Chapter 53

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I picked up my phone,

"hey Jamie, we need to go baby shopping." I said.

"That sounds like a great idea." She said.

"I'm free next weekend. Harry and I could bring Dane up to York. You and I go shopping, Harry and Clayton hang out. Harry could share wisdom he's learned from fatherhood."

Jamie laughed. "that sounds wonderful. Carter and Dina could watch Dane while we're out." Jamie suggested.

"That sounds perfect. We can come up next weekend." I said.

"Sounds great." She said.

Jamie found out she was pregnant a few weeks before I found out I was. She also was having a girl so we were really excited.


"So if you and Jamie are going to go out and go shopping. I want you to wear a disguise." Martha said. "Connor will still be with you, but I don't want the press to be seeing you and Jamie walking around buying baby cloths. So we have face prosthetics for you three."

"That's going to be interesting." Harry said.

"We could really mess with my family," I said.

Martha raised an eyebrow.

"But we won't." Harry said.

"We may," I smiled.

Later, once we were ready to leave. The makeup artist came and applied our makeup pieces.

Harry ended up looking older, with dark haired wig, a different nose, and chin. I had blonde wig, a fuller cheeks that made my face look rounder and a thinner nose.

We went out the back way and took Martha's car.

"Mummy," Dane giggled.

"What?" I asked as I turned around to look at Dane. He giggled.

"Do mummy and Daddy look silly?" I asked.

"Ya," he smiled as he held Stitch in his arms.

"And we are officially out of London without being noticed." Harry smiled.


We pulled up to my parents place and got Dane out.

"We should mess with them." I said.

"Let's," Harry smiled. I picked Dane up and we went up to the front steps.

Harry rang the doorbell and dad came to the door.

"Hello," he said, clearly not recognizing us.

"Hello, Mr. Jonas. Is Mrs. Jonas around. We have some unfortunate news to share with you." Harry said in a serious tone.

"Dina can you come to the door. Some people from Kensington are here with Dane." Dad called into the house.

Mum came to the door looking concerned. I gave Dane to her.

"We are sorry to tell you but Princess Felicity has had a miscarriage." Harry said.

I started laughing. "Come on Felicity," Harry said.

"I'm sorry I couldn't keep it in any longer." I said.

My parents looked Appalled at the Joke we had played.

"Get in here you two." Mum said strictly as she pulled us into the house.

"what the bloody hell was that?" Mum demanded.

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