Chapter 59

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Felicity pov
Sofia was screaming for the hundredth time tonight.

"You get her," Harry moaned as he kicked me.

"Fine," I sat up and put my prosthetic on.

I picked Soifa up and sat down in the arm chair to fed her. When she was done I burped her and then put her back in her cradle. I then laid back down, next to Harry and he pulled me close to him.

Before I was even asleep she was screaming again. Harry got up this time.

"I forgot how hard infants were." I muttered. He chuckled as he changed her diaper.


After the long night of little sleep Harry and I were drained. But at 7 am Martha and Marcus came in.

"Good morning, time to get up." Martha chimed.

I grabbed the closest thing and threw it at her.

"Ten more minutes." Harry moaned.Right after he said that Sofia started crying.

"Please sweetie don't do this to us," Harry moan as he got up to get her.

I sat up as he brought her to me so I could feed her.

"So in a couple of hours you two will let the press see the newest addition and later today Buckingham palace will release her name." Martha said.

"I'm going to need coffee," I moaned.

"Come to breakfast when your ready." Martha said then she and Marcus left.

When Sofia had her fill Harry took her so I could get dressed.

"Did You slept in your prosthetic?" He asked.

"I didn't wanna keep taking it on and off all night." I said.

I got dressed and brushed my hair before going to breakfast. Harry gave me Sofia and a cup of coffee with cream and sugar. I sat down and Dane ran in with Milo following.

"Good morning," Harry said as he helped Dane into his seat.

Milo came over and licked my leg. I put my coffee down and scratched his head. He then went under the table and laid on my feet. Martha came back in.

"So Felicity are you capable to doing your own hair and makeup?" She asked.

"Yes I am," I said as Harry made breakfast of cold cereal for us.

He gave Dane one with out any milk in it because he had a tendency to spill it.

"What's the temperature right now?" Harry asked.

"It's about 7 degrees Celsius." Marcus said.

"Have they been out there all night?" I asked.

"They haven't left since we announced you went into labor." Marcus said as he typed away on his phone.

"Can we have someone go out and give our hot chocolate for them?" I asked.

"That's a great idea." Harry said.

"Marcus go out and get an estimate of how many people are out there." Martha said as I got up. I gave her Sofia so Harry and I could pull together as much hot chocolate mix we had.

"It's not a lot," Harry said as we looked at the small piled.

"We could give them coffee also we barely drink it anyway." I said.

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