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"(Y/n)/Jungkook!?" we both hear, Jungkook and I part as we see the others standing there and looking at us surprised. "We told you" V says, what is he talking about now?

"We always thought that Jungkook would ignore her, yet here they are kissing away" Rap Mon says, again what are they talking about? "Pay up" V says and takes out his hand, I step out. "What is going on?!" I yell, they get startled but V laughs awkwardly and steps out, "(Y/n) mian but we did a bet on you and Jungkook if you two would get together" V explains, my face got red from anger and embarrassment, "Aish!" I run towards my room, "(Y/n)!" Jungkook calls but I ignore and slam the door to my room.

I fall on top of my bed and scream into my pillow, they weren't nice or mean but they are despicable, I hear a knock on my door. I lay my head up and turn it towards the door, "I'm dead!" I yell and put my head into the pillow, "If you were dead you wouldn't be talking right now would you?" he says, I immediately put my head up and turn towards the door again, what does he want now, does he want to laugh at me too?

He comes in and closes the door then comes towards me. "Mian the hyungs are always like that so no reason to feel mad or anything" he says, "Jeon Jungkook, they think we're together now but we aren't!" I tell Jungkook, he sits on my bed and takes my hand which startles me, "Who says we aren't?" Jungkook questions, I tilt my head a little and squint my eyes.

Did the Jeon Jungkook just say that or am I dreaming right now? DID JUNGKOOK JUST SAY WE'RE TOGETHER!!!???

"Yah pinch me, I think I'm day dreaming" I tell him and stick out my arm, he scoffs and comes closer, "Why not try something else?" Jungkook says to me, I raise an eyebrow and wonder what he meant, not anymore when he comes and kisses me, my eyes widen again but they didn't close.

Jungkook comes off and smirks, "Still think you're dreaming?" Jungkook questions me, I shook my head very slowly, still trying to process what happened, "Good" he comes towards my ear, "Because you're mine" Jungkook whispers that part into my ear, my eyes widen again, then he moves away from me and smirks while going to the door, "Night (y/n)" Jungkook says before walking out and closing the door, still making sure I heard right when he said that to me.

I hear another knock on my door and they already come in without my permission, of course it's him.

"Jimin really, you had them do that to me... and Jungkook" I lowly say his name, "Mianhe (y/n) but I didn't know about it until now" Jimin explains, I scoff and cross my arms.

"But... (y/n)" I look at Jimin, his eyes look red but I don't know why, I turn his head towards me and look directly into his eyes, "Jimin are you ok, your eyes are red" I ask him, he takes my hands off and put them into my lap, "I'm ok but I need to ask you something" I nod my head and wait for him to continue, "Are you and Jungkook really together?" Jimin asks me, I was frozen stiff and wasn't able to answer, "(Y/n) answer me please" that's the first time he used please towards me, well not really, when I took his Shinwa album, he begged me to give it back and he would buy me dinner for a month.

"I don't know..." I answer and turn the other way, not wanting to look at anybody except for the moon, I feel him get off my bed and I hear the door close and also the lights go off, I close my eyes trying to forget the event that happened and tried to sleep.

"Don't come into my dreams" I beg and close my eyes and went to sleep.

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