Chapter 76

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I followed next to Harry as we followed the procession behind the Queen's casket. It was moved to the spot in the church where she was to be buried. They lowered her casket in the ground and one at a time in order of the throne we went up and placed dirt in the ground.

After the ceremony, we returned to Buckingham for more mourning. Her Majesty's will would be read next week but I was going to be gone by then. My mental health was on frits since I came home. I was in this weird spot where I couldn't tell if I was getting better or not.

I rested my head on Harry's shoulder, I took my prosthetic leg off and I pulled my feet into the sofa. Milo jumped up,
"no Milo, down." I commanded.
He rested his head on my knee.
"You know what I just realized?" Will Said.
"What?" Harry asked.
"Felicity's tattoo is now inaccurate." Will Said.
"No we've still got a Queen, it's just a Queen Consort and King. I guess now it should be for King and Country, but For Queen And Country still applies." I Said.
"You almost forgot to cover it today." Harry Said.
"Well I haven't concealed it in three months." I Said.
"How has the rehab center been?" Kate Asked.
"Liberating," I Smiled.
"What does that mean?" Harry asked.
"I just feel freer. Yes we still have a strict schedule to follow, but it's all having to do with classes that Tracy has me taking." I said.
"What kind of classes?" Kate Asked.
"They all revolve around my mental health and the goal of making me better." I said as I picked at my bracelet. Milo nudged my hand.
"Alright fur ball, you can come up here." I Said.

Milo jumped up on the couch and he laid in my lap.
"You've been spoiling him haven't you." Harry said as he scratched Milo's head.
"I have," I smiled.
"Is that why he's been trying to get between us at night?" Harry asked.
"Ya, he sleeps next to me at the center." I Said.
"That's why he's insisting on sleeping on our bed." Harry Said.
"Sorry about that, but I like having him close to me. He calms me down" I Said. Milo licked my cheek.
"Hey that's mine." Harry said to Milo.

The door to the parlor opened and our children ran in. Milo got off me as Sofia came over. I picked her up As Dane continued to play with Charlotte and George. Sofia snuggles up to me.
"You missed mummy didn't you?" Harry cooed at Sofia. She nodded.
"She cried for a day when she realized you were gone." Harry Said.
I hugged Sofia as Dane came over and climbed into Harry's lap.
"You two know I'm going to have to leave at the end of the week, right?" I asked.
"So you can get better." Dane Said.
"Exactly," I Said.


I held onto Harry as we procrastinated our goodbyes. A knock came at the door. And I looked over.
"That's probably my ride." I Said.
"I'm going to miss you." Harry Said.
"I'm going to miss you too." I Said. Harry kissed me.
"Don't forget to write me," Harry said.
"I will write you daily, and if Dane or even Sofia draws some art work for me. Send it and I will hang it up in my room." I Said.
"I will definitely send you some of their art work." Harry Smiled.
"Video chat me after your grandmother's will reading. I want to know the results." I Said.
"I will," Harry Said as the knock at the door came again.

I went over and opened it. Martha was waiting for me.
"Your ride his here." She Said.
"Alright," I Said.
I went back over to Harry and gave him another kiss before grabbing my suitcase and Milo's leash. Harry kissed my cheek and hugged me again.
"Good bye Felicity." Harry Said as he held onto my hand.
"Goodbye Harry." I Said as I tried to pull away.
"Take care Felicity."
"I will, Harry. Please let go I've got to go."
Harry kissed my hand then let go. "I love you Felicity."
"I love you too, Harry." I turned and followed Martha to the car.


We arrived at the rehab after midnight. Yet the lights were still on as though everyone was still awake. My driver opened the door and Milo jumped out and went over to a tree and sniffed before doing his business.

I walked to the door and was buzzed in. Milo trotted over to me as I opened the door. He went in front of me.
"Good evening, Felicity." Sydney Smiled.
"Hello," I Said.
"How was your trip?" Sydney Asked.
"It was alright. It was great to see my husband and children again. But I feel bad I left him this early. He was really close with his grandmother. I'm hoping he'll be alright." I Said.
"Well if you're worried about him. Just come up here to me and you can give him a call." She Said.
"Thank you Sydney." I said.
"Here let me let you into your room. They've already locked all the doors for the night."

She got up from her desk and she lead me to my room and unlocked the door.
"do you need your night medicine?" Sydney Asked. "I can go wake, Tasha if you need them."
"Ya, Ava my nurse didn't give me them for the trip. She didn't want me to take them ahead of time or take the entire bottle or loose them on the flight up." I Said.
"Alright I'll send Tasha your way." Sydney Said.
"Thank you." I went in and Milo went over and jumped up on my bed.
"Milo Down," I commanded.

I unpacked my suitcase and put my cloths away into my closet. A knock came at my door, Milo started barking. I went over and opened the door.
"Hey Tash," I Smiled.
"Hey how are you doing?" She asked.
"I'm well," I Said as I let her in.
"How was your trip to London?" She asked.
"It was alright, I mean I went for a funeral." I Said.
"I bet your father-in-law is relieved to finally be king." Tasha Said.
"I bet he will be, but when I saw Charles last, He had tears in his eyes. He truly did love his mum. Right now I'm hopping he's helping Philip out. He's who in really worried about. After Her Majesty died, his health started declining rapidly. He was confined to his bed last I heard." I Said.
"I'm so sorry," Tasha Said as she gave me the little paper cup with my night meds in it.
"I just hope Will and Harry will be alright." I Said, I took my pills and swallowed then with waters.

"I bet they will," Tasha said as checked my mouth to make sure I wasn't hiding them in my mouth. She then left leaving after collecting my trash. I then got ready for bed then went to sleep.

A/n: Good morning hope you enjoy this chapter.

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