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"Jeon Jungkook that's not for you to play with!" I yell at him, he looks at me confused and smirks slightly.

He holds it up and looks at me, "Never knew, you were so big" he teases, I feel so embarassed but I need to get it back. "Jungkook give me back my bra! Right now!" I yell at him, "Only on one condition" I gester him to continue. He drops it and pins me to the bed, making me startled a little.

"W-what condi-tion?" I stutter, he smirks and looks at me up and down, then I realize his condition, my eyes widen and my arms make an x across my chest and I shake my head rapidly. "Not happening!" I scream at him, he tilts his head, glancing at my lips before my eyes. "Why not?" Jungkook asks me, pouting a little. "I'm still young, you're still young" I explain to him, "We're both 18" Jungkook says, he puts his hand to my waist. "Yeah but..." I push him off, "Still not happening" I tell him.

His hands hold my waist, I smile and turn around. He's sitting on the bed while I was standing. His fingers lace together, keeping me in his arms.

"That wasn't my condition" he says as he still looking up to see my face, "What was it then?" I ask him, he smiles and pushes his lips out. "A kiss" he says, I smile and bite my bottom lip before bending down and peck his lips, we both stare deeply into each other's eyes before Jungkook leans forward and connects with my lips, we both switch sides as I am on the bed and he on top.

"I thought you said they were awa- my gosh! Lock the door or something!" Jungkook and I part and see J Hope standing there again, how many times has this happened? Three. "Hyung at least knock or something, we're busy!" Jungkook exclaims at him, "Fine! Hurry up and come eat breakfast!" J Hope closes the door, making me look up at Jungkook.

He sighs and shakes his head before looking at me, he smiles while I smile back. We share another kiss before we head downstairs.


"Jungkook, you and (y/n) didn't do anything right?" Jin asks us, "No besides kissing my jagi" Jungkook answers, I look at Jimin and he looks down and eats his breakfast. Why is Jimin distant from me now, now that I am dating Jungkook, it should make no difference.

"That was the third time that happened to me Jungkook!" J Hope exclaims at Jungkook, "It was for us too!" Jungkook exclaims at him. I nudge Jungkook and gester him to be quiet, he shrugs and smirks. He back hugs me, making me wide eyed. He puts his chin on my shoulder, he puts his arms around my waist, I put my hands on his and try to push it off but he holds on tight.

"Jeon Jungkook let go!" I whisper to him and smile at the others, "Why? You're mine aren't you?" Jungkook whispers back at me and kisses my cheek. "Aish! Take that somewhere else!" V exclaimd at us, we all look at the front door.

"I'm back!" Sunny echos through the house, "Unnie where were you for the past days!?" I ask her, she smiles and giggles, "I had to go model for something, sorry I didn't call or text" I shake my head and bunch my lips to one side. I feel something went on my cheek, I raise an eyebrow and turn, my eyes widen.

"Jungkook, eww!" I scream and wipe my face, he just licked my cheek! Why! Is he crazy or something!?

He laughs and comes closer to me, I shake my head and back away from him. "Don't come near me" I warn him, I don't know what will happen next. "Jungkook!" I scream as he starts running for me, I go to Jimin and hide behind him, Jungkook stops smiling and laughing then looks at me then at Jimin, I can see his body tense.

"What's wrong Jungkook?" Jimin asks Jungkook and looks at him, Jungkook scoffs and pulls me away, making me stumble a little. The room was so intense, why is Jimin and Jungkook like this?

"Hello, is no one gonna talk?" Sunny questions, I shake my head at her. I then feel a strong grip on my wrist, I look up at Jungkook, why does he look angry? "We're going up" he pulls me, I try to pull away from him but like always, it's useless.


He opens the door to his room, then he pulls me, closes the door and pins me to the wall. "J-Jungkook?" I call him, he inhales and exhales. He bangs both of his hand to the wall, making me startled, both hands beside the sides of my head, he leans in closer.

My hands are to my chest, balling into fists. "J-Jung-kook" I call him again. His hands fall and go around my waist, pulling me closer, he sighs and looks down at me.

"Mian" he says, he pulls me to the bed and we both sit. He interwines our fingers together, we both look at each other and he smiles. "You know... I have a surprise for you" I raise an eyebrow, "What surprise?" I question, my eyes widen and I cover my face, "You're not gonna lick me again, are you?" I question him, he shakes his head and pulls my head into his chest, holding me around my waist. "It's something else but I want to wait until we get married" did he just say until we get married.

"Jungkook, you think too much" I tell him and shake my head, he smiles and sticks his tounge out at me, "I know it's gonna happen" he says, I look into his eyes, they flinker, it turns from brown to red, then back to brown. Why are his eyes doing that?

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