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"(Y/n) you're finally awake!" Jin comes to my side, I lay up and look around.

Where's Jungkook? I look around again, no Jungkook in here.

"Jungkook went somewhere with the others, I'm taking care of you" Jin says, I nod and move out of bed. Then I remember, my eyes widen and I touch my neck, a bandage on it.

"Don't worry, it's not gonna leave a scar" I sigh of relief and sit, "What was he?" I ask Jin, he looks at me with big eyes, "Uh?" I smile, "Chanyeol, what was he?" I ask again, Jin looks around then back at me. "Um... he's um... a v-" we both hear the door open, "(Y/n)..." Jungkook hugs me, I smile and hug him back.

He lets me go and caress my neck, I watch as his eyes travel down with his hand, I hold his hand, his eyes land on mine. I caress his cheek, his eyes close and he puts his hand on mine.

"Mianhe I didn't protect you" I laugh a little and cup his face, his eyelids open, brown, red, brown. I tilt my head in confusion. He smiles and kisses my hand.

"How's your..." I smile and shake my head, "I'm fine" I tell him. "You know when you told me you had a surprise for me?" I tell him, he nods. "I have one for you too" he chuckles a little. His arms go around my waist, mine go around his neck.

"You're sure you're ok?" Jungkook asks me, I nod.


"How is the princess doing?" J Hope asks, I raise an eyebrow, he laughs awkwardly and drinks his orange juice, "How you doing sis?" Suga asks, I smile and nod.

Jungkook lets me go and I went and sit beside Suga. "Popcorn?" Suga asks me, I smile and gladly took some, "Hyung no! She's still healing!" Jungkook exclaims, "She just has a wound, she's not pregnant or anything" I look away, really Suga? Really.

"Or is she..." J Hope and V look at me, my eyes widen and I wave my hands no, also my head. "Aniya, nothing happened between us that far" I tell them, V points a finger at me, "Yet" he goes back to watching TV.

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