"Be good" Jungkook tells me, I roll my eyes, "Where would I go?" I question, he nods and pecks my lips, he grins a little before leaving. "That jerk, I told him not to steal kisses" I murmur, "Who now?" I jump and look up, "Chanyeol, at least say hello or something before popping up out of nowhere" I tell him, holding my hand to my chest, Chanyeol smiles and waves his hand.

"Anneyong" I roll my eyes, "Wanna go out?" I raise an eyebrow, "I don't know, Jungkook told me to not go anywhere" I tell him, "Then let's just go for a walk around" I smile and nod, I need to get out of here.


"Feel better?" I nod my head and nudge Chanyeol, "Thanks for bringing me out" I tell him, he shrugs and puts his hands into his pockets, "It's the least I can do" Chanyeol says to me, "You can bring me Starbucks everyday" I tell him, he nods.

"I think we should get back, it's 3 pm" I nod my head and follow him into the hospital, "What time did we go out?" I ask him, "At... 10 am" my eyes widen, "So we have been out here for 5 hours!? Wow..." I shake my head in disbelieve, "Believe it" Chanyeol says to me.


"Anneyong I'm back!" I hear Jungkook yell, "And so are we!" I hear the others say, "Also we brought a drink for you!" V yells, giving me iced coffee.

I smile and thank him, "Also we brought food" Jin gives me a bento box, I also thank him. "It's rice cakes" I smile and eat one. I look at Jungkook and open his mouth with my hand and shove one in there.

"Yah, that's not for me!" Jungkook says to me, still chewing, I smile and pat his head. "Thanks guys, I think I'll enjoy this better than hospital food" I tell them, "Really, I'll bring you food everyday then" Jin says to me, I nod and smile.

A knock comes from the door, "It's Markue!" I hear Mark say, trying to sound weird, "Anneyong Mark!" I say and wave, he comes then six other head pop in from the wall.

I smile and laugh, "JB, Jinyoung, Youngjae, Yugyeom, Bam Bam, and Jackson?" I question, they all smile and attack me in a hug. I gasp for air as they let go. "Who's your favorite now?" Jackson asks, trying to look cool by putting his elbow on the table but it slips and he falls to the floor. I laugh really hard, "Yah it's not funny!" Jackson yells at me while getting up.

I look at Yugyeom and Jinyoung who was hitting each other, Bam Bam and Youngjae playing on their phones, and JB and Mark helping Jackson up but then lets him fall. Jungkook's friends were doing the same too. Jin and Rap Mon fighting, V and J Hope playing on their phones, Jimin and Suga sleeping instead, and Jungkook beside me, drinking my iced coffee.

"Yah..." I glare at him, he smiles and holds it for me to drink, I nudge him and smile, I take a sip. "We're gonna do this a lot from now on" Jungkook says to me, "Drinking from each other?" I say, "And also eating from each other" Jungkook adds, I smile and take another sip, he smiles and does the same.

"(Y/n), I found this in the mail yesterday" Jin says to me and hands it to me, I open the envelope, a school reunion? Oh yeah, duh.

"Mark, remember this?" I ask him, he comes to my side and looks at the paper, "Oh yeah! Want to go together?" Mark asks me, I nod my head. "What is it?" Jackson asks, "A school reunion, only students that went there can come" I explain, "It's Saturday, I'll be out of here by then" I say, "I'll come pick you up" Jungkook says to me, "What about Mark-" Mark nudges me and shakes his head, "I'll be fine, after that I'm going to Tiffany's house" Mark says, I nod and sip my iced coffee.

"How are you and Tiffany?" I ask Mark, "We're good, she told me she met you, she said that you were the meanest person she's met in life" I gasp and hit Mark's arm, "I'm just kidding! She said that you were nice and also Gracie tried to seduce Jungkook" Mark says to me, I cover my ears, "Don't remind me!" I yell at him, he chuckles and nods.

"Ooh, did Jungkook buy you those flowers?" Jackson asks, touching them, I hit his hand away. "No, another friend did" I tell him, "What other friend, I only know you have us as friends" Jackson says, "I have other friends beside y'all ok?" I tell him, he nods and goes back to pestering Bam Bam.

"I forgot" I look at Mark, "I also plan to marry Tiffany" I squeal and shake him, "When? Ahh when!?" I say, he holds me and tells me to stop, "I plan on proposing next week on Wednesday, I'll take her out to the park then I'll have balloons and flowers, then I'll have fireworks that say 'Will you marry me?' I just hope she says yes" Mark explains to me, "I'll help, I have nothing to do that day!" I tell him, he nods.


"Bye guys" I wave them good bye, I look at Jungkook beside me. "You should go home too, you probably uncomforable here" I tell Jungkook, "That wouldn't be fair to you though, would it?" Jungkook says to me, I smile and nod.

"I'll stay here, with my future wife" I roll my eyes playfully and push him slightly, "I would rather have a girl then" I tell Jungkook, "If we do, she's not allowed to date" Jungkook says, pouting. "You still have me" I tell him, "True" Jungkook nods his head, "If we have a boy, I'm still naming him Wonwoo, he just needs to find the right girl to marry" I say, "Whatever helps your desire" Jungkook says to me, I smile and kiss his cheek. He grins and pecks my lips, I frown then smile, I pinch his cheeks, making him frown.

"Saranghae Kookie~" I cooe at him, he smiles and pecks my lips again, "Nado Saranghae Jagi~" Jungkook cooes back.

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