"You like me?" Jungkook questions me, my eyes widen, "A-aniya t-that's n-not tr-true!" I quickly stutter, he comes closer, "Is it?" Jungkook questions me.

"Ani-de!" I yell, he puts his finger to my mouth, telling me to shush, I close my mouth very quickly. He puts his finger down and looks into my eyes, "You're sure, I'll have to test it first" Jungkook then glances down at my lips, I bite it from nervousness.

He comes closer, I close my eyes and wait. "Jeon Jungkook what are you doing!?" I hear Jimin yell, I open one eye and see Jimin standing there with balls of fists, I can practically feel Jungkook's breath lingering on my lips.

Jungkook moves back and sighs while looking back at me, "We'll finish this next time" he turns his back on me and goes into his room. Jimin runs towards me and checks me, "Are you ok, did Jungkook do anything to you?" Jimin asks me, I shook my head and smile, "Aniya he just... was checking if something on my face" I lie, Jimin hit me on the shoulder, "Yah what if he kissed you, you can't have your first kiss taken from him..." Jimin mumbles something else but I couldn't hear the actual words.

"Yah how did you know I haven't had my first kiss yet!?" I exclaim at him, "I... I... I, you just told me!" Jimin exclaims back at me, "Ch..." I hit his arm, "I'm going to bed! Night!" I close my door and lay on m bed.

Next Day~

"(Y/n) don't you have to go tutor Yang Yang?" Jin questions me, I nod my head but I then look at him immediately, "Yah how did you know that?!" I exclaim at him, great I just bad mouth him. Jin points his chopsticks at Jimin, I roll my eyes at Jimin, of course he did, he tells everybody about me.

"Why is it Yang Yang though, isn't that a chinese name?" J Hope questions, "It is but his parents and him live here, his parents are Chinese and Korean, he only knows Chinese though so they had me as their tutor for him" I explain, "How can you speak in Chinese?" V asks me, "I'm Chinese" I say.

"I'm going now, anneyong" I close the door and head to Yang Yang's house.


"Mrs. Lang" I bow and smile, "Yang Yang is in his room, if you want I'll bring some fruits" I nod and go to Yang Yang's room.

I knock on his door two times, "Yang Yang? It's (y/n)" I say, he opens the door, he smiles, "Li Luo!" Yang Yang sings happily, he calls me Li Luo because he wanted to give me a chinese name, I can't blame him, I like it as well. Yang Yang is 9.

"(Y/n), Yang Yang, I'm bringing in some fruit" Mrs. Lang says in chinese and comes inside, she smiles as she sees Yang Yang working on the problems I gave him. She puts it on the table and leaves while closing the door.


"See you next time Yang Yang" I wave him good bye and he waves back. I bow at Mrs. Lang, she smiles at me and takes my hand.

"(Y/n), Yang Yang is gonna be turning 10 this week on Wednesday, I was wondering if you can come, Yang Yang would be very happy" she says to me, I got nothing to do on Wednesday, I nod and smile, "I'll go, I would be glad to come for Yang Yang's birthday" I say, she smiles and nods, "You can bring someone with you" Mrs. Lang says, I nod and smile,  I go out the house and realized it was raining.

"What am I going to do, I don't have an unbrella" I sigh, then I decide to call Jimin.

"Yobseyo?" somebody says, "Who are you? This is Jimin's phone" I say through the phone, "Oh J Hope, Jimin is doing something so I answered it, you need something?" J Hope asks me, "Yeah um, can you get somebody to pick me up, it's raining and I don't have an unbrella" I ask him, "Arasso, I'll get someone" I smile and thank J Hope then I tell him the address.


"Who did J Hope bring, it's been 20 minutes already" I sigh then I see someone in the distance, "Looks like..." the umbrella uncovers his face, my eyes widen, "Jeon Jungkook" he sees me and comes towards me.

"Kaja" he says, I nod a little then go under the umbrella, we start walking.

"So that was Yang Yang's house?" Jungkook asks me, "Mhm" I answer, "What do you teach him?" Jungkook asks me, "I teach him Korean, math, and other things" I answer, "How old is he?" Jungkook asks me, is he really asking me that. "Why do you ask that?" I question him, he just stayed quiet, "Yang Yang's 9, he's gonna be turning 10 this week on Wednesday, Mrs. Lang invited me to his birthday" I answer, "Why did th-" I get interrupted by Jungkook grabbing me and turning me to the other side, he drops the umbrella and holds me by my waist, then a car comes by and it splashes into a puddle and got it on Jungkook.

"Yah you ok?" I ask him, we were both soaked in the rain, "I'm ok" Jungkook answers and grabs the umbrella, he puts it over us and we continue walking.


"Where did they go?" I question as the house is deadly silent, I head into the kitchen and see a note. "We went to go eat out..." I read out, "So go ahead and eat dinner" I sigh and roll my eyes.

"I'm going to go wash up" Jungkook goes upstairs while I am in the kitchen. "What should we eat?" I ask myself, "Maybe should we eat noodles?" I suggest to myself, I think for a moment and nod while smiling.

"Almost done" I continue stirring, then I feel something on me, I look up at my head and see it's a towel. "Yah are you trying to get yourself sick, go wash up, I'll do this" Jungkook says, I nod and run upstairs.


I wear my shirt that says 'Kpop is Life' (Cause it is) and my leggings, I continue drying my hair and walked to the kitchen.

"Smells good" I say as I sit and look into the bowl, "This is my first time cooking so..." I smile and nod at Jungkook, I take a piece and eat it, I give a thumbs up at Jungkook, he smiles.

No way, the Jeon Jungkook smiled for the first time. (We know he smiles in real life all the time so...)

"You're smiling!" I exclaim at him and smile, his smile goes away and gets replaced with a frown, he clears his throat and starts eating.

"Gwomawo, the food was good" I grab my bowl and his then I washed them.

I start rearranging everything, these boys do not know how to become neat. "Yah" I turn around and look at Jungkook, "Wae?" I question him. "We have to finish what we had to do yesterday don't we?" Jungkook tells me, finish what we did yesterday, I thought he was joking, well not really, his face is all serious and stuff.

"Yah quit with the joke, it's not funny no more" I fade off with a little laugh, he doesn't say anything but just comes closer to me. I back up until my back hits the wall, he is in front of me now and putting his head to me.

"Did it look like I was joking?" Jungkook asks me, I can't even look at him, "A little" I answer, he turns my face to look at him then crashes his lips onto mine, my eyes widen but they close as I become fond.

"(Y/n)/Jungkook!?" we both hear.

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