheel you don't wanna be grabbing onto the rubber wheel." Coach Neal said.

"Alright." I said.

We did the exercises again and again, so I could get the rhythm. It was interesting how all of this worked. Coach said it took some years to master the rhythm of it but I was getting it as if it were natural.

-a few months later-

"Come on Felicity you can not pass up holding George." Kate said.

They had just gotten home from the hospital with George. Harry and I didn't go and visit because honestly I didn't want to. Even though I care about Kate and Will, I had been keeping my distance from them because every time I saw Kate and her swollen pregnant stomach I got a sickening feeling in the pit of my stomach. It reminded me of what Harry and I almost had if we hadn't been in that accident.

"Felicity I swear if you don't hold your Nephew I won't kiss you for a week." Harry said.

"Fine." I said. Kate gave me George.

"Hey buddy." I cooed at him.

"See he isn't that bad." Harry teased.

"Oh be quiet." I said. Kate and Will laughed at us.

I held George for a while before I gave him back to Kate.

"I want one but not with my training schedule." I said.

"Maybe later." Harry said.

He got up and Knelt next to me. "How is your house coming?" Kate asked.

"It's fully furnished and ready for us to move in. We're going to move in tomorrow night." Harry said as he put his arm around me.

"I'm excited for it. We had to do a bit of renovation to make it wheelchair accessible." I said.

"Yes that was the tricky problem." Harry said.

"But I'm excited for it." I said.

"Well we'll be right down the lane from you two."

"That sounds fun," I said.


Harry woke me up and he picked me up and put me in my wheelchair. He got me dressed and got my hair to lay down.

"Are we going home?" I asked.

"We are." Harry said.

We went downstairs  and out to the car. Harry drove, and I went back to sleep.

Since I broke my back I was put on a dozen different medicines and trust me, the ones I take at bed time knock me out and keep me asleep.

"Shh, I don't want to wake her." I heard Harry said.

I was lifted from my wheel chair and Harry's sent engulfed my senses. I nuzzled my head into his shirt.

I was put down on a bed and undressed. I opened my eyes and saw Harry's dressing me like a child.

"Hey did I wake you?" He whispered.

"Not really." I said.

Harry let me finish putting my PJs on and then he got ready for bed and joined me in bed. I cuddled up against him and rested my head on his chest. Harry put his arm around me and kissed my head.

"Sweet dreams Darling." He said as I drifted back to sleep.

The next morning I woke up later than usual.

"Good morning Love."  Harry said as he kissed me.

"Ew morning breath." I teased then I kissed Harry.

"So what's on the agenda today?" I asked as I stretched.

"Nothing, just you and me." Harry said.

"Maybe can we add a bottle of wine?" I asked.

"It's not even 10 o'clock and your thinking about drinking?" Harry asked.

"I'm joking, but can the wine join later?" I asked.

"Sure." Harry said as he kissed me.

Harry turned the tv on and we watched the news for a while. Majority of it was still about Kate and Will. I grabbed the remote and flipped channels till I found something more interesting.

Harry carried me down to the kitchen. He sat me down at the breakfast table.

"So what do you want for breakfast?" Harry asked.

He'd purposely left my wheel chair upstairs.

"You decide." I said.

"Let's see what we have." Harry said. "Eggs, butter and milk in the fridge." He took the three out of the refrigerator. He went over to the cabinets and took out the loaf of sliced bread.

Harry made eggs and toast for us. We are and then Harry cleaned the dishes. He carried me to the living room and then brought my my medicines I needed for the day. I took my medicines I took in the morning as Harry got Netflix up on the tv.

"So what do you want to watch?" Harry asked.

"I don't care." I said. Harry chose a movie for us.

When it was over I got to choose.

"Diana?" I read the title of the movie.

"It's about my mum's love life after her divorce with my father. I actually have never seen it." Harry said as he wrapped his arms around me.

"So do you wanna watch it?" I asked.

"Sure," I played the movie. Harry seemed to enjoy it.

We basically did nothing for the rest of the day except watch movies. It was a perfect day with my man.

A/n: hope you enjoyed this chapter. The next chapter is going to have a massive time skip.

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