I wake at 9 in the morning, Yang Yang is turning 10. He's growing too much, I felt like I just saw him as a 5 year old just yesterday.

I look through my dresses and pick the best one for Yang Yang's birthday. Yang Yang likes blue and green, I pick the mixed kind of the two.

I smile as I got this dress from my mother, who happened to pass away before my 13th birthday, my father gave this to me on my birthday and told me my mother made it for me when I get older so I can fit it. My father died before I got to even dance in it with him, I always hope my mother and father are up there and looking over me.

I hear a knock on my door, before I could say anything, they had already opened the door. "Jungkook..." I smile slightly, he comes to me and cups my face, "Why are you crying?" I touch my face, I didn't even realize that I had cried, I shake my head and smile heartly. "I just remembered something sad then I happened to cry" I explain, he nods his head.

I turn around and look into the mirror, I hold the dress up to me and check if I look good in it. Jungkook wraps his arms around me and snuggles his head into my neck, "You look beautiful, even if you don't really have the dress on" Jungkook says to me, I smile shyly. "I'm going to Yang Yang's birthday with you right?" Jungkook asks me, I smile awkwardly at that. "I wasn't planning to take anybody with me... but if you want to come then you can" I answer, he smiles and kisses my cheek, making me look up in an instant. "I'll go with you, to keep you safe" Jungkook says to me, I blush and smile.


"Took you guys long" J Hope says to us then looks at us, "You didn't do anything right?" J Hope questions me, I shake my head and smile, "Jungkook was helping me pick out a dress" I explain, "For what? Your date?" V questions, "Yang Yang's birthday, it's today and I'm going with her, only" Jungkook explains.

After eating I head upstairs because... well the others... start to have a pillow fight and I'm not getting in that mess, and I'M not cleaning that mess.

I hear a knock and again, before I can answer, they walk in.

"Jungkook take all that off!" I yell at him, he's covered in feathers everywhere. "Arasso" he starts shaking it off, my jaw drops as it goes all over my floor. Jungkook looks at me in confusion, "You said to take it off" I glare at him and cross my arms, "Yeah... but not in my room!" I yell, he smiles cheekishly, "Mian Jagi, I didn't mean to" he bites his tounge a little at the end, I'm still not used to the Jagi thing, from him.

I sigh and sit on my bed, "Don't we have to go to Yang Yang's birthday?" Jungkook asks me, I look at him then the time, 5:56. I'll go in early to help or not. Mrs. Lang doesn't want me to come early though, I don't want to disrespect her orders so the party start at 7, I'll manage.

"Just wait for like 5 minutes or so then get ready" I tell him, "Are you gonna look pretty?" Jungkook asks me, I look at him in disbelieve, he wants me to wear makeup? This dude still don't know me yet.

"No you don't have to wear makeup, but at least put some gloss on" Jungkook says to me as if he could read my mind. Chapstick? I can live with that, I smile and nod my head.

He comes and pulls me up, "Yah bwo-ea!?" I yell, "Aren't you gonna get ready?" Jungkook questions me, I raise an eyebrow, he comes closer and smirks. "Unless... you want me to change you instead?" my eyes widen and push him away, "Andwae, get out pervert!" I yell, he chuckles and walks out the room.


"(Y/n)~, Jungkook's waiting~" I hear J Hope says, "Arasso I'm coming" I put my hair to my side and walk downstairs, having to hold my dress up a little so I can see where I step.

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