Chapter 28

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Felicity pov
Harry pushed me down the street. We were being chased by paps. Harry turned into an ally and weaved around in the back streets to try to get away.

"I hate them," I muttered.

"So do I." Harry said.

He called Connor and arranged a spot for him to pick us up. I glanced both ways down the street before we left the alley. It was clear. Connor lowered the ramp and Harry pushed me into the car. Harry sat down behind me as I pushed the button to raise the ramp.

"So how was drinks with your friend?" Connor asked sarcastically.

"Nothing like having to leave a bar out the back door. Then run for your life from paps." Harry said.

"At least we got to spend some time with Rory." I said.

"That's true." Harry smiled.


I was back in Afghanistan, yet I was in my wheelchair, sitting in the middle of the base. Soldiers passing me by, not even giving me a second glance. To make it worse I couldn't move my wheel chair, the wheels were fused to the ground.

I saw Todrick and Rory walk pass me both with all their limbs. Just like how they had been before the accident.

"What happened to you?" I looked behind me and saw myself standing, in full uniform, hair pulled back into a neat bun.

"What happened to you soldier? Where's your spark?" She asked as she walked around to face me.

"You've become weak, you've let Fear and Trystan and other people control your life." She said.

"He's no good to you!" She yelled as she pointed to Harry.

"No!" I said. "He's the best thing to happen to me, to us." I said.

"If it weren't for him you'd be walking. Yes you would still have Trystan, but you could be free to do what ever you wanted." She said.

"But I would be a sex toy. You know what Trystan does to us. He takes away everything, every ounce of free will and he replaces it with fear." I said.

"If you had just stayed with Trystan you would be alright. Not hounded by paps. Not fearing what the media will say about you next. Harry brought all those things to your life." She said.

"Stop it!" I yelled. "We love him very much. We would do anything for him and you know it." I yelled as tears streamed down my face.

"But would he do the same?" She asked as she walked away.

" Yes he would." I said.

"Are you sure?"

"I am sure." I said.

Todrick and Rory walked up and stood with my former self. "Think about how Harry affects us. How it's imposible for you to get a drink with your war buddies." Todrick said.

"We have busy lives."

"Rory and I don't." Dry Lightning cracked. And Rory was back in his wheelchair, and Todrick was missing his limbs.

"War did this to us. It took your leg, we survived a crisis together. You can't live a day with our fear and PTSD ruling your life." Todrick said.

"Leave me alone." I said.

I felt two strong arms wrap around me. "Your safe, I'm here." I opened my eyes and Harry was holding me in his arms. "Hey are you alright?" He whispered.

I nodded, "just dreams." I whispered. I rested my head on his chest and went back to sleep.

In the morning I got up and took a shower. When I was dressed I went back to the bedroom. Harry was up and sitting on the bed with his laptop open.

"What are you looking at?" I asked.

"Footage form the London Paralympics." He said.

"why?" I asked as I rolled over to him.

"I want to start a similar game for wounded service men and women." He said.

"Could I compete?" I asked.

"if you wanted too." He said.

"Well I guess I know what I'm going to be doing in my free time." I smiled.

"I'll see if I can find a trainer for you." Harry said.

"Thank you." I smiled.

"Now come on let's go have breakfast." Harry said.

We had breakfast and then went and got ready for our engagement today.


I sat on a track in a race wheelchair. Harry was with me, a man in a wheelchair rolled over to us.

"Hello your Highnesses I am John Neal." He said in a welsh accent.

"Hello and thank you for being willing to train me." I said as I shook his hand.

"It is not a problem, your Highness." He said.

"Please call me Felicity." I said.

With in the hour I was sweating buckets, Coach Neal really was serious about this.

"Come on Felicity, one more lap then you can get water." He yelled.

I nodded and took my position. "Go!" He yelled.

I rolled myself as fast as I could for 800 meters. I stopped and my hands were torn up.

"Rookie mistake." My coach chuckled.

"By some hand pads before tomorrow, don't want you loosing any fingers." He said.

"Alright coach." I said as I leaned across my lap trying to catch my breath.

Harry walked over to us and he handed me a water bottle. "Your hands are torn up." He said as he examined my hands.

"I guess I'll have to be wearing my wedding rings with my dog tags." I said.

"I guess so." Harry said.

"Thank you again for training Felicity." Harry said as he shook John hand.

"Yes thank you." I said as I shook his hand.

"Im very serious about you getting those hand pads." He said.

"We will definitely get Felicity a pair." Harry said.

"Well I will see you two tomorrow, same time." John said.

Harry, Connor and I went back to Kensington. I showered and then Harry cleaned the cuts and scraps on my hands.

"Hey you two have an engagement in an hour and a half." Martha said as she came in.

"Alright, I'll shower then." Harry said. He kissed my wet hair and went into the bathroom.

Martha helped me finish getting ready.

"Are you sure your not going to cover your hands?" She asked as I put my wedding bands on my dog tags.

"It'll be fine." I said as I put my dog tags on and tucked them inside my dress. I dried my hair in a third of the time it used to take. Why didn't I cut my hair short before it was so easy to maintain.

When Harry was ready, we left and had lunch in the car.

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