"Do you like me?" Jungkook asks me.

Please I do, who wouldn't? Say something (y/n)!!!!

"Um... no" I say bluntly, he nods his head and backs away, "Get out" "Arasso" I find the door knob and run out the room into mine.

I hold my heart as it was about to jump out, "My gosh that guy is scary" I lay on my bed, do you like me, "Why would you ask me that? Of course I do!" I murmur, "Jungkook, (y/n), we're back!" I hear Jimin yell, I run down the stairs and see them putting stuff away, "Yah where did you guys go?" I ask Jimin, "Store" I hit his head, "I could've gone instead of staying here" I say to him, Jimin looks at the stairs and back at me, "Did Jungkook do something?" Jimin asks me, do you like me, "Ani, we just ate food and was gonna go to bed!" I chime happily, "Better not be lying to me" Jimin warns me, "I couldn't" I say and smile, but I would, "You guys ate already, good because we also did too" Jin says.

"(Y/n), how old are you?" J Hope asks me, "18 why?" I ask him, he smiles widely, "We're all older than you, you're the same age as Jungkook!" J Hope exclaims happily, I am? That dude is really tall then, I have to look up to see his face.

"You have to call us oppa~" V says, I shook my head, "Uh wae?" V questions, Jimin steps in front of me, "Apparently you don't know (y/n) that good yet, she doesn't call anybody oppa unless they do something special for her" Jimin explains, "Like this" Jimin gets something out of his bag and gives it to me, my eyes widen.

"A EXO album, thank you Jiminie oppa!" I exclaim and hug him, "See what I mean?" Jimin says to them, "Oh~ so we have to give her an EXO album for her to call us oppa?" V says, Jimin face palms, "No, just give her something that she likes very much and she'll call you oppa once, also it lasts for like a minute or more if you give her something really special" Jimin explains again, "Ok I get it" Jin says.

"Night!" I run upstairs, I put the dvd in the player and the music starts playing. "What's this called?" I question, I haven't heard it of it before.

"EXO's new song, Heart Attack" I hear him say, speaking of a heart attack, here that dude is, I turn around and see him looking at the album Jimin got me. "Jimin got me that" I say and come towards him, "Jimin hyung did, no wonder why" he says, I raise an eyebrow, "What do you mean Jungkook?" I ask him, Jungkook puts the album down and looks at me, "Nevermind" he walks out and into his room.

"Bwo, what's with him?" I question, I shrug it off because it's probably family problems, I sit on my bed and listen to the song, "Might become my new favorite" I say and smile.

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