Chapter 75

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Felicity pov
The plane landed and Martha and Marcus met me on the tarmac.
"Welcome back, Felicity." Martha Said then hugged me.
"It's good to see you again, I feel like my life is so unorganized with out you two." I smiled as They laughed.
"Well we need to get going. The family is meeting at Buckingham palace." Marcus said as we started walking to the car.

Marcus opened the door and helped me in. Milo climbed in and then Martha and Marcus got in.

The driver took us to Buckingham palace.
"Have they announced the death?" I asked noticing the flag was still at full staff.
"His majesty wanted to announce it after the entire family arrived. You are the last to arrive." Martha Said.
"Alright," I Said.

The car stopped and the door opened Marcus and Martha got out, then I got out. I whistled for Milo and he got out and I grabbed his leash.

We were escorted to a parlor and Marcus opened the door for me and I went in, Everyone looked as Harry stood.
"Hey," I Smiled at him.

We walked towards each other and Harry wrapped his arms around me.
"I missed you so much." He Said.
"I missed you too." I Said. Harry let go and looked me up and down.
"What happened to your hand?" He asked as he took my casted hand and looked at it.
"I broke a couple of my fingers." I Said.
"How did you do that?" Harry asked.
"I had another rage episode and so I took it out on the wall." I said.
"How are you doing?" Harry asked.
"I'm getting better, I'm not there yet, but I'm better than I was when I left." I said. Harry pulled me in and kissed my forehead.
"Mummy," Dane pulled on my dress. I crouched down and I hugged him.
"I missed you, buddy." I said as I held him. Sofia toddled over and I hugged her and sat her on my leg.
"I missed you too, sweetie. You are getting so big." I Said.
I stood up and Will and Kate gave me a hug.
"Good to see you again." Kate Said.
"I'm glad I'm back." I said.
"So are you staying?" Will Asked.
"No, not yet. Like I just said I've still got a good ways to go before Im better." I said.

We sat down and then Charles came in with Camilla and Phillip. Charles helped his father sit. Philip looked like the light in his eyes had gone out. He looked like a body without a soul walking through life.

After a while of sitting in silence, I finally spoke up,
"what was the cause of death?" I asked.
"Old age," Harry said.
"I always thoughts I'd go before her." Philip said.

Charles offered some consoling words to his father.


I woke up in the middle of the night from a nightmare. I sat up panting, a cold sweat covering my body. Milo jumped up on bed and I hugged him. I put my prosthetic on then got out of bed and went to my suitcase and grabbed my dream journal, Tracy had me keeping a log of nightmares and reoccurring dreams. I grabbed my robe from the bathroom and put it on. I went to the desk and sat down. I turned the lamp on and wrote out my dream.

This nightmare was a new one. It was like I was invisible and mute. I kept trying to yell at Harry and the rest of the family as they stood around me. They were all dressed in black, and looked like they were mourning. I pushed through the crowd and Harry was looking at a grave. I couldn't read the name on the grave. I turned and saw my mum in tears. It was my grave, and then I woke up.

"Love what are you doing?" Harry asked.
"Writing out my nightmares." I Said as I wrote down the time.

I closed the journal and returned to bed. Harry pulled me on top of him and I laid my head on his chest.
"I missed you." Harry said.
"I missed you too." I said. Harry kisses the top of my head as he wrapped his arms around me.

I had another nightmare, this one was worse. Trystan held me, He smiled as he held me. I screamed and tried to get away. I pushed and punched trying to get away. But he wouldn't let go. I screamed as I fought back.
"Felicity!" Harry screamed.
Trystan let go and I woke up.

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