Chapter 73

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Felicity pov
"Alright here is your trunk." Harry said as he dragged it into our room.
"Thank you," I said. I got more cloths from our closet for my time away.
"Do you think I should bring a black dress?" I asked.
"I would, I mean it is protocol." Harry said.
"I think that's the only protocol in going to follow while I'm there, besides not using social media." I said making Harry laugh.
"I think this would be good for you. It'll give you some time away and to let you breath." Harry said. I nodded in agreement.

Harry helped me pack and before we could leave, Ava came in and searched the trunk for anything that I was trying to smuggle in. But of course I didn't have anything. I wasn't even going to bring a razor, because I didn't want the temptation.

When I was finished packing I went and said goodbye. Dane wouldn't let go of me.
"I promise, when I get back I will be better. In fact I'm not coming back till I'm better." I said.
"Promise?" Dane asked.
"I promise." I kissed his cheek and then kissed Sofia before Harry and I left for Scotland.


Once I saw settled in my new room, Harry and I said our goodbyes. We held each other for what felt like an hour. Finally Harry pulled away.
"I need to go." He said.
"I'm going to miss you." I said. "I'm going to miss you too." Harry said Then kissed me.
"You are strong always remember that, Felicity." Harry said as he held my face.
"I won't." I Said.
"Please get better. I don't like that you're in pieces. Because honestly I don't know where to even start with the pieces." Harry said as he took my hands.
"That's why I'm here, I'm going to be put back together. It's not going to cure me of my disabilities, but it will help with glueing the pieces back together." I Said then we kissed.
"I love you, write to me, and please get better. I love you, Felicity." Harry said.
"I love you too, I will write if you write me. And I'm not leaving till im ready to come home." I Said.
"Be safe, Felicity. And try to have fun." Harry said.
"I'll try." I Said.
"Goodbye, Felicity." Harry said as he kissed me again.
"Goodbye Harry. Take care of the children." I Said.
"I will," Harry smiled. He kissed me once more then left. Milo nudged my hand and I scratched his head as I sat down.
"And now its only us." I Said to him. He rested his head on my lap.

The next morning I had to fill out countless questions so the therapists could determine my mental health. I hated the questions. Some of them I would have never thought of and they made me angry. But alas I continued with the questions and answered all of them.

After I finished I went and took Milo for a walk, To clear my head.

I found a beautiful field and so I just had to sit down and admire it as Milo ran around in the field.

After the sun set. I whistled for Milo. I got up and we walked back, Milo carried his new stick that I had been throwing for him.

We got back and there were two police vehicles outside. I went in and my therapist and two officers were talking. They looked at me relieved.
"Your Highness, Thank goodness you are alright. We were worried you had ran off." My therapist said.
"Milo and I were just out for a walk." I Said.
"Did you forget that curfew is at dusk?" She asked.
"No one told me." I Said.
"We are just glad you are alright, your highness." One of the Officers said.
"I'm so sorry your time was waisted." I Said as I shook their hands.
"Also you didn't see me here." I Said.
"Yes ma'am." The Officers Said then they left.
"Please return to your room. Someone will bring you dinner." My therapist said. I nodded and went to my room.

I went to my room and cleaned Milo off and then I sat on my bed. Lauren, who was one of the cooks came In And brought me and Milo dinner.
"I'm so glad you're alright, your highness." She Said as she set the food on the table.
"I feel terrible for making everyone think something had happened to me." I  Said as I got up so I could put Milo's food on the floor.
"It's alright, they just don't want to be responsible for loosing you." Lauren said.
"I hope they didn't contact Kensington. I'd hate to make Harry worry about me more than he already is." I Said as I sat at the desk.
"They didn't," Lauren Said.

In the morning, I was told the rules of the the rehab center again. One of them was to return by sunset. I hadn't been told that before and I kind of wish I had.


"Well I want to welcome our news member to our group." Tracy, the leader of the support group said. The ladies said hello in unison.
"So Felicity tell us about about yourself and if you want to, a bit about why you're here." Tracy Said.
"Alright, well my name is Felicity, I'm originally from York but I live in London with my husband. We've got two children and this fluff ball, who's my service dog. His name is Milo. Yes I am a princess, but while I'm here, I have no title, so don't call my your highness or duchess or princess. Just Felicity. " I leaned over and scratched Milo's head.
"I was in the military, it's how I met my husband and how I lost my leg. But that's not where my issues started. Before I got my first deployment, I had a very abusive boyfriend. He was a monster. I tried so many times to get away from him. But I never could fully get away. When I was on my first tour, it was a breath of fresh air. I was away from him and safe from his grasp. But when I got back, I started dating my husband while my ex was deployed on a few years long deployment. But when he returned, he told me to break up with my husband or he'd hurt my family or my husband. So I did." I stopped as a few tears rolled down my cheek.
"You don't have to continue, Felicity." Tracy Said.
"I want to." I Said. "I won't give the details of the relationship after that. He kidnapped me, used me as a sex toy, his friend broke my back shortly before I was rescued. I don't have any proof, but I'm pretty sure he's the one who sabotaged the carriage on my wedding day and was responsible for the gunshots that were also heard. He later appeared in Paris, and drove my husband and I off the rode and into a railing. and in that car accident, I broke my back and my baby girl, Amanda was premature, she lived for a month before she died. He then disappeared again as they searched for him." Milo jumped up and started kicking my to calm me down.
"So essentially he's the reason, you have ptsd." Tracy Said.
"My ptsd is from him and being in a Jeep that hit a land mine. But he's the reason for my suicidal nature, my depression, and more recently my fits of rage and aggression." I Said.
"Well this is a safe place, we like to say we have the Vegas rule in here. What is Said in here stays in here." Tracy Said.
I smiled, "I'm glad I'm here, I've never really know how to talk about my pain," I Said.
"Well we all have or are going through trama and we're going to help each other get out and how to deal with it." Tracy Said.
"I definitely need that." I Smiled as Milo laid back down under my chair.


Also sorry I haven't been working on this story. I've been busy and haven't had inspiration for this story.

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