I wake up to my alarm, "EXO- Lucky? I thought I changed that?" I question myself, I shrug and change into different clothes, which is into dance clothing, yes I dance, play the paino, and other stuff.

"(Y/n) ready?" Jimin says as he opens the door, I nod and head out with him.

"Where are you guys going?" Jin asks us, "Oh, when it's Sunday we always head to the studio to go dance" Jimin answers, "Yah going without me and Jungkook, that's kinda wrong" J Hope says, "Mian hyung, wanna go?" Jimin asks him, my eyes widen and I look at Jungkook, he was busy eating his breakfast, I can't look at him or even talk to him after what happened. "Yeah, Jungkook wanna come?" J Hope asks him, please don't go, please don't, PLEASE!!!

"Arasso let me go get my stuff" Jungkook stands, looks at me, and smirks before going upstairs, J Hope goes as well. I slouch down and start complaining under my breath.


"What do you guys dance to?" J Hope asks us, "We dance to boy songs" Jimin answers, "You too?" J Hope questions me, I nod and smile, "What should we do this time?" Jimin asks me, "Hmm... VIXX- Chained Up" I answer, "I forgot to ask, what happened between you and Taeyang?" Jimin asks me, I stop smiling and look down.

"They broke up, he happened to be cheating on her" Jimin opens his mouth, "Jimin hyung don't say anything" Jimin closes his mouth as Jungkook says that, "Ok let's dance to VIXX- Chained Up" I nod and turn the music on, Jimin and I both dance to it.


"Yah (y/n) are you ok?" J Hope asks me, I look at him and nod, I drink my water but there's nothing in there, "Oh..." I put it on the ground, then a full water bottle was in front of my face, "Cha..." he says, "Gwomwo Jungkook" I take it and open then drank it. "Jungkook is being helpful now is he, aftering knowing what happened" J Hope says, Jungkook glares at him, Jimin all of the sudden comes to by side and nudges me, "(Y/n) want to go to the cafe, I'll get you your favorite latte" Jimin says to me, I smile and look at Jimin while nodding my head, he smiles back.


"Wah our regular customers are here, finally!" he says, Jimin laughs and nudges him. "Jinwoo hyung come on, we come here very week" Jimin whines, I hit his head which made him stop, "(Y/n) how have you been the past week?" Jinwoo asks me, "Very good thank you" I respond and smile, "Who are these two?" Jinwoo looks behind us and sees J Hope and Jungkook.

"This is Jungkook and Hobie hyung, which is J Hope" Jimin explains, "Oh nice meeting you" Jinwoo looks back at me and smiles, "Usual?" I nod my head and went to go sit.

"How has you guys day been?" Jinwoo asks us as he gives us our drink, "Good guess what, Taeyang and (y/n) broke up" Jimin says, Jinwoo looks at me, "It's true" I say and drink my latte, I glance at Jungkook real quick and he was on his phone, not even listening to the conversation.

"I have my chance again" Jinwoo says and puts an arm over my shoulder, what does he mean by chance?

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