Chapter 14

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Harry and I were going to York to visit with my family. Harry also had a charity event to attend, he was bringing me as his plus one. And if we had time, we'd go visit the vet clinic I spent time at once I got back from Afghanistan.

I knocked on my front door. Mum opened it and hugged me then Harry.

"How are you two?" She asked.

"We're well." I said.

Mum hugged me again.

"It's so good to see you. You've been gone too long." Mum gripped
my shoulders, then made us come in.

"Is that Felicity?" Grandad said from his char.

I went over and kissed his forehead.

"I want to see your ring." He said.

I gave him my left hand and he looked at it.

"It's very beautiful. Where's Henry?" He asked as he got up.

"Right here, sir." Harry said as he held his hand out.

Grandad shook his hand. Grandad pat Harry on the back.

Grandad had a football game on, Dad and Harry were sitting on the couch watching it.

"Hey Felicity come here I want to give you something." Mum brought me into her and Dad's room.

"This was your grandmother's and mine and now it's yours." Mum said as she gave me a box.

"What is it?" I asked as I sat on her bed.

Mum opened the box and took a veil out. Still just as white as it would have been the first day it had been used.

 "This is beautiful

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"This is beautiful." I said as I hugged mum.

"I'm glad you like it." Mum said.

"Can I show Harry? Or would it be bad luck?"

"Do what you think you should." Mum said.

I took the veil from her.

"Harry." I called.

He and Dad looked over. I doubt Grandad heard us.

"What is this?" Harry asked as he got up.

He took the veil from me. He pinned it in place on my head. He gave me a kiss.

"It's beautiful." He said.

I smiled. I took it out of my hair.


The next morning we went to the wounded soldiers clinic in York. Harry wore his camo uniform I went chose to wear a  cream colored pencil skirt, with a blue top and cream blazer with heals.

Harry and I arrived and Harry held his hand out to help me get out of the car

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Harry and I arrived and Harry held his hand out to help me get out of the car. There were a lot of paps outside, and only a few photographers were allowed to follow us inside.

We shook hands with head of the clinic.

"Welcome back, Miss. Jonas." He said.

"Thank you for letting me come back." I said with a smile.

He showed us some of the rooms where training was.

"This is our rock wall facility, some of our veterans try make it they're mission that before they leave us, they reach the top and sign their name." The man said.

I smiled and looked up at the top trying to find my name.

"Now did you make it to the top?" Harry asked me.

"I did, I'm trying to find it." I said.

"Well it's fifty feet in the air I doubt you can find it." The man said.

"I remember I signed my name on the celling, there it is." I pointed.

You couldn't read it from the ground but I knew it was my handwriting. Harry laughed.

We went to where majority of the training happened.

"I see it still smells like sweat and determination." I said.

Harry laughed.

"No really the determination that you have to want to stand again and walk can be incredibly strong. Trust me I know." I said.

Harry smiled.

We walked over two men on a bed both were missing their legs.

"I'm John," the first man said.

"Connor." The second said.

"This is  Jessica." John said.

"And my wife Georgia." Connor said.

"Now how did you loose your legs?" Harry asked.

The men both shared their stories.

"Miss. Jonas you're a wounded soldier correct?" Jessica asked.

"I didn't saw my leg off for fun." I said.

They laughed.

"But yes, I actually recovered at this clinic." I said.

"I thought you looked familiar." John said.

"You were in my PTSD support group." I said.

"That's right, so this was the Henry you spoke of?"

We laughed.

"Yes this is my Henry." I said as I put a hand on Harry's shoulder.

"How are you doing?" John asked.

"I'm well, how about yourself?" I asked.

"I'm well."

Once we got back in the car.

"How about that. You saw someone you knew." Harry said.

"How about that." I said.

A/n: so sorry about the shorter chapter.

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