Chapter 68

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Felicity pov
I was so tired, I was frequently tired.
"Come on Felicity get up, we're going to visit Louis and the rest of the cousins." Harry said.
I got up and got dressed. Louis was almost six months old now. It was strange how the time had passed.

I walked out of our room and Harry had our kids dressed. Harry gave me Sofia, and we went out the back door. We walked across the field to Will and Kate's house. Harry was throwing a tennis ball for Milo.

We got to their back door and Harry knocked. George opened the door.
"Uncle Harry, Aunt Felicity." He smiled then hugged Dane.
"Are your mummy and Daddy home?" I asked even though I knew the answer. He nodded and we went inside.

We followed him into the living room where Charlotte Will, Kate and Louis were.
"Hello, how are you?" Will said as he got up.
He kissed my cheek and hugged Harry. I went over and took his place on the couch.
"How are you Kate?" I Asked.
"I'm well, how are you?" She asked.
"I'm tired, my doctor put me on a new medication and I'm tired all the time." I lied.
My doctor hadn't put me on any different medication. I had frequently felt drained of emotion and the will to do anything. But I kept having to get up and do engagements with a fake smile on.
"Well have you talked about that with your doctor?" Kate asked.
"Yes, But the results I'm getting is better than the side effects." I lied.


After our visit, we went back to our house and Milo needed a bath. I took him into the bathroom and hoses him down with the shower nozzle. He was always good in the bath. He never wanted to jump out of would shake as soon as the bath was done. He was patient, and stayed still while I washed him. He nudged my forearm while I washed him and whimpered.
"I know you know I'm in pain." I whispered to him.
"But you can't tell anyone. Don't let Harry know. I need to work this out by myself." I Said.
I kissed Milo and rinsed him off before getting him out of the tub. I dried him off and then cleaned the bathtub.


It was the morning of Harry and Sofia's birthday. I got up quietly and put my prosthetic. I was careful with every move I made on the bed fearing I was going to wake Harry. I quietly got up and Harry stirred in his sleep. I held my breath as I froze. Harry rolled over and wasn't facing me anymore. I quietly put a pair of shoes on then grabbed my robe. I quietly left our room and I snuck down the hall to the nursery, Milo following me. I went in and Dane sat up.
"Good morning, Buddy." I whispered.
"Good morning," he yawned quietly.
I went over to his bedside and crouched down.
"Today's Daddy and Sofia's birthday. We're going to make Daddy breakfast in bed." I said.
"Okay," Dane said.
I helped him up then Helped him put his robe on. I checked on Sofia and she was still sound asleep. I turned on the baby monitor and then took the other one with me.

Dane and I went into the kitchen and Milo went to the backdoor wanting to be let out. I opened the door and looked out across the field that had a bit of a low point in the middle, after heavy rain it would fill but it was never enough to consider it a pond, more of a large puddle. On the other side of the field was Will and Kate's house. Milo ran out into the morning fog. I always loved this time of morning. I loved how beautifully ominous it made the large oak tree look, that was just right and at the top of the depression in the earth. I closed the door, while I got everything out.
"What are me making, Mummy?" Dane whispered.
"We're going to make pancakes." I said.
"Yumm!" Dane exclaimed causing me to shush him.
"We don't want to wake Daddy." I whispered.
"Sorry," Dane said.

I made three batches of Pancakes before letting Milo back in. I saw Ava and Calum making their way towards the back door. I left the door open for her And went to make sure the bacon on the skillet didn't burn. Ava came in and closed the door behind her.
"You're up early." She said.
"I'm making Harry breakfast." I smiled.
I actually was feeling much happier today. My phone buzzed and I looked down and it was a message from Todrick. I had quardinated with him and Rory to find and contact Trevor and Kevin who were on the base with all of us. Trevor had even pulled me from the wreckage along with Harry.
We flew Trevor and Kevin out to London and Todrick and Rory were going to drive them out to our place as another surprise for Harry.

Ava grabbed a glass and filled it with water as I perfected the breakfast presentation for Harry. I set it on a breakfast tray.
"Watch Milo, don't let him get the food. I need to get Sofia and change her." I Said.
"Alright but first take your medicine." Ava said as she gave me the small paper cup.

I swallowed the pills and washed them down with the glass of water. After I proved I had swallowed the pills. I went to the nursery and got Sofia up.

"Happy birthday, cutie." I Said.

I laid her on the changing table and I changed her diaper. I picked her up and set her on the floor. She toddled around and I took her little hand and lead her to the living room.
"Here, Let me take her." Ava picked Sofia up.
"Come on Dane." I said as I grabbed the breakfast tray.

We quietly crept into my room and I set the tray down and took Sofia from Ava.
"I'll See you later," I whispered to Ava.
"Have fun." She whispered then left.
"Come on," I whispered to Dane.

Milo jumped up on the bed and laid in my spot. I went over to Harry and sat Sofia next to him in the bed.
"Harry," I poked his face.
"Harry," I said softly.
"Hmm," he muttered half awake.
"I've got a surprise for you." I Said.
"Hmm?" Harry moaned again.
"Daddy wake up!" Dane exclaimed. Harry opened his eye.
"Wha-what's going on?" He rubbed his eyes.
"Happy birthday, daddy." Dane said as he climbed into bed with Harry.
"Thank you, Buddy." Harry smiled.

I got the breakfast tray and brought it over to Harry.

"Breakfast in bed, now which chef do I get to give the compliments to?" Harry smiled at me.
"You're truly." I Smiled as he took it.
"Oh then I know it's going to be delicious." Harry said then kissed my cheek.
I sat Sofia on the bed then walked around and got Milo off the bed and I sat next to Harry while he ate.

My phone started ringing, I got up and answered it. It was Todrick,
"good morning," He Said.
"Hey." I Said.
"So we're outside, can you let us in?" Todrick Asked.
"Ya, give me a moment," I Said.

I went into the closet and got dressed.
"What are you doing?" Harry asked.
"Keep eating, I'm just getting dressed." I Said.
I put on maroon capris and a white button up that was see through, so I put a white tank top on under it. I rolled the sleeves up and put some flats and I came out of the closet.
"Are you hungry?" I asked Dane.
"Ya," He Said.
"Let's go," I Said as He jumped off the bed and ran over to me.
"Here, I'll come too." Harry said.
"Alright." I Said.
Harry downed his orange juice and he picked his breakfast plate up in one hand and held Sofia in the other. I went over and got the tray.

We went into the kitchen and Harry sat down at the kitchen table. He put Sofia in her high chair and Dane pushed the chair over next to Harry. I took two more pancakes and put them on the plate. I took the plate and syrup to Harry and he put one on Sofia's tray and then cut it up for her. I made more bacon and brought it over to my family. I put a plate down for myself and then went to the front door.

"Where are you going?" Harry called.
"It's a surprise." I called back.
"What is it?" He called. I smiled.
"Strippers, I got you strippers." I Said as I opened the door.
"You got me strippers?" Harry asked. Todrick looked confused.
"Yes I got you strippers for your birthday." I Said sarcastically.
"What is he going on about?" Rory asked.
"I told him I had a surprise for him, and I told him It was strippers." I Said making the men laugh.
"How are you, Trevor?" I asked.
"I'm good, how are you doing, Phoenix?" Trevor asked.
"That's a nickname I haven't heard in a while." I Smiled.
"Come on in," I Said letting them in.

"Felicity!" Harry called.
I went into the kitchen with my army buddies following. Sofia was covered in syrup.
"What did you do?" I asked as I took her.
"I gave her some syrup and she got it everywhere." Harry said.
"So She's still a bit young for syrup." I Said.
"Want a hand?" Todrick asked.
"Sure, Take my sticky baby." I gave him Sofia who instantly put her hands on his face.
"Ugh, yep, She's definitely sticky." Todrick Said.
"Felicity, those aren't strippers." Harry said.
"We can if you want us to be." Rory teased.
"Please no, I don't want that image in my head." Harry said.
"How are you two doing?" Harry asked Kevin and Trevor.
"I'm doing good." Kevin Said.

We Caught up without fellow soldiers through out the day. It was a fun day. I had fun for a change from the standard royal birthday celebration.

A/n: hoper you enjoyed this chapter.

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