I sit and wait, Jimin and V standing outside the door, guarding.

"Aish jjinja, do you know how boring it is to be in here?!" I yell at the door. "You think it's any better out here, all we can do is stand and watch out, we don't get to do anything fun!" I hear V yell through the door, I sigh and lay back on the bed.

"What's going on, why is Jungkook keeping me in here?" I question, I look down at my stomach, "Do you know, he's your appa" I say, "Why did he say that?"

"War is what's happening..."

"I'll come back to you..."

"I miss you, Jeon Jungkook" I pull my knees up to my chest and hold it, sighing again as I have nothing to do.


"We've checked again, nothing" J Hope says.

"It's ok, he'll show up somehow, let's just keep looking for now, we'll meet back here in three hours" they nod their head and run, I run in my direction.

"Looks like you've been looking for me" I turn my head, seeing a shadow, apparently there is no other people around.

"Who are you?" I question, a chuckle, it sends shivers down my spine. "You don't remember me, you've been looking for me" my eyes widen, "K-Kai?" I question, he steps forward out of the shadow, he smirks, "The one and only" he says.

"How did you escape?" I question him, ready to get my gun. "Simple, just break the chains" he answers, "But they're-" "They're unbreakable chains I know, but I got some help" he says, my hand takes the handle of the gun. "What do you mean, some help?" I question him, he chuckles again, "I got help from my clan, what other help would I get?" my hand grips the gun tightly, "Your, clan?" I question, he smirks even more.

Suddenly both of my hands get caught, it's his gang.

"Shit" I mumble and try to get out of their grip, it was useless. Kai comes towards me and points a knife at my heart.

"You just have to tell me where the girl is" he says, I grind my teeth. "What girl?" I question through my teeth, he pushes the knife down even more. "You know which girl I'm talking about" his smirk falls.


I struggle even harder from the two guys holding me back, they're too strong though.

"I don't know who you're talking about" I say, "You know exactly who I am talking about" he says in a dark voice. "If you don't want to tell me it's fine, I know where she is" he comes close to my ear,  "She's at the house" I struggle again, "I'll find her so don't worry, I'll have you reunite with her soon" again I was struggling.

"Knock him"

I feel something hit the back of my head, making me dizzy, I fall back.

My vision blurry.


"Yah, I need to go to the store for us to eat" V nodding his head, Jimin moves away from his position and outside.

Little did he know, he made a mistake.

V who was standing, suddenly sighed and bit his lip. "God I need to use the restroom" V runs to the bathroom.

(Y/n) laying on the bed, suddenly hears a ding from her phone.

Taking the phone in her hand, it was from Jungkook. Pressing quickly on the text he had sented only brings her to fear.

"J-Jungkook" she sighs out. The text showed Jungkook tied to a chair and unconcious, the address shown below the picture.

She ran to the door and started banging. "Yah Jimin, V, open the door, I need to go save Jungkook!" she yells, she looks around the room, picking up the item and bangs it against the door knob.

The door knob falling to the floor, she pushes the door open and runs towards the front door.

She looks back before running out, she knew Jimin and V would be worried.

V coming back from the restroom sees everything, hitting his head and running out the open front door.


The next chapter is the last chapter, sad isn't it? 😣😭😢

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