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"Hyungs, we're going to the carnival" Jungkook tells them, "I want to go!" V whines, "Let them be, it's gonna be open for two more days anyways" Jin tells V, he looks at us and waves his hand, "Go have fun" I smile at him, why did I like Jungkook when I could have liked Jin, J Hope, or maybe Suga?

Well, the heart does what it wants, can't blame it.


"Let's go there!" Jungkook points, I look and shiver a little. "You don't like it?" Jungkook asks me, I scoff and sigh, "We don't have to go if you don't want to" he says to me. Is he calling me a scaredy cat?

I hold my head high and walk to the haunted house. Jungkook runs to my side and smirks, "Hold oppa's hand if you get scared" I roll my eyes, "I'm not gonna get scared and you saying oppa is kinda weird, not even kinda, it IS weird" I tell him and shove him away. "Ok then" he runs inside, leaving me behind.

"Yah Jeon Jungkook!" I yell, but he's gone inside, I stomp my foot and hesitate to go inside. Should I just leave him and go eat ice cream? No no, I shouldn't do that, he'll probably get mad. What should I do!?

"(Y/n) help me!" I hear Jungkook yell, my eyes widen and I panic, I run inside without hesitation. "Jungkook where are you!?" I yell, hoping for an answer, but all I got was jump scares.

"AH!" I scream as another had given me a jump scare, "Jungkook where are you!?" I desperately whine, I feel a hand on my shoulder, I jump and turn around. Some guy, he looks at me confused before smirking, I am already frightened and this dude shows up!?

"H-hey do y-you know how to g-get out of h-here?" I ask him, he steps forward, I step back. "You're... Jungkook's girlfriend" my eyes widen, but it was dark that nobody can tell, "Aren't you?" he questions me. "(Y/n)~ come find me if you can~" I hear Jungkook say, I inhale and exhale, while looking at the guy, he looks at me, like he's waiting for me to answer Jungkook.

"J-Jungkook w-where a-re you?" I whine, he smirks and grabs a hold of my arm, I gasp as he opens his mouth. His teeth, there's fangs, w-what, am I seeing it wrong? He moves my arm to his mouth, my eyes widen and I push him away then run away. Not wanting to look back.

I feel arms pick me up, I scream and kick. "Yah it's me!" I look at Jungkook and hug him, he hugs me back, "Jungkook!" I cry, "Yah mian, why are you crying for?" I shake my head and hold onto him.


"There, we're out!" Jungkook says happily, I open my eyes, squinting a little because of the brightness. I let Jungkook go and stomp away. "(Y/n)!" Jungkook calls for me but I just walk away, he graps my wrist, making me turn around, I am angry as fuck. Why did he make me go in there, I didn't want to see that or even feel it.

I look past Jungkook's shoulder and see that guy, he looks at me and smirks before walking away. "(Y/n) mianhe, I won't do it again" Jungkook apologizes, should I tell Jungkook what I saw or not? I probably shouldn't, he'll just say I'm imagining it.

"I'll buy you ice cream" Jungkook says to me, I nod and smile slightly, hoping to get that scene in the haunted house out of my head.


"Feel better?" I nod and lick my superman ice cream, (My fave 😁). "Jungkook..." he looks at me while licking his strawberry ice cream, should I tell him? I smile and shake my head, "Nothing but thank you for the ice cream" I tell him, he roll his eyes and sighs while smiling, "You said that for the tenth time, I'm doing this for you, my girlfriend" he tells me, I smile and laugh a little.

"Oh I forgot" I look at him, "Did something happen inside of the haunted house, you looked so pale when we came out" Jungkook tells me, looking confused, should I really tell him?

I hit his shoulder and scrunch up my face a little, "It's all your fault! I got scared and all!" I exclaim at him, he smirks at me and leans closer to me. "You said you weren't scared" he tells me, "Yeah! But you should've been able to tell I was lying!" I exclaim at him and roll my eyes, he chuckles and kisses my cheek. "Mian jagi~" Jungkook cooes, I roll my eyes again and bite my bottom lip from smiling.

Then three girls, and I mean girls the same age as us, or that's what it looks like. The middle one sits beside Jungkook and holds his arm, oh now I know, they want Jungkook, why should I feel jealous? Because he's my bf, duh!

"Hey" she says to him, her voice sweet and she smiles, ugh I hate girls like that, in real life they're mean but when it comes to guys like Jungkook, they are all sweet and nice to everybody. Also they are wearing too much makeup, also hate that.

"Hi" Jungkook says to her, I roll my eyes and look forward, watching children playing with a ball. "Want to go to my place for a drink?" she asks Jungkook, I hear him chuckle and sigh. "What's your name?" Jungkook asks her, "Caitlyn" she answers, "Well Caitlyn..." I feel an arm pull me, I look at Jungkook and he smiles, "Meet my girlfriend, (y/n)" he says, she glares at me and puts her hand out, "Nice meeting you, (y/n)" she says to me, I shake her hand, "Nice meeting you too, Caitlyn" I smirk a little. Her grip tightens on my hand, I don't flinch, I'm used to it, Jungkook does that when he's mad, I tighten mine too and smile, her face shows distress, she glares at me while I smile at her. We both part and she holds her hand in pain, I scoff quietly and stand.

"I'm gonna go use the restroom" I tell Jungkook, he nods and smiles at me while winking, I smile back. "I'm going too" Caitlyn says, we both walk, as soon as we got in, she pins me to the wall.

"Give me him" I smirk a little and tilt my head, "Who?" I question her, she sisses at me and slaps her hand on the wall, I just slouch and sigh. "Your boyfriend! Give me him!" Caitlyn says to me, I roll my eyes and push her away, "No thanks, I'm keeping my property not putting it for auction" I tell her, yeah I know, Jungkook is not my property but I don't want her taking MY man.

"You're not giving me him?" Caitlyn questions me, I roll my eyes and sigh while putting my hands on my hip, "Look Caitlyn, so offense..." I sigh again, "But you're a bitch" I tell her, hey I was just being honest, can't blame me right.

"D-did y-you ju-just..." her eyes are wide, "Yes I did and I'm sorry but I like being honest" I tell her shrugging, her hand up, ready to slap me but I hold and push her against the wall, she looks at me startled. I smile then smirk, why do I keep doing that? Jeon Jungkook, I need to stop.

"Sorry but I'm keeping my boyfriend" I tell her and let her go, "Excuse me, I'm gonna go back to MY boyfriend" I smile then it falls, I walk out to Jungkook.

The two girls still standing there and talking with him, I sigh and smile, I walk to him and he smiles when he sees me, he holds his hand out for me to take, I smile and hold his hand. He pulls me to him and puts his arm around my waist while still sitting.

Caitlyn comes out the restroom and walks over to us, she glares at me, I smile and put my hand on Jungkook's, she looks at her friends. "Let's go guys" all three leave, Jungkook sighs of relief.

"Chincha, I'm glad you came out instead of leaving me here" he smiles at me, I smile at him and move his hair to the side. "Kaja, I don't want to stay here any longer" I tell Jungkook, he nods and smiles. He stands and holds my hand, "Arasso, whatever you want, my queen" I look at him and smile while laughing a little, "You are under my command now" I tell him, he pulls me close and pecks my lips, "I'm your king though" I roll my eyes playfully, "Ch, arasso. Only if it was true that you were a king" his smile falters after I say that, but then he smiles again, it doesn't seem like the one before.

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