Today is the day Jimin's friends come, I cleaned the whole house again and made their beds and rooms, Jimin always leaving his mess around, my gosh.

I hear the door open, thinking it was Jimin. "Jimi-" I stop as I see 6 guys, "Is this the right address?" one of them say, I bow and smile. "Are you Park Jimin's friends?" I ask them, all of them nod except for one who was busy on his phone, "You are..." I bow again. "Anneyongseyo I'm (y/n), I'm Jimin's best friend" I introduce myself, "Oh it's (y/n)! Jimin hyung told us about you!" one says, I laugh a little and it was awkwardly, "He did?" I question.

I see a fimilar hair color trying to get through the crowd. "(Y/n) these are my friends!" Jimin says to me happily, "I know, I've heard" I say to him bluntly. "Guys introduce yourself!" Jimin tells them, one bows and smiles while sticking his hand out.

"Anneyong I'm Kim Seokjin but just call me Jin" he smiles happily, I shake his hand and bow a little, he's like the motherly type. Another comes and smiles while sticking his hand out as well, "I'm Kim Namjoon but I perfer Rap Monster or Rap Mon" I smile and shake his hand as well, I don't know why he wants to be called that but you know, people are people, he's the fatherly type.

The one who told me about that Jimin talked about me comes and smiles like crazy, "Anneyong I'm Jung Hoseok, I'm the hope of the group so I'm J Hope if you like to call me that" I smile and bow a little before taking his hand but instead he pulls me in for a hug, "Hyung!" Jimin yells, he lets me go and smiles, I smile awkwardly.

Another one steps forward, he looks like a alien, "Anneyong I'm Kim Taehyung but I like to be called V" he does a v sign with his hand, I scoff quietly and smile. The one who looks like he's about to fall asleep comes and waves his hand in the air. "I'm Min Yoongi but call me Suga" I squint my eyes a little, "Suga? As in Sugar?" I ask him, he shook his head, "Just Suga" I nod and look at the one who is on his phone.

"Yah" Jin nudges him, he looks up and looks at Jin, Jin nods his head to my direction. He looks and stares before stepping forward. "Oh you got a maid, you didn't tell us" my anger rose at that, "Yah she isn't the maid, that's (y/n)" Jimin says to him, he looks at Jimin then back at me while eyeing me up and down, "She isn't as pretty as you said" I scoff at that, is looks what you care about the most?

"Anneyong nice meeting you, may I know your name?" I ask him, he completely ignores my questions and asks another. "Where's my room?" he asks, "Oh go look upstairs and pick one" he heads upstairs without telling me his name, "How is there a guy like that!?" I accidently yell, I cover my mouth and look at the others, they just look at me blankly.

I bow 90 degrees and apologize, one of then chuckles. "It's ok, I'm sorry for his behavior, that was Jeon Jungkook" Jin says to me, I nod and click my tounge, Jeon Jungkook uh, I'm already hating that name.

"(Y/n) did you make food, I'm starving" Jimin asks me while rubbing his stomach, "Jimin-ah, it hasn't been 20 minutes since we last ate" Jin says to him, Jimin shakes his head and holds my arm. "You should really try (y/n)'s cooking, it tastes like heaven!" Jimin exclaims, I roll my eyes at him.

"I happen to make some food" I look at Jimin, "And my food is just average so don't listen to him" I smile at them, they all walk into the kitchen and gasp, I run inside and look at them worriedly. "What's wrong!?" I ask them, "This is debak" J Hope says and looks so amazed, "It looks like heaven" V says, Jin eats a piece, "And it does taste like heaven" I bit my bottom lip. "Don't be so amazed, it's just food and enjoy yourself's" I was walking out, "(Y/n) you're not eating?" I hear Jimin ask me, I turn around and smile while shaking my head, "I already ate so I'm going up" I bow before leaving to my room.

As I head upstairs I hear the piano playing, the only piano in the house is in... my eyes widen and I run towards my room. I see him playing the piano in MY room. "This room is reserved!" I tell him, he stops playing and looks at me, those cold eyes, staring at me, picking at my skin little by little.

"Too bad, I liked this room" he stands and walks past me, "Oh right..." he stands in front me and comes closer with his face, I move my head back and raise an eyebrow, "Don't even try to get along with me, there's no point" he brush past my shoulder and closes the door. I scoff and cross my arms, "There really is guys like him" I sigh and take a bath.

"(Y/n) you asleep?" I hear Jimin through the door, I open the door and see him holding something in front of him, "Wae Jimin-ah?" I question, he laughs awkwardly and walk in when I said to ask me first. "I heard the piano playing" Jimin says, I roll my eyes, "That was that friend of your's who is named Jeon Jungkook" I tell him, Jimin looks at me and stares, "Jungkook was in here?" Jimin asks me, I nod and sigh, "He came in here without my permission, like you!" I exclaim at him, he bit his tounge a little while apologizing.

"Why are you here?" I ask him, he hands me the box, "It's your favorite candy, ferroro rancho" I smile widely and I hug him, "You know me too well, thank you Jiminie oppa!" I exclaim, he chuckles and ruffles my hair, "Night" "Night" he closes the door, I sit on my bed and sigh happily.

Taking a piece of Ferroro Rancho and took a bite, I close my eyes and nod my head in satifaction, "As usual, makes me happy" I smile and eat the rest of the piece.

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