Jin pushes me inside a room.

"Wha-" "You have to stay here (Y/n)" Jin cuts me off, "Why do I have to stay in here?" I ask him, Jin sighs, "Because you're in danger" danger? how so?

"So, just listen and stay in here" I open my mouth to speak but he closes the door already, I run to it and try to open it but it's locked.

I bang on the door. "Jin!" I yell and bang on the door again, "Jin oppa!" I yell again, still banging on the door, "Kim Seokjin!" I yell once more then sigh, I look around the room.

"I never knew there was a room like this in the house before" I murmur out, kitchen, bedroom, you name it.


"You're sure she's in?" I ask him, he nods his head.

"I'm sure" he responds, suddenly there was banging. "Seokjin, let me out, what's happening, let me out!" I hear her yell, "See, I'm sure" Jin says, I glare at him for a sec then look at the others.

"Anyways..." I point at V and Jimin, "You guys stay here with (Y/n), make sure she doesn't escape from here" they nod their heads, "Rap Mon, Jin, Hobi, and Suga hyung come with me, we have to find him before he does something" they nod their heads, "When are we heading out?" J Hope asks, "Later, before 5 tonight" I answer.

"We have to go now, it would be faster" Suga says, "Would you guys be ok?" I ask them, "It's ok for us, if we're going to do something good, we're ok" I nod my head, "Arasso, let's go" I look at V and Jimin. "Keep her safe arasso?" they nod their head.

We leave the house. I look at it once more, "Saranghae (Y/n)" I say before walking with my hyungs.


The door opens, I stand and look towards the door.

I sigh and look at the two. "V, Jimin, where are the others, where is Jungkook, how come I never heard of this room, what is happening?" I ask them, "Um... I'm answering one of the questions you asked, the reason why you never heard of this room is because Jungkook had it built a month ago" V says.

"Ok..." I look at Jimin, "What about you, you gonna answer one?" I ask him, he looks away, "So you're not?" Jimin doesn't answer, I sigh and close my eyes, "Fine don't answer, but just answer this" I open my eyes and look at them.

"Is Jungkook... a vampire?"


"Jungkook, we can't find him" J Hope says.

"Me neither" the others say, I sigh, "I can't either" I tell them, I gulp and look at them, "You guys haven't ate yet right, let's go get something to eat" I say to them, "Jungkook we're fine" Jin says, I smile.

"You guys might be my servants, but you guys are also my friends, my hyungs, and my family, I don't want to starve you guys, so let's go" I tell them, they look at each other before looking back at me and smiling.


"What is it that you want?" I ask them.

"Pizza!" "Cheese burger!" "Pasta!" "Ramen!" they all yell out, I smile and laugh, "Arasso, we'll get all of those" I tell them, "Also TaeTae and Jiminie" I nod my head, "What about (Y/n)?" my smile falls.

"I can't afford her out of that room, but she has plenty of food in there to cook" I tell them, they nod their head. Jin smacks the back of Rap Mon's head, "Great question" Jin says through his teeth, I smile slightly, "It's ok Moni hyung, I needed to hear her name" I say.

"But, are we gonna sleep after we eat, I'm really tired" Suga asks, making us all laugh. I'm really gonna miss these happy moments.

I don't want to leave them.

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