Chapter 48

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Felicity pov
The device had work! I had feeling in my legs. And as soon as I gained the feeling I went straight to physical therapy. Harry was willing to take on all of my engagements so I could focus on walking. Of course there were some engagements that I couldn't miss but other than that I was working on walking.

"This is the third time I've had to relearn how to walk." I told Valery.

She had been my physical therapist when I was relearning to walk the second time.

"Yes and third times the charm. Let's pray this is the least time you learn to walk." she said.

"I pray so." I said.

We did basic leg exercises. Then she had me working on just standing. Martha took my picture, as I stood with a walker.

"I think that photo deserves to do on the Kensington Instagram." She said.

"Get it approved first." I teased.

I was just wearing leggings and a t shirt from the London Invictus games so I doubt I would get in trouble with anyone.

"I'll at least send it to Harry before I post it

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"I'll at least send it to Harry before I post it." Martha said.

"Alright Felicity just try and move your left foot forward," Valery said.

I leaned on the walked and dragged my foot forward.

"Great now the other foot." Valery coaxed.

I dragged my prosthetic foot forwards and leaned on the walked.

"Okay keep going." Valery said.

"I'm thinking for the caption, it should say something like, 'The Duchess of Reading back on her feet after three years of being paralyzed. It will be a slow progress till she's walking by herself.' " Martha said.

"That sounds great." I said as I focused on my feet. I could feel them so that made it ten times better.

"Add this," I chimed as I dragged my left foot forward. "'She definitely won't be taking walking for granted.'" I said.

"That sounds good." Martha typed.

I took another step and my left get gave out from under me. Valery caught me,

"you okay?" She asked.

"I'm fine," she helped me stand and I kept going.


I was walking with crutches now.

"You are doing incredibly," Valery said.

I had made so much progress in these few weeks. Valery walked behind me as I walked around Apartment B at Kensington.

"Your doing great Felicity,"  Valery said.

The door to the apartment opened and Harry came in with Dane.

"Mummy's walking," Dane exclaimed. I looked over at them.

"Hello you two," I said as I turned directions so I could walk to them.

It took me a while to get to them but Harry gave me a big smile when I reached him and Dane.

"I am so proud of you," Harry hugged me.

"Mummy's walking," Dane said again. I going Dane and Harry held on to me.

"Yes, Mummy's walking again." I said.

"I'm so proud of you, I can't say that enough." Harry said. I kissed his cheek.

"You've been my strength through it all." I said.

"Well I will let you continue your session, then we have to go Christmas shopping." Harry said as he took Dane.

Valery had me do a few more exercises then I was let go. She helped me sit in my wheelchair and I showed her out before returning to the apartment.

Harry and I changed into something people wouldn't take a second glance at us. I took a brown beanie and tucked all my hair inside it. I took a grey sweat shirt and put that over the t shirt I was wearing.

"Ready?" Harry asked as he gave me sunglasses.

"I am," I said.

We went out the servants entrence of Kensington.

We got to our first shop and bought a few things.


"So you really want to walk to the church services Christmas Morning?" Harry asked.

"I do, I feel confident enough that I can." I said. "Plus you will be by my side the entire time so if I stumble you can catch me."

"That is a good point," Harry said.

"Well goodnight," I rolled over and went to sleep.

Harry pov
I rolled over and wrapped my arms around Felicity. She tenses up,

"please let me go," she whimpered in her sleep.

"Please Tristan," she muttered.

"Felicity sweetie, it's a dream. It's not real." I said as I tried to wake her up.

She screamed in her sleep, I took her into my arms and cradled her till she woke up. "Harry?" She said softly as she woke up.

"I'm here, you're safe." I said as I kissed her cheek.

"Where's Dane?" She asked.

"In his room," I said.

"Go get him, I need to know he's alright." Felicity said.

"I'll go get him," I said as I started to put her down, but she clung to me.

"Don't leave me alone." She said.

"Alright, then your coming with me," I said.

She got on my back and I carried her to Dane's nursery.

"See he's sound asleep." I whispered.

"Can we bring him back to our room?" She whispered in my ear.

"Sure," I said.

I picked Dane up, he was clutching Stitch so I brought them both back to our bedroom.

A/n: slightly shorter chapter.

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