Chapter 85

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Felicity pov
The next morning, Harry and I decided to take Malcolm back to Kensington. Harry helped me out of bed and I got dressed as Harry put Malcolm into a car seat.

"Here you go, buddy." Harry said.

I waddled over to Harry and I looked at Malcom. He was still wide awake, and looking at the world around him.

"Let's visit Phillip before we leave. He'd like to see Malcolm." I said.
"That's a good idea." Harry said.

I put my shoes on and then Harry and I left the room. I held onto Harry's arm as we walked down to Phillip's room.

"Mummy," I heard behind me.

I looked and saw Dane and Sofia running towards us with their cousins following them. Sofia was struggling to keep up so George took her hand and helped her keep up. Harry went over and picked Sofia up.

"What are you four up to?" He asked.
"Where are you going, Mummy?" Dane asked as he pulled on my dress.
"Well right now we're going to go visit Granddad Phillip And let him see your baby brother." I Said.
"Can we come?" Dane asked.
"Of course you can." Harry Said.

We took the five children to Phillip's room and Harry knocked. The door opened and Phillip's nurse, Karen was there.

"Good morning, your Highnesses. How can I help you?" She asked.
"Is Grandad awake?" Harry Asked.
"Who is it Karen?" Phillip called from inside.
"It's The duke and Duchess of Reading, their children, Prince George And Princess Charlotte." Karen Said to him.
"Let them in." He called weakly. She opened the door and let us in.
"Who's that you have, Felicity?" He asked.

I went over to him and sat on the side of the bed.
"This is our newest addition to the family." I Said.
"What is his name?" Phillip Asked.
"If you will Excuse is for a moment, Karen. We'd like to speak to my grandad in private." Harry Said as he put Sofia down.

"Of course your highness." She curtsied and left.
"His name is Malcolm Phillip Elliot." I Said.
"That's a nice name, Malcolm." He Said.
"Would you like to hold him?" I asked.
"Will you help me?" He asked. I nodded and gave Malcolm to him and supported him.
"He's beautiful." Phillip Said.

We visited with Phillip for a while till we decided to go and let him rest.

Harry put Malcolm in the car seat. Dane and Sofia said good bye to their cousins and then we went to our car.

We went to Kensington and the press was already crowded outside. Harry stopped the car right at the security gate. He put it in park and kept it running.

"Do you think you'll be able to make the walk?" He asked.
"I'm sure I can." I Said.
"Alright then, let's introduce Malcolm to the world." Harry Said.

He got out then came around to my door and opened it. He helped me out then I opened the door that Malcolm was by and I got him out.

"What are we doing, Mummy?" Dane asked.
"We're going to introduce Malcolm to the world." I said.

Harry went around and got Sofia and Dane out. I closed the door and then Harry and I and our children walked to the iron fence that had been left open after we had driven through.

The cameras flashed as we stood in the gateway. The police had put barricades up and had just moved them back after we had came in. We answered the standard questions that were usually asked when a new member of the family was born.

We finished with them and turned back to the palace. Harry and I turned around and went back inside the gate and walked to our car. Harry put Dane down and opened the door for me then helped me in before getting the children in the car. Harry then drove the rest of the way to the palace.

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