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"Jungkook, I'm going" he grabs my arm, "Going where?" Jungkook questions me, "To the park, with Taekwoon and no nothing will happen because I only love you ok?" I explain to him, he gives me a look then pecks my lips, "I told you not to steal kisses from me!" I tell him, he shrugs and lets me go.


"Aish! Where is Taekwoon!?" I whine and swing, I feel a push and I go up, I gasp and then stop. I turn my head.

"Chanyeol! Why did you do that!?" I scream at him, he shushes me and sits beside me. "Who you waiting for?" I roll my eyes and hit his shoulder, "I asked you why did you do that?" I question him again, "Just for fun" he shrugs.

"Now answer me" he nudges me, I sigh and move back and forth, "I'm waiting for a friend" I tell him, "Jung Taekwoon?" I glance at him, "How did you know that?" I question him, "I know everything about you" he says.

"You're not that mean as I thought you would be" I tell him, "Yeah... I don't like to bite people, and also I don't like to be mean" Chanyeol tells me, "Since we got off to a bad start" I put my hand out, he looks at me. "Anneyong I'm (Y/n), Jung (Y/n)" I introduce myself, he smiles and takes my hand, "I'm Chanyeol, Park Chanyeol" he says, I stand and look at him.

"See ya later chingu!" I wave him good bye and head to Taekwoon, who was walking slowly.


"Who was that earlier?" Taekwoon questions me, "Oh, just a friend" I tell him, "What's his name?" Taekwoon asks me, "Park Chanyeol" I tell him, "When did you meet him?" I stop and face Taekwoon, "Why do you want to know?" I question him, "How come-" Taekwoon runs his hand through his hair in fustration and throws his hands in the air, "Since when did you start hanging out with guys!?" Taekwoon yells at me, yes he yelled at me, first time it has happened.

Not really, when I almost ate something poisoness, Taekwoon yelled at me for not being careful.

"How come-" he shakes me by my shoulders, "How come you couldn't like me?" Taekwoon says, I try to think of something to say but it gets interrupted by lips on mine.

My eyes widen as Taekwoon is kissing me, I try pushing him away but as ever, I'm always weak.


"She's not answering my calls" I say worriedly and try again, but again only goes to voicemail. "Maybe she has it as mute, don't worry too much Jungkook" Monie hyung says to me, I look at him, "What if this was your girlfriend, what if she got kidnapped or something!?" I yell, I shake my head, not being able to keep the worriedness out of me, "I'm gonna go look for her" I grab my coat, "How are you gonna do that?" Hobie hyung questions me, "Phone tracker" I say before I head out.


"It says she's here" I look around again, this time I see her and Taekwoon.

But the bad part is...

They're kissing.

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